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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies given for this meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 167 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of Executive held on 12 May 2014.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 12 May 2014 be confirmed and signed as correct record.


Executive Leader's Announcements


There were no Executive Leader’s announcements made at this meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct.


There were no Declarations of Interest made at this meeting.




There were no petitions presented at this meeting.



To receive any deputations, of which notice has been lodged.


There were no deputations made at this meeting.


Minutes / References from Other Committees

To receive any reference from the committees or panels held.



Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 22 April 2014 of Housing Tenancy Board pdf icon PDF 239 KB


RESOLVED that the Executive received the minutes of the Housing Tenancy Board held on 22 April 2014.


Appointment of Members to Areas of Responsibility

The Executive Leader is invited to appoint Executive Members to the areas of responsibility.


The Executive Leader confirmed that his decision to appoint Executive Members to their areas of responsibility, as advised at the Annual Council meeting on 29 May 2014 for the municipal year 2014/15 was as follows:


Planning and Development - Councillor K D Evans;

Leisure and Community - Councillor Mrs C L A Hockley;

Health and Housing - Councillor B Bayford;

Public Protection - Councillor T M Cartwright;

Streetscene - Councillor L Keeble; and

Policy and Resources - Councillor S D T Woodward.


Executive Appointments

To appoint Executive Members to the following bodies in 2014/15:-


(i)        Fareham Museum Joint Management Committee (In 2013/14, the Executive appointed Councillors Mrs C L A Hockley and B Bayford).


(ii)     Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee (In 2013/14, the Executive appointed Councillors K D Evans and L Keeble).


(NB. In the past, the Executive has not appointed ‘substitute’ members to this joint committee.  However, the Executive may, if it so wishes authorise other members of the Executive to act as deputies).


(iii)    Fareham and Gosport Building Control Members’ Panel – (In 2013/14, the Executive appointed Councillor T M Cartwright).


(v)     Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH)


As PUSH is a formal Joint Committee, the following appointments are required to be made by the Executive for 2014/15:-


(a)      Joint Committee representatives – (In 2012/13, the Borough Council’s representatives were: Executive Leader (Councillor S D T Woodward) and Deputy Executive Leader (Councillor T M Cartwright));


(b)      Sub-Group Meetings – (In 2013/14, the Borough Council’s representatives were the appropriate Executive Members (as relevant)); and

(c)       Meeting with Key Consultees and similar Consultation Meetings – (In 2013/14, the Borough Council’s representatives were Councillors S D T Woodward and T M Cartwright).

(vi)    CCTV Partnership:


(In 2013/14, the Executive appointed Councillor T M Cartwright).


(vii)   Fareham and Gosport Environmental Health Partnership Panel

(In 2013/14, the Borough Council's representative was Councillor T M Cartwright).





RESOLVED to appoint Executive Members to the following bodies for 2014/15:-


(i)        Fareham Museum Joint Management Committee - Councillors Mrs C L A Hockley and B Bayford;


(ii)     Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee - Councillors K D Evans and L Keeble;

          (NB. In the past, the Executive has not appointed ‘substitute’ members to this joint committee.  However, the Executive may, if it so wishes authorise other members of the Executive to act as deputies)


(iii)    Fareham and Gosport Building Control Members’ Panel –Councillor K D Evans;


(v)     Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH)


As PUSH is a formal Joint Committee, the following appointments are required to be made by the Executive for 2014/15:-


(a)      Joint Committee representatives – Executive Leader (Councillor S D T Woodward) and Deputy Executive Leader (Councillor T M Cartwright);


(b)      Sub-Group Meetings –the appropriate Executive Members (as relevant); and

(c)       Meeting with Key Consultees and similar Consultation Meetings –Councillors S D T Woodward and T M Cartwright.

(vi)      CCTV Partnership - Councillor T M Cartwright.


(vii)     Fareham and Gosport Environmental Health Partnership Panel -  Councillor T M Cartwright.


Leisure and Community


Award of Contract - Bath Lane Changing Rooms pdf icon PDF 93 KB

A report by the Director of Community.

Additional documents:


At the invitation of the Executive Leader, Councillor Mrs K K Trott addressed the Executive on this item.


RESOLVED that the Executive agrees:


(a)          to award a contract to Hampshire Partitioning Contracts for the sum of £464,270.76 for the extension and refurbishment of the sports changing rooms at the Bath Lane Recreation Ground; and


(b)          that the capital budget for the changing rooms element of the project be increased by £44,000 to a total of £444,000.



Planning and Development


Community Infrastructure Levy Review - Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule pdf icon PDF 190 KB

A report by the Director of Planning and Development.

Additional documents:


RESOVLED that the Executive approves that:


(a)       the First Review Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule consultation document (as set out at Appendix A) be published for a six week consultation period in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended);


(b)       the Director of Planning and Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Environment, be authorised to make any necessary minor changes to the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule consultation document prior to publication for consultation; and


(c)       the proposed timetable for the review of CIL, set out in the accompanying Executive Briefing Paper, be approved.


Welborne Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document - Draft for Consultation pdf icon PDF 115 KB

A report by the Director of Planning and Development.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Executive approves:


(a)  the Draft Welborne Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document, as set out in Appendix A, be published for a six-week public consultation;


(b)  the Director of Planning and Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Development, be authorised to make any necessary minor changes to the Design Guidance, prior to publication, providing that these do not change the overall direction, shape or emphasis of the document, and do not raise any significant new issues; and


(c)  the Draft Welborne Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document be endorsed as interim guidance to be afforded due weight in the determination of planning applications at the Welborne site.



Welborne Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document - Draft for Consultation pdf icon PDF 118 KB

A report by the Director of Planning and Development.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Executive approves that:


(a)  the Draft Welborne Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document, as set out in Appendix A, be published for a six-week public consultation;


(b)  the Director of Planning and Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Development and Executive Member for Health and Housing, be authorised to make any necessary minor changes to the document, prior to publication, providing that these do not change the overall direction, shape or emphasis of the document, and do not raise any significant new issues; and


(c)  the Draft Welborne Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document be endorsed as interim guidance to be afforded due weight in the determination of planning applications at Welborne site.



Fareham Borough Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (excluding Welborne) - Draft for Consultation pdf icon PDF 101 KB

A report by the Director of Planning and Development.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Executive approves that:


(a)  the Draft Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document for the Borough of Fareham (Excluding Welborne), as set out in Appendix A, be published for a six-week public consultation;


(b)  the Director of Planning and Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Development and Executive Member for Health and Housing, be authorised to make any necessary minor changes to the document, prior to publication, providing that these do not change the overall direction, shape or emphasis of the document, and do not raise any significant new issues; and


(c)  the Draft Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document for the Borough of Fareham (Excluding Welborne) be endorsed as interim guidance to be afforded due weight in the determination of planning applications across the Borough.



Policy and Resources


Matched Funding Report pdf icon PDF 160 KB

A report by the Director of Finance and Resources.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Executive agrees:


(a)  that matched funding of up to £25,000 be awarded for Holy Rood Church; and


(b)  that matched funding of up to £9,800 be awarded for Portchester Community School.



Exclusion of Public and Press

To consider whether it is in the public interest to exclude the public and representatives of the Press from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that the matters to be dealt with involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


RESOLVED that in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 the Public and Press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting, as the Executive considers that it is not in the public interest to consider the matters in public on the grounds that they will involve the disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.


Policy and Resources


Business Rate Relief Application - The Rowans Hospice Trading Company Ltd

A report by the Director of Finance and Resources.


RESOLVED that the applicant, The Rowans Hospice Trading Company Ltd, be advised the relief cannot be granted in respect of the properties in question.


Tenders - Six Monthly Report

A report by the Director of Finance and Resources.



RESOLVED that details of all tenders received and contracts awarded during the six month period ending 6th April 2014, as set out in Appendix A to this report, be noted.





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