Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Tel: 01329 236100
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: An apology of absence was received from Councillor Miss J Burton. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: There were no Chairman’s announcements made at this meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged. Minutes: The Committee received a deputation from the following in respect of the application indicated and were thanked accordingly.
Planning applications and Miscellaneous Matters including an update on Planning Appeals To consider a report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration on development control matters, including information regarding new planning appeals and decisions. Minutes: The Committee noted a report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration on the development control matters, including information on new planning appeals and decisions. |
P/23/1644/RM - WELBORNE - VILLAGE CENTRE LAND NORTH OF FAREHAM Minutes: The Committee received the deputation referred to in Minute 4 above.
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Update Report which provided the following information: -
Welborne, Land North of Fareham
The Highway Authority, Hampshire County Council, have confirmed that the issue of cycle visibility splays at vehicle accesses on the North/South Secondary Street has been satisfactorily addressed by the updated highway drawings provided by the applicant. With this in mind the Officer recommendation at paragraph 10.1 is amended accordingly to remove the first bullet point which it was made ‘subject to’.
The conditions referred to at paragraph 10.2 of the Officer Committee Report are as follows:
1. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved documents:
1) Site Boundary - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00001.S4-P03 2) A-100 - Village Centre - Proposed Site Plan RevR 3) A-101 - Village Centre - Unit Mix and Tenure Plan RevR 4) A-102 - Village Centre - Parking Strategy Plan RevR 5) A-103 - Village Centre - Storey Height Plan RevR 6) A-104 - Village Centre - Proposed EV Charging Point Location RevR 7) A-105 - Village Centre - Refuse Strategy Plan RevR 8) A-106 - Village Centre - Materials Plan RevR 9) A-107 - Village Centre - Use Plan RevR 10) Landscape General Arrangement Plan - DD557L20 Rev F 11) General Arrangement (GA) Overview - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00108.S4 Rev P04 12) General Arrangement 1 - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00101.S4-P05 GA Sheet 1 13) General Arrangement 2 - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00102.S4-P05 GA Sheet 2 14) General Arrangement 3 - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00103.S4-P05 GA Sheet 3 15) General Arrangement 4 - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00104.S4-P04 GA Sheet 4 16) General Arrangement 5 - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00105.S4-P05 GA Sheet 5 17) General Arrangement 6 - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00106.S4-P03 GA Sheet 6 18) General Arrangement 7 - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00107 19) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00701.S4-P04 Levels Layout 1 20) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00702.S4-P04 Levels Layout 2 21) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00703.S4-P05 Levels Layout 3 22) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00704.S4-P03 Levels Layout 4 23) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00705.S4-P04 Levels Layout 5 24) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00706.S4-P04 Levels Layout 6 25) Levels Sheet 7 - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CH-00707 26) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CD-00501.S4-P04 Drainage Layout 1 27) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CD-00502.S4-P04 Drainage Layout 2 28) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CD-00503.S4-P05 Drainage Layout 3 29) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CD-00504.S4-P03 Drainage Layout 4 30) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CD-00505.S4-P04 Drainage Layout 5 31) WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CD-00506.S4-P03 Drainage Layout 6 32) Drainage and Utilities Sheet 7 - WEL-PBF-VC-XX-DR-CD-00507 33) A-200 - Village Centre - Street elevations AA' and BB' RevH 34) A-201 Village Centre - Street elevations CC and DD RevH 35) A-300 Village Centre - Plot 1-2 - Plans and Elevations RevH 36) A-301 Village Centre - Plot 3-4 - Plans and Elevations RevH 37) A-302 Village Centre - Plot 5 - Plans and Elevations RevH 38) A-303 Village Centre - Plot 5 HoG - Plans and Elevations RevH 39) A-304 Village Centre - Building GH - Plans RevH 40) A-305 Village Centre - Building GH - Plans RevH 41) A-306 Village Centre - Building GH - Elevations RevH 42) A-307 Village Centre - Plot 16 - Plans and Elevations RevH 43) A-308 Village Centre - Plot 17-19 - Plans and Elevations RevH 44) A-309 Village Centre - Plot 16-19 Car Barn RevH 45) A-310 Village Centre - Building E - Plans RevI 46) A-311 Village Centre - Building E - Plans RevI 47) A-312 Village Centre - Building E - Elevations RevI 48) A-313 Village Centre - Building F - Plans RevH 49) A-314 Village Centre - Building F - Elevations RevH 50) A-315 Village Centre - Building D - Plans and Elevations RevH 51) A-316 Village Centre - Building C - Plans and Elevations RevH 52) A-317 Village Centre - Building B - Plans and Elevations RevH 53) A-318 Village Centre - Building A - Plans RevH 54) A-319 Village Centre - Building A - Elevations RevH 55) A-320 Village Centre - Building I - Plans RevH 56) A-321 Village Centre - Building I - Elevations RevH 57) A-322 Village Centre - Building JL - Plans RevH 58) A-323 Village Centre - Building JL - Plans RevH 59) A-324 Village Centre - Building JL - Elevations RevH 60) A-325 Village Centre - Building M - Plans And Elevations RevH 61) A-326 Village Centre - Building N - Plans And Elevations RevH 62) A-327 Village Centre - Building O - Plans RevH 63) A-328 Village Centre - Building O - Plans RevH 64) A-329 Village Centre - Building O - Elevations RevH 65) A-330 Village Centre - Plot 63 - Plans And Elevations RevH 66) A-331 Village Centre - Plot 64 - Plans And Elevations RevH 67) A-332 Village Centre - Plot 65 - Plans And Elevations RevH 68) A-333 Village Centre - Plot 66-67 - Plans And Elevations RevH 69) A-334 Village Centre - Plot 68 - Plans And Elevations RevH 70) A-335 Village Centre - Plot 68 HoG - Plans And Elevations RevH 71) A-336 Village Centre - Plot 69-70 - Plans And Elevations RevH 72) A-337 Village Centre - Plot 71 - Plans And Elevations RevH 73) A-338 Village Centre - Car Barns - Plans And Elevations RevH 74) A-339 Village Centre - Ancillary Buildings - A1 B1 C1 & C2 RevH 75) A-340 Village Centre - Ancillary Buildings - O1 Market Shelter & Substation RevH 76) Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy Compliance Statement - June 24 77) Construction Environmental Management Plan - 240628 FINAL Rev 1 ISSUED 78) Arboricultural Method Statement V5 Complete - JFA0173VC - 2024-06-28 79) Jigsaw Plan - DD557J09D_CHB_A3_BES 80) Tree Strategy Plan - DD557L21D_CHB 81) Lighting layout Staggered Junction - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13005-S3-P07 82) Village Centre, Welborne (RM) - Transport Statement Part 2 Apps Bii - G (Bound) 164.0051TS7 83) Village Centre, Welborne (RM) - Transport Statement Part 1 Report + Apps A - Bi (Bound) 164.0051TS7 84) Village Centre, Welborne - Construction Traffic Management Plan - 164.0051CTMP7 85) Ecological Impact Assessment - 27-06-24 86) Street Lighting details - staggered junction - Private Lighting Layout Plan - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13009-S3-P01 87) Street Lighting details - staggered junction - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-CA-EO-13026-S3-P01 88) Street Lighting details - staggered junction - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-CA-EO-13025-S3-P01 89) Street Lighting details - staggered junction - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-CA-EO-13010-S3-P01 90) Street lighting details - staggered junction - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-CA-EO-13009-S3-P01 91) Street Lighting details - staggered junction - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-CA-EO-13008-S3-P01 92) Street Lighting details - Staggered Junction - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-CA-EO-13007-S3-P06 93) Street Lighting details - electrical schematic plan - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-SC-EO-14001-S3-P01 94) Street Lighting details - Design Summary Report - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-RP-EO-13005-S3-P02 95) Street Lighting details - staggered junction Private Lighting Design report - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-RP-EO-13006-S3-P01 96) Village Centre Housing Statement Feb 24 97) Village Centre, Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy - 164.5051.FRADS.2 CH-B 98) WEL-PBF-HB-XX-DR-CH-09001.S4.P02 Levels Raising Eng Layout 99) WEL-PBF-HB-XX-DR-CH-09601.S4-P01 Levels Raising Isopachyte 100) Knowle Road Egress. - WEL-PBF-KR-XX-DR-CH-07201.S4-P02 101) Welborne Geophysical Report - Part 1 102) Welborne Geophysical Report – Part 2 103) Welborne Geophysical Report - Part 3 104) Welborne Geophysical Report - Part 4 105) Welborne Geophysical Report - Part 5 106) Lighting - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13004-S3-P05 107) Contaminated Land Report - Area 1-B Omnia Phase II V2 Issue 1.6.23 108) Contaminated Land Report - Area 5 Phase II Issue 1.6.23 109) Contaminated Land Report - Area E Phase II Issue 1.6.23 110) Contaminated Land Report - Area VC Omnia Phase II_Part1 111) Contaminated Land Report - Area VC Omnia Phase II_Part2 112) Energy and Sustainability Statement - Welborne Village Centre - Rev1 113) Contamination Report - J23-041-R01 - Area 5 - RS JUL23 V2 114) Private car parking lighting - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13010-S2-P01 115) Landscape Plan - Typical Tree Pit Details DD557D04 116) Shadow Appropriate Assessment (updated March 2024) 117) Nitrogen Budgets Supporting Information for Appropriate Assessment (updated February 2024)
REASON: To avoid any doubt over what has been permitted.
2. No development of any building hereby permitted shall proceed beyond damp proof course level until details of all proposed external facing materials (including providing access to samples where requested by the Local Planning Authority) have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing for that building. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To secure the high quality appearance of the development.
3. None of the public spaces shall be brought into use until details of all proposed street furniture, including bollards, seating etc. (including providing access to samples where requested by the Local Planning Authority) have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To secure the high quality appearance of the development.
4. None of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until details of the layout of the public open space to the south of Knowle Road have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted details shall be broadly consistent with the indicative design and specification of this open space provided on the approved Landscape General Arrangement Plan (rev F) and shall include, but need not be limited to, details of tree planting, seating opportunities, informal and mown grass areas and pedestrian connection links from the village centre to the southern cycle and pedestrian link. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To secure the high quality appearance of the development; to provide suitable public open space to meet the needs of local residents of the Village Centre; in the interests of good pedestrian connectivity.
5. None of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until a plan of the position, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected to all boundaries has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Furthermore, no individual dwelling shall be occupied until the approved boundary treatment for that dwelling has been fully implemented. The approved boundary treatments shall thereafter be retained at all times unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To protect the privacy of the occupiers of the neighbouring property, to prevent overlooking, and to ensure the high quality appearance of the development.
6. No dwelling, hereby approved, shall be first occupied until the approved parking spaces (including car barns where appropriate but not garages) and turning areas (where appropriate) for that property have been constructed in accordance with the approved details and made available for use. These areas shall thereafter be kept available for the parking and turning of vehicles at all times unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning application for that purpose.
REASON: To ensure appropriate parking provision is made and retained at all times following the occupation of those dwellings; to reduce the demand for on-street parking as a result of inadequate allocated parking spaces and in the interests of highway safety.
7. The car barns hereby approved shall not be enclosed or have doors added, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning application for that purpose.
REASON: To ensure appropriate parking provision is retained at all times following the occupation of those dwellings; to reduce the demand for on-street parking as a result of inadequate allocated parking spaces and in the interests of highway safety.
8. At no time shall a roof void within any of the dwellings hereby approved be used to increase the floorspace of the gross internal area of that dwelling (when compared with the floorplans hereby approved) unless first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning application.
REASON: To ensure appropriate parking provision is made and retained at all times following the occupation of those dwellings; to reduce the demand for on-street parking as a result of inadequate allocated parking spaces and in the interests of highway safety.
9. The first floor bathroom window proposed to be inserted into the northern elevation of the dwelling at Plot 68 shall be:
a) Obscure-glazed; and
b) Of a non-opening design and construction to a height of 1.7 metres above internal finished floor level; and shall thereafter be retained in that condition at all times.
REASON: To prevent overlooking and to protect the privacy of the occupiers of the adjacent property.
10. Following the commencement of development, at no time during the lifetime of the development permitted pursuant to this reserved matters approval shall the land edged in yellow and labelled as “Offset for Village Centre” on the plan at paragraph 6.10 of the approved Shadow Appropriate Assessment (updated March 2024) be used for agriculture or for any other use that would produce a nitrogen saving of less than 9.82 kg/TN (as set out in the final column of Table 2 at paragraph 4.11 of the approved document “Nitrogen Budgets Supporting Information for Appropriate Assessment updated February 2024”).
REASON: To demonstrate that suitable mitigation has been secured in relation to the effect that nitrates from the development has on the Protected Sites around The Solent.
11. None of the development hereby permitted shall be occupied until a timetable, setting out the phasing of the implementation of the landscaping details hereby approved, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved landscaping details shall be implemented and completed according to the approved timetable and maintained in accordance with the agreed schedule. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from first planting, are removed, die or, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced, within the next available planting season, with others of the same species, size and number as originally approved.
REASON: To ensure the provision, establishment and maintenance of a standard of landscaping.
12. Before the occupation of the 800th residential unit approved pursuant to P/17/0266/OA, an application will be submitted to the Highway Authority to undertake the delivery of a controlled crossing, linking the green link across North Woods Avenue, with a copy also submitted to the local planning authority pursuant to this condition. The precise form and design of this crossing will be detailed within this application. The crossing shall be carried out in full in accordance with the approved details before the occupation of the 1,000th dwelling, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.
REASON: To provide satisfactory connectivity and pedestrian priority in order to promote active travel modes and sustainability, in line with LT/120 and Sport England’s Active Design Guidance.
13. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced for a period of at least 21 days from the date of this decision.
REASON: In accordance with the requirements of Section 28I of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation: -
(i) Subject to:
· Consideration by the Head of Planning of any comments received from Natural England in response to the consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment and consideration of any additional conditions or modifications to the proposed conditions that they may recommend.
(ii) APPROVE reserved matters and details pursuant to conditions 17, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 37, 38 and 39 of the outline permission, subject to the conditions in the Update Report.
(iii) DELEGATE authority to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. Was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)
RESOLVED that: -
(i) Subject to:
· Consideration by the Head of Planning of any comments received from Natural England in response to the consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment and consideration of any additional conditions or modifications to the proposed conditions that they may recommend. Then
(ii) Reserved matters and details pursuant to conditions 17, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 37, 38 and 39 of the outline permission, subject to the conditions in the Update Report be APPROVED. Then
(iii) AUTHORITY BE DELEGATED to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. |
Minutes: The Update Report was circulated prior to the meeting and considered alongside the relevant agenda items. |