The report sets out the results of the recent Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) engagement exercise for the Draft off-street Parking Places (Amendment 8) Order. The Amendment Order sets out proposals to incorporate the new surface car park on the existing Osborn Road multi-storey car park site in the Off-Street Parking Order, as well as name changes to two car parks in the Borough.
The Executive meeting on 18 September 2023 agreed that the following changes should be applied to the existing Off-Street Parking Order:
a. Change the name of Wicor Recreation Car Park to Wicor Car Park;
b. Change the name of Ferneham Hall Car Park to Fareham Live Car Park;
c. Remove references to the Osborn Road Multi Storey Car Park which is to be closed and demolished;
d. Incorporate the proposed new surface car park at Osborn Road into the Fareham Live Car Park and ensure that it is included within The Borough of Fareham (Off Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2017; and
e. Update the plan for Fareham Live Car Park.
The statutory process to inform the public of these changes took place through the Draft Off-Street Parking Places (Amendment 8) Order consultation which ran from 27 October 2023 to 24 November 2023.
The proposed order and details of how to take part were placed on the Council’s website. A notice was published in the Hampshire Independent and consultees including Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire County Council, the Road Haulage Association and the Freight Transport Association were contacted. Public notices were sited in each of the affected car parks (Ferneham Hall Car Park is currently close, but notices were sited on the perimeter).
Hampshire County Council responded to confirm that they had no objections to the Amendment Order. No other responses were received.
If the Amended Off-Street Parking Places (Amendment 8) Order is approved, revised signage will be put in place in Wicor Cark Park and across the three areas of Fareham Live Car-Park (including the new surface car park on the site of the existing Osborn Road Multi-Storey Car Park). New solar pay-and-display machines will be purchased to support enforcement on the new surface car park. The Council’s website will be updated to ensure that parking information reflects the amended Off-Street Parking Places (Amendment 8) Order. Changes will come into effect on 02 February 2024.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/12/2023
Decision due: 8 Jan 2024 by Executive Member for Health and Public Protection
Lead member: Executive Member for Health and Public Protection
Contact: Kat Hillman Email:
Local residents, Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire County Council , The Road Haulage Association, Freight Transport Association.
Background Papers: None