To seek Executive approval for additional capital budget to be made available to the Capital Programme for the purpose of acquisitions or other forms of provision that will provide emergency and temporary accommodation opportunities.
The provision of emergency and temporary accommodation is a statutory function of the authority. Costs of providing this are primarily met through the General Fund. The overall expenditure on this by the Council has increased dramatically in recent years. This is reflective of similar trends experiences at other district and unitary authorities.
To mitigate this unsustainable and rising cost it is proposed that further capital budget is made available to allow for property acquisitions or long lease arrangements which will provide a more cost-effective solution. Council provided accommodation in the Borough will often also be better for our customers, decreasing the reliance on B&B use outside of the Borough, and providing accommodation with access to cooking and laundry facilities.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Deleted
Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/12/2023
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Decision due: 8 Jan 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Housing
Lead director: Director of Housing
Contact: Robyn Lyons, Director of Housing Email:
Background Papers: None