8 Finance Strategy, Capital Programme, Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2021/22 PDF 79 KB
A report by the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the Executive approves and recommends to the meeting of the Council to be held on 26 February 2021:
(a) the capital programme and financing of £53,902,000;
(b) an overall revised revenue budget for 2020/21 of £9,606,500;
(c) a revenue budget for 2021/22 of £10,271,900;
(d) a council tax for Fareham Borough Council for 2021/22 of £170.22 per band D property, which represents a £5.00 increase when compared to the current year and is within referendum limits; and
(e) an unchanged Council Tax Support scheme for 2021/22
At the invitation of the Executive Leader, Councillor L Keeble addressed the Executive on this item.
A revised page 11 of the agenda pack was tabled at the meeting to show a corrected estimate figure of £2,731,105 for retained business rates and grants; a corrected total amount of £7,456,402 due from the council tax payers; and the correct date of the February Council meeting. A revised page 21 of the agenda pack was also tabled to include the corrected figure of £7,456,402 at Appendix A of the report.
A revised page 16 of the agenda pack was tabled at the meeting to confirm that the net rates payable from National Non-Domestic rates for 2021/22 (after transitional arrangements and reliefs) is £ 43,985,447.
RESOLVED that the Executive approves and recommends to the meeting of the Council to be held on 26 February 2021:
(a) the capital programme and financing of £53,902,000;
(b) an overall revised revenue budget for 2020/21 of £9,606,500;
(c) a revenue budget for 2021/22 of £10,271,900;
(d) a council tax for Fareham Borough Council for 2021/22 of £170.22 per band D property, which represents a £5.00 increase when compared to the current year and is within referendum limits; and
(e) an unchanged Council Tax Support scheme for 2021/22