12 Broadcut Depot - Boundary Wall PDF 113 KB
A report by the Director of Finance and Resources.
That the Executive
a) approves Option 3, detailed at paragraph 14 of the report as the most suitable for taking down and rebuilding the Council’s wall adjacent to the Depot; and
b) notes the risk that the Council will also have to fund the cost to undertake civil engineering works required to install gabions if the ‘one off’ bid to the Treasury by Defra and the Environment Agency for additional funds is unsuccessful.
RESOLVED that the Executive
a) approves Option 3, detailed at paragraph 14 of the report as the most suitable for taking down and rebuilding the Council’s wall adjacent to the Depot; and
b) notes the risk that the Council will also have to fund the cost to undertake civil engineering works required to install gabions if the ‘one off’ bid to the Treasury by Defra and the Environment Agency for additional funds is unsuccessful.