10 Project Integra Action Plan 2014-17 PDF 93 KB
A report by the Director of Environmental Services.
Additional documents:
That the Executive approves the 2014-17 Project Integra partnership action plan as detailed in the briefing paper and appendices.
Councillor S D T Woodward a non-pecuniary interest for item 10(2) as he is appointed as a Hampshire County Council representative to the Project Integra Strategic Board. Councillor Woodward remained present at the meeting and took part in the discussion of the item.
Councillor L Keeble declared a non-pecuniary interest for item 10(2) as he is appointed as Fareham Borough Council’s representative to Project Integra and is the Chairman of the Strategic Board. Councillor Keeble remained present at the meeting and took part in the discussion of the item.
Councillor B Bayford declared a non-pecuniary interest for item 10(2) as he is appointed as Fareham Borough Council’s deputy representative to Project Integra. Councillor Bayford remained present at the meeting and took part in the discussion of the item.
RESOLVED that the Executive approves the 2014-17 Project Integra partnership action plan as detailed in the briefing paper and appendices.