Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies of absence were received at the meeting. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel meeting held on the 01 November 2023. Minutes: Members queried Minute item 9 – Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel Priorities, as it states that an update on the Welborne Garden Village would be brought to the next meeting of the Panel but is not on tonight’s agenda. The Director of Planning and Regeneration confirmed that this meeting was convened especially to consider the Affordable Housing SPD item so a Welborne Delivery Update will be brought to the next meeting on the 29 February 2024.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel meeting held on the 01 November 2023 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman made no announcements at the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest and Disclosures of Advice or Directions To receive any declarations of interest from Members in accordance with the Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct and disclosures of advice or directions received from Group Leaders or Political Groups, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged. Minutes: No deputations were received at the meeting. |
Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document To receive an Executive report on the Council’s Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel received an Executive report on the Council’s Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which is to be considered by the Executive on the on the 05 February 2024. Both the Executive report and SPD have been developed collaboratively by both the Planning and Housing Services. Officers from both services presented the report and supporting presentation to Members. A copy of the presentation is appended to these Minutes.
The Chairman invited Councillor Mrs K Mandry to join the discussion on this item as Chairman of the Housing Scrutiny Panel. Councillors Mrs C Hockley and R Bird also joined in discussions on this item.
Members from both the Planning and Development and Housing Scrutiny Panels took part in a lengthy discussion covering many different areas of the draft Affordable Housing SPD. The key topics were around the design and parking elements of development schemes and how the SPD can help to assist applicants from an early stage to create affordable housing where community integration is paramount. Officers explained that although each site is different the SPD seeks to provide clarity on the Council’s requirements, setting out clear and transparent expectations to assist applicants through the planning process and help deliver affordable housing across the Borough.
Members from both Panels were very complementary of the draft Affordable Housing SPD and recommend that the Executive approve the document for public consultation.
RESOLVED that the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel:-
a) note the contents of the Executive Report; and
b) recommend that the Executive approve the document for public consultation at their meeting on the 05 February 2024. .
Planning Strategy Update To consider an update from the Head of Planning on prevailing planning strategy matters.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received a presentation from the Head of Planning, updating Members on relevant Planning Strategy matters including the recent publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), an update on the Community Infrastructure Levy and the Planning Obligations SPD which is recommended for adoption at the 05 February Executive. A copy of the presentation is appended to these Minutes.
The Senior Planner (Strategy) began the presentation by updating Members on the details of the recently published NPPF and how the key changes effect Fareham. Although Fareham is in a good position due to the adoption of the Local Plan 2037, Members expressed frustration over the methods for calculating housing requirement by Central Government. Officers explained that a letter has been sent to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities highlighting that Fareham’s Housing Delivery Test recently published results had been incorrectly calculated and requesting that corrected Housing Delivery Test results be published. It was also highlighted that there are prospects of housing numbers increasing over the coming year, with several large developments going through the planning process. The Panel were advised that the Government is still to publish a great deal of further detail to be included within the NPPF in due course.
The Principal Planner (Strategy) provided an update on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) following an independent examination in September 2023. The Director of Planning and Regeneration addressed the Panel to confirm that although the results of the examination were not straight forward, work is underway to move forward, following further consultation with interested parties, with a report to be brought to the Executive and Council over the coming months to approve a new CIL Charging Schedule.
RESOLVED that Members note the contents of the presentation. |
To consider any items of business dealt with by the Executive since the last meeting of the Panel, that falls under the remit of Planning and Development Portfolio. This will include any decisions taken by individual Members during the same time period.
Minutes: There were no items of Executive Business for the Panel to consider. |
Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel Priorities To provide an opportunity for Members to consider the scrutiny priorities for the Planning and Development Panel. Minutes: The Chairman invited Members of the Panel to consider the Scrutiny Priorities for the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel.
The Director of Planning and Regeneration addressed the Panel to advise that an item on the Welborne Garden Village delivery will be brought to the next scheduled meeting, along with a report on the Council’s Environmental Position Statement before being considered by the Executive on the 04 March 2024.
RESOLVED that Members considered their Scrutiny Priorities. |