Young Citizen of the Year Award 2014 - 12-18 Year Old Category
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the Executive approves that no more than 2 candidates be selected from the attached nominations as Young Citizen of the Year (12-18 year olds).
RESOLVED that the Executive approves the selection of two of the candidates nominated, as Young Citizens of the Year (12-18 year olds).
Citizen of Honour (and Young Citizens of the Year)
A report by the Director of Community.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the Executive approves:
(a) the selection of four of the candidates nominated, to be formally recognised as Citizens of Honour 2014;
(b) the selection of one of the candidates nominated, as Young Citizen of the Year (4-11 year olds); and
(c) that the category for Young Citizen of the Year (12-18 year olds) be temporarily re-opened as the Executive were unable to differentiate between the candidates listed because the nomination reasons were the same for every nominee. Re-opening the category would allow the nominators to provide further details and for other nominations to come forward.
RESOLVED that the Executive approves:
(a) the selection of four of the candidates nominated, to be formally recognised as Citizens of Honour 2014;
(b) the selection of one of the candidates nominated, as Young Citizen of the Year (4-11 year olds); and
(c) that the category for Young Citizen of the Year (12-18 year olds) be temporarily re-opened as the Executive were unable to differentiate between the candidates listed because the nomination reasons were the same for every nominee. Re-opening the category would allow the nominators to provide further details and for other nominations to come forward.