12 Energy Rebate Discretionary Policy PDF 239 KB
A report by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees that:
(a) the key principles to be followed when designing the Energy Rebate Discretionary Policy, as outlined in paragraph 12, are approved for adoption in Fareham;
(b) authority is delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, following consultation with the Executive Member for Policy and Resources, to approve the detail of the Policy and any subsequent amendments that are needed; and
(c) this delegation extends to any further government schemes designed to assist households with the rising cost of living, which the government requests the Council to deliver by a stated deadline, and which have a discretionary element as to who are the recipients of that support.
Where the Deputy Chief Executive Officer considers it in the best interests of the local residents to deviate significantly from the government guidance on their preferences as to who are the recipients of that support, and what support they receive, the proposed scheme will first be reported to the Executive for decision.
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees that:
(a) the key principles to be followed when designing the Energy Rebate Discretionary Policy, as outlined in paragraph 12, are approved for adoption in Fareham;
(b) authority is delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, following consultation with the Executive Member for Policy and Resources, to approve the detail of the Policy and any subsequent amendments that are needed; and
(c) this delegation extends to any further government schemes designed to assist households with the rising cost of living, which the government requests the Council to deliver by a stated deadline, and which have a discretionary element as to who are the recipients of that support.
Where the Deputy Chief Executive Officer considers it in the best interests of the local residents to deviate significantly from the government guidance on their preferences as to who are the recipients of that support, and what support they receive, the proposed scheme will first be reported to the Executive for decision.