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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices

Contact: Democratic Services  Tel: 01329 236100

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology of absence was received from Councillor B Bayford.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 298 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 22 April 2015.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 22 April 2015 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Chairman's Announcements


There were no Chairman’s Announcements.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting.



To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged.


The Committee received a deputation from the following in respect of the applications indicated and were thanked accordingly.



Spokesperson representing the persons listed


Supporting or Opposing the Application

Minute No/ Application No/Page No







ZONE 1 – 2pm










ZONE 2 – 2pm










ZONE 3 – 2pm





Mr N Waites


Meon Cross School, Land east of Burnt House Lane, Fareham


Item 4


Page 23

Ms M Hefford


32 Heritage Gardens, Fareham – Change of use of landscape area to private residential garden, erection of 1.15m high posts as support for new hedge planting, erection of garden shed and extension of existing hard surfaced area


Item 5


Page 34

Mr C Ward







Planning applications and Miscellaneous Matters including an update on Planning Appeals

To consider a report by the Director of Planning and Development on development control matters, including information regarding new planning appeals and decisions.


The Committee noted a report by the Director of Planning and Development on the development control matter applications and miscellaneous matters, including information on Planning Appeals. An Update Report was tabled at the meeting.


P/15/0292/FP - 25 PARK LANE FAREHAM HAMPSHIRE PO16 7LE pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions in the report, was voted on and CARRIED.

(Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)


RESOLVED that, subject to the conditions in the report, PLANNING PERMISSION be granted.




Upon being proposed and seconded, the officer recommendation to grant consent to reduce 1 oak tree by 1-2 metres back to the boundary protected by Tree Preservation Order 565, subject to the conditions in the report, was voted on and CARRIED.

(Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)


RRSOLVED that, subject to the conditions in the report, the application to reduce 1 oak tree by 1-2 metres back to the boundary protected by Tree Preservation Order 565 be GRANTED.


P/15/0366/FP - 62 BELVOIR CLOSE FAREHAM PO16 0PP pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions in the report, was voted on and CARRIED.

(Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)


RESOLVED that, subject to the conditions in the report, PLANNING PERMISSION be granted.




The Committee received the deputation referred to in minute 5 above.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Mrs Mandry addressed the Committee on this item.


The Committee attention was drawn to the Update Report which provided the following information:- within the main agenda there are some duplicated conditions. These are to be removed.


The report recommends that a lockable bollard is to be installed to the road. It may be necessary to incorporate 2 bollards, depending on the width of the road. Condition no. 5 has been amended accordingly.


For ease, the full recommendation is provided below with amended conditions and the correct numbering:


PERMISSION subject to conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with the procedures set out in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010 and Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Planning, design and Access Statement prepared by Macdonald Planning Consultancy

Proposed summer site plan Drawing no. 101:14:P03C

Proposed winter site plan Drawing no. 101:14:P02C

Flood Risk Assessment dated March 2015 prepared by Ambiental Technical Solutions Ltd

Surface Water Drainage Strategy dated March 2015 prepared by Ambiental Technical Solutions Ltd

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3. The measures contained within the surface water drainage strategy prepared by Ambiental Technical Solutions Ltd shall be implemented prior to the use of the site as a sports pitch and shall be adhered and maintained to at all times thereafter.

Reason: To prevent flooding of the site and adjacent area; in accordance with policy CS15 of the adopted Fareham Borough Core Strategy.


4. Before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, a parking management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The management plan shall contain the following details:

- Details of members of the management group

- Frequency of meetings of management group

- Ways in which visitors will be informed of where to park

- Ways in which parking is monitored when visitors are invited to play against Meoncross on their pitches

- Strategy for dealing with people who don’t park in the campus

- List of residents who will be invited to participate in the management group’s review of the plan

The approved management plan shall be adhered to thereafter.

Reason: To ensure active monitoring of parking within the school; in accordance with policy CS5 of the adopted Fareham Borough Core Strategy.


5. Before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, details of a lockable bollard/s is/are to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The bollard/s shall be retained thereafter in accordance with the approved details prior to the first use of the playing field.

REASON: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties; in accordance with emerging policy DSP4 of the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies.


6. Before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, details of improvements to the section of Burnt House Lane that links Meoncross School to the site, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved alterations to the road shall be implemented prior to the use of the site as sports pitches.

Reason: To ensure that the road is repaired to a satisfactory standard; in accordance with policy CS5 of the Fareham Borough Core Strategy.


7. Before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, details of signage regarding parking and access onto Burnt House Lane is to be submitted to approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved signage shall be erected prior to the use of the sports pitches and shall be retained thereafter in perpetuity.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties; in accordance with emerging policy DSP4 of the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies.


8.The site shall be used only as a sports pitch and for no other purpose whatsoever.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties; in accordance with emerging policy DSP4 of the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies.


9. The use of the sports pitch hereby approved shall be between 09:00 and 18:00 hours Monday to Friday, between the hours of 09:00 and 13:00 on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays or Bank  or Public Holidays.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties; in accordance with emerging policy DSP4 of the Local Plan part 2: Development Sites and Policies.


10. No megaphones or other sound amplifying equipment to be used within the site.

Reason: To protect to amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties; in accordance with emerging policy DSP4 of the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Polices.


11. No external lighting shall be installed on the site.

Reason: To protect the rural character of the area and to avoid any disturbance to bats; in accordance policies CS4 and CS14 of the Fareham Borough Core Strategy and emerging policy DSP53 of the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies.


12. Before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, details of the hedging to be planted on the outside of the perimeter fence, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved hedging shall be planted before the site is brought into use. Any hedging plants that die or become, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously defective, shall be replaced within the next available planting season with others of the same species, size and number as originally approved.

Reason: To protect the rural character of the area and to increase biodiversity; in accordance with Policies CS4 and CS14 of the Fareham Borough Core Strategy and emerging policy DSP53 of the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies.


The Committee were also verbally updated that Condition 5 be further amended as follows:


5. Before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, details of a lockable bollard/s is/are to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority together with any details of any Consents/Orders required under either Section 247 or 248 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as required). The bollard/s shall be retained thereafter in accordance with the approved details prior to the first use of the playing field.

REASON: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties; in accordance with the emerging policy DSP4 of the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies.


Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions in the report and updates and as amended to include:


(i) the fence being a maximum height of 1 metre;


(ii) the hedge being a minimum height of 1 metre;


(iii) the sports pitch to only be used by the school and associated visiting teams;


(iv) if the sports pitches cease to be used by the school then the land reverts back to agricultural land;


(v) bollards to be installed at both ends of the lane – as indicated on the plan and due south of the field entrance;


(vi) the proposed signs are to be erected at both ends of the lane as close to Mays Lane as possible;




(vii) Condition 4 being re-directed to a pre-commencement condition rather than a prior to first use condition

Was voted on and CARRIED.

(Voting: 8 in favour; 1 against)


RESOLVED that subject to the conditions in the report and the update report  and the additional conditions that:


(i) the fence being a maximum height of 1 metre;


(ii) the hedge being a minimum height of 1 metre;


(iii) the sports pitch to only be used by the school and associated visiting teams;


(iv) if the sports pitches cease to be used by the school then the land reverts back to agricultural land;


(v) bollards to be installed at both ends of the lane – as indicated on the plan and due south of the field entrance;


(vi) the proposed signs are to be erected at both ends of the lane as close to Mays Lane as possible;




(vii) Condition 4 being re-drafted to a pre-commencement condition rather than a prior to first use condition.




P/15/0324/FP - 32 HERITAGE GARDENS FAREHAM PO16 9BZ pdf icon PDF 363 KB


The Committee received the deputations referred to in minute 5 above.


The Committee’s attention was drawn to the update report which provided the following information:- there is a correction to the second paragraph under the “principle of the development” heading on page 35 of the agenda. This indicates that the neighbouring dwellings to the application site would be exempt from enforcement action due to the passage of time. The use of the land would only be immune from enforcement action after a period of 10 years from the breach of planning control. This required period has not yet passed and as such the paragraph should be corrected as follows:


“in 2005 this Council granted planning permission for the application site together with the land to the west of 28-32 to be used as private residential garden (P/05/0466/CU refers). The gardens of Nos. 28-31 have already been extended, however, pre-commencement conditions were not complied with such that this planning permission is not considered as implemented. As such the owner of No.32 was advised to make a further planning application for the change of use of the land”.


Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions in the report, was voted on and CARRIED.

(Voting: 8 in favour; 1 against)


RESOLVED that, subject to the conditions in the report, PLANNING PERMISSION be granted.


Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 15 KB


The Committee noted the information in the report.




The Update Report was tabled at the meeting and considered with the relevant agenda item.




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