8 Affordable Housing Development Opportunities PDF 1 MB
A report by the Director of Community.
That the Executive agrees to:
a) note the list of Council owned sites currently being considered for the delivery of new affordable housing, subject to the inclusion of Privett Road;
b) authorise the Director of Community to serve notice preventing the sale via the Right to Buy of all existing dwellings situated within the potential development sites listed in this report for a period of up to 5 years; and
c) grant permission for detailed feasibility work to be undertaken and for planning applications to be submitted as / when proposals have been finalised.
At the invitation of the Executive Leader, Councillor P W Whittle, JP addressed the Executive on this item.
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees to:
a) note the list of Council owned sites currently being considered for the delivery of new affordable housing, subject to the inclusion of Privett Road;
b) authorise the Director of Community to serve notice preventing the sale via the Right to Buy of all existing dwellings situated within the potential development sites listed in this report for a period of up to 5 years; and
c) grant permission for detailed feasibility work to be undertaken and for planning applications to be submitted as / when proposals have been finalised.