Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To present a proposal to introduce marked bays at Meon Shore Car Park to improve the availability of spaces and aid enforcement at the site.
The introduction of hourly charging at coastal car parks and the principle of annual season tickets were both approved by the Executive on 07 September 2020. However, a proposal to introduce the clear marking of parking bays at Meon Shore was rejected, following representations at the meeting.
Following the introduction of coastal charging in August 2021, there have been ongoing issues with larger vans and motorhomes blocking parking access to other vehicles as well as instances of inconsiderate parking on the gravel section of Meon Shore car park.
This report proposes the introduction of marked bays at the site to improve the availability of spaces and to allow Parking Enforcement Officers to issue Penalty Charge Notices to inconsiderate parkers.
RESOLVED that the Executive approves works to provide marked parking bays at Meon Shore car park at a cost of £16,500.
Report author: Lindsey Ansell
Publication date: 18/05/2022
Date of decision: 16/05/2022
Decided at meeting: 16/05/2022 - Executive
Effective from: 28/05/2022
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