Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Tel: 01329 236100
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies of absence. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 14 February 2024.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 14 February 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: There were no Chairman’s announcements made at this meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Councillor I Bastable declared a Personal Interest in item 7(1) – Land East of Brook Lane, in that he has a close friend who lives adjacent to the red line of the application site. |
Deputations To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged. Minutes: The Committee received a deputation from the following in respect of the applications indicated and were thanked accordingly.
Planning Performance Monitoring Update and Action Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration concerning an update on the Planning Performance Monitoring Action Plan.
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Update Report which contained the following information: -
On the 7 March 2024, the Department for Levelling Up, Homes and Communities published the statistics for the ‘Quality of decision making’ for the Assessment period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023. The statistics confirm that 2 of the Council’s total number of decisions on major applications made during the assessment period were overturned at appeal, which represents 4.2%.
Amendments to the table at paragraph 20 of the Executive Briefing Paper:
The number of major applications considered by the Council between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021 should read 22 in place of 20.
The number of major applications considered by the Council between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 should read 23 in place of 25.
The Head of Planning provided a further verbal update in respect of ‘Quality of Decision Making’ on non-major applciations. The Planning Committee were advised that the Department for Levelling Up, Homes and Communities’ latest published statistics for the ‘Quality of decision making’ on non-major applications showed that 0.2% of the Council’s total number of decisions made during the assessment period were overturned at appeal.
Since the Council was designated in December 2023, no major planning applications have been submitted directly to the Planning Inspectorate.
Councillor Mrs Walker stated that it would be helpful if Officer reports made it clear where proposals constituted major planning applications. The Head of Planning confirmed that this will be provided for future reports to the Committee.
RESOLVED that the Planning Committee: -
a) Note the content of the Executive report and the draft Planning Designation Action Plan attached as Appendices A and B to this report; and
b) Confirm that they have no comments to pass onto the Executive at its meeting on 18 March 2024. |
Planning applications and Miscellaneous Matters including an update on Planning Appeals To consider a report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration on development control matters, including information regarding new planning appeals and decisions. Minutes: The Committee noted a report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration on the development control matters, including information on new appeals and decisions. |
P/22/1812/FP - LAND EAST OF BROOK LANE WARSASH Minutes: The Committee received the deputation referred in Minute 5 above.
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Update Report which contained the following information: -
i) Satisfactory amended plans received to address minor design/layout matters.
ii) Additional consultation comment received from Highway Authority.
Hampshire County Council (HCC) – Highways
Amended drawings, a report by i-Transport and a revised Residential Travel Plan have been submitted in response to the Highway Authority’s comments made on 21 February 2024. I have the following comments to make on the updated information:
Walking and Cycling/ Travel Plan
The revised application documents confirm that a pedestrian/cycle route will link to the track on the eastern boundary of the application site; this will enhance connectivity to the wider community and provide the potential to improve permeability throughout the entire housing association. The revised Residential Travel Plan (RTP) adequately addresses the points outlined in the Highway Authority’s response. It is recommended that the RTP be secured by Section 106 Agreement.
Site Access and Internal Layout
Apart from plot no. 126, vehicular access to the development is to be taken from the housing parcel to the south of the site (ref P/21/0300/RM) via the recently constructed junction onto Brook Lane. The access arrangement is acceptable to the Highway Authority.
The road layout incorporates the design principles contained with the Department for Transport publication Manual for Streets. The layout has been subject to a Stage 1 Road Safety Audit (RSA). The issues outlined in the RSA and raised by the Highway Authority have been satisfactorily addressed. It is the developer’s intention that the roads within the development are to be private.
The Site Layout plan indicated a 6m wide shared surface roadway as a potential access to adjacent land within the housing allocation parcel. Additional information provided by the applicant demonstrates that the access corridor would be suitable to accommodate the anticipated level of development.
Traffic Impact/ Mitigation
The Highway Authority is satisfied that the traffic impact of the development can be mitigated against through financial contributions towards highway network improvements. The Technical Note (dated 26 January 2024) provides agreement to make a financial contribution of £482,000 (index linked from 18 March 2018) towards improvements at; Brook Lane/A27 junction, Brook lane/Lockswood Road junction, Barnes Lane/A27 junction and Brook Lane/Barnes Lane junction.
The supplementary information and amended drawings satisfactorily address the issues previously raised by the Highway Authority, as such the Highway Authority raises no objection to the application subject to the following requirements being secured by Section 106 Agreement and by condition;
- A financial contribution of £482,000 (index linked from 18 March 2018) towards Improvements - Residential Travel Plan including associated approval and monitoring fees and security bond/deposit - Pedestrian and cycle connections and associated rights of access in perpetuity between the site and the developments to the north/south and to the track on the eastern site boundary.
iii) Condition 2 to full permission updated to include full list of approved plans/document as follows;
a) Location Plan - BARG180620 LP.01 A b) Colour Site Plan - CSL-01 BB c) Site Plan - BARG180620 SL.01 Rev BB d) Coloured Streetscene - BARG180620 CSE.01 H e) Coloured Streetscene - CSE.02 G f) Streetscene – BARG180620 SE.01 H g) Streetscene - BARG180620 SE.02 G h) Dwelling Materials Layout - BARG180620 DML.01 M i) Parking Strategy Layout - BARG180620 PSL.01 L j) Electric Sub-Station Floor Plans & Elevations - A k) Shed Type 1 Floor Plans & Elevations - A l) Shed Type 2 Floor Plans & Elevations - A m) Street Elevations - BARG180620 SE.01 G n) Pergola 2 Bay Floor Plans & Elevations - A o) Pergola Triple Bay Floor Plans & Elevations - A p) Pergola 5 Bay Floor Plans & Elevations - A q) Single Garage 6m - D r) Double Garage 6m - C s) Visibility & Road Widths Layout - 6501-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-003-P12 t) Refuse Vehicle Tracking Layout - 6501-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-500-P11 u) Fire Appliance Vehicle Tracking Layout - 6501-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-501-P11 v) Large Car Tracking Layout - 6501-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-502-P11 w) Fire Appliance & Delivery Vehicle Tracking - 6501-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-503-P3 x) Sports Pitch Cross Sections - 6501-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-005-P1 y) Sports Pitch Land Drainage Proposals - 6501-MJA-SW-XX-DR-C-006-P2
Elevations z) Plots 1-2 Elevations - HT.B(2Blk).e1 A aa) Plots 3 & 16 Elevations - HT.J.e A bb) Plots 5 & 6 Elevations - P.5-6.e C cc) Plots 7-10 Elevations (Sheet 1) - P.7-10.e1 C dd) Plots 7-10 Elevations (Sheet 2) - P.7-10.e2 C ee) Plots 11 & 12 Elevations - P.11-12.e C ff) Plots 13,14,76,77 - HT.S.2.1(2Blk)-R.e1 D gg) Plot 15 Elevations - HT.L-A.e A hh) Plots 17 & 52 Elevations - HT.S.e A ii) Plot 18 Elevations - HT.J-A.e B jj) Plots 19,20,23,24,71,72,109-110 Elevations - HT.J (2Blk).e1 B kk) Plots 21,22,33,34,47,48,111,112,124,125 Elevs - HT.J (2Blk).e2 B ll) Plots 25- 26 Elevations – P.25-26.e A mm) Plots 27-29 Elevations - P.27-29.e C nn) Plots 30-31 Elevations - HT.S.3.2(2Blk)-R.e2 D oo) Plots 32-35 Elevations - HT.U-A.e A pp) Plots 36-38 Elevations - P.36-38.e B qq) Plots 39,40,45,46 Elevations - HT.S.3.2(2Blk)-R.e1 D rr) Plot 42 Elevations - HT.L.e1 A ss) Plot 42 Elevations - HT.L.e1 B tt) Plots 43 & 44 Elevations - P.43-44.e D uu) Plots 49 & 50 Elevations - P.49-50.e B vv) Plots 51,60,63,4,41,56,70,73 Elevations - HT.L.e2 A ww) Plots 53-55 & 64-66 Elevations - HT.M-N.e A xx) Plots 57 & 58 Elevations - HT.S.3.2(2Blk)-SR.e C yy) Plot 59 Elevations - HT.S.4.2-SR.e B zz) Plots 61 & 62 Elevations - HT.S.3.2(2Blk)-SO.e1 B aaa) Plots 67-69 Elevations - HT.U.e A bbb) Plots 74-75 Elevations – HT.S.2.1 (2blk)-SO.e1_G ccc) Plots 78 & 79 Elevations - P.78-79.e D ddd) Plots 80 & 81 Elevations - P.80-81.e D eee) Plot 82 Elevations - HT.A.e C fff) Plot 83,84,115,116 Elevations - HT.S.1.M-SO.e C ggg) Plots 98 & 99 Elevations - HT.S.3.2(2Blk)-SO.e D hhh) Plot 100 Elevations - HT.S.2B.FOG-SO.e D iii) Plots 107 & 108 Elevations - HT.S.1.M-R.e C jjj) Plots 113 & 114 Elevations – P.113-114.e A kkk) Plots 121 & 123 Elevations - P.121-123.e C lll) Plot 126 Elevations - HT.W.e1 A mmm) Plot 126 Elevations - HT.W.e2 B nnn) Block A Plots 101-106 Elevations Sheet 1 - P.101-106.e1 F ooo) Block A Plots 101-106 Elevations Sheet 2 - P.101-106.e2 G ppp) Block B Plots 117-120 Elevations Sheet 1 - P.117-120.e1 D qqq) Block B Plots 117-120 Elevations Sheet 2 - P.117-120.e2 E
Floor Plans rrr) Plots 1 & 2 Floor Plans - HT.B(2Blk).p_A sss) Plots 3 & 16 Floor Plans - HT.J.p_A ttt) Plots 5 & 6 Floor Plans - P.5-6.p_D uuu) Plots 7-10 Floor Plans - P.7-10.p C vvv) Floor Plans Plots 9, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 47, 48, 71, 72, 109, 110, 111, 112, 124, 125 - HT.J(2Blk).p B www) Plots 11 & 12 Floor Plans - P.11-12.p D xxx) Plots 13,14,76,77 - HT.S.2.1(2blk)-R.p_D yyy) Plot 15 Floor Plan - HT.L-A.p_A zzz) Plots 17 & 52 Floor Plans- HT.S.p_A aaaa) Plot 18 Floor Plans - HT.J-A.p_B bbbb) Plots 25-26 Floor Plans – P.25.26.p A cccc) Plots 27-29 Floor Plans - P.27-29.p C dddd) Plots 30,31,39,40,45,46 Floor Plans - HT.S.3.2(2blk)-R.p_C eeee) Plots 32-35 Floor Plans - HT.U-A.p_A ffff) Plots 36-38 Floor Plans - P.36-38.p B gggg) Plots 42,51,60,63,4,41,56,70,73 Floor Plans - PHT.L.p_B hhhh) Plots 43 & 44 Floor Plans - P.43-44.p_D iiii) Plots 49 & 50 Floor Plans - P.49-50.p B jjjj) Plots 53-55 & 64-66 Floor Plans - HT.M-N.p1_A kkkk) Plots 53-55 & 64-66 Floor Plans - HT.M-N.p2_A llll) Plots 57 & 58 Floor Plans - HT.S.3.2(2blk)-SR.p_B mmmm) Plot 59 Floor Plans - HT.S.4.2-SR.p_B nnnn) Plots 61,62,98,99 Floor Plans - HT.S.3.2(2blk)-SO.p_C oooo) Plots 67-69 Floor Plans - HT.U.p_A pppp) Plots 74-75 Floor Plans - HT.S.2.1 (2blk)-SO.p_F qqqq) Plots 78 & 79 Floor Plans - P.78-79.p D rrrr) Plots 80 & 81 Floor Plans - P.80-81.p D ssss) Plot 82 Floor Plans - HT.A.p_D tttt) Plots 83 & 84 & 115-116 Floor Plans - HT.S.1.M-SO.p_B uuuu) Plot 100 Floor Plans - HT.S.2B.FOG-SO.p_C vvvv) Plots 107 & 108 Floor Plans - HT.S.1.M-R.p_B wwww) Plots 113 & 114 Floor Plans – P.113-114.p A xxxx) Plots 121-123 Floor Plans - P.121-123.p C yyyy) Plot 126 Floor Plans - HT.W.p_B zzzz) Block A Plots 101-106 Ground Floor - P.101-106.p1_G aaaaa) Block A Plots 101-106 First Floor - P.101-106.p2_F bbbbb) Block B Plots 117-120 Ground Floor - P.117-120.p1_E ccccc)Block B Plots 117-120 First Floor - P.117-120.p2_E
Transport Statement (i-Transport, 7 December, 2022) HCC Highway Response (i-Transport, 29 February 2024) Updated Road Safety Audit (MJA Consulting, 5 Jan 2024) HCC Consultation Response Note (i-Transport, 26 Jan 2024) Ecological Impact Assessment (ECOSA, Jan 2024) Reptile Mitigation Strategy (ECOSA, Nov,2022) Reptile Translocation Report (ECOSA, Jan 2024) Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (ECOSA, Jan 2024) Arboricultural Impact Assessment & Method Statement (Barrell, 19 Jan 2024) Tree Protection Plan (drwg No. 22011-5) Flood Risk Assessment & Development Drainage Strategy, MJA Consulting December 2022 & SUDS Management & Maintenance Plan, December 2022) Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment (GCC Ltd, Nov 2022) Ground Condition Assessment (GCC Ltd, August 2021) Ground Condition Desk Top Study (GCC Ltd, June 2021) Amended Accommodation Schedule M4(2) & M4(3) Schedule of Compliance Amended Space Standards Compliance Schedule (BARG 180620)
iv) Amend condition 10 of full permission (Cycle Storage) to include reference to the latest Parking Strategy plan, as listed above.
v) Amend trigger of conditions 5, 12, 17 and 19 to pre-commencement to bring forward submission/approval of details at applicant’s request.
Councillor I Bastable declared a personal interest in this item as he has a close friend who lives adjacent to the redline of the application site.
Upon being proposed and seconded, the Officer recommendation to: -
(i) GRANT full planning permission for 113 dwellings and OUTLINE planning permission for 13 custom build dwellings, subject to: -
i) Consideration of further comments from the Lead Local Flood Authority (HCC); ii) Consideration of any comments received from Natural England in response to consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment; iii) Any additional conditions or modification to the proposed conditions or HoT’s that any of the consultees may recommend;
iv) The applicant/owner first entering into a planning obligation pursuant to Section 106 of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 on terms drafted by the Solicitor to the Council in respect of the following:
a) The delivery of at least 40% of the dwellings as affordable housing; the type, size, mix and tenure as agreed by Officers (to include obligations to secure nomination rights and agreement of a Community Lettings Plan for any potential affordable housing provided over and above the 40% requirement);
b) To secure a highway contribution of £482,000 (index linked) towards local highway improvements;
c) Travel Plan and related monitoring cost and bond;
d) To secure the provision of public open spaces (POS) and transfer of agreed to Fareham Borough Council with the associated financial contributions for future maintenance, including an area for outdoor sport; (junior football pitches);
e) In respect of the areas of POS not adopted by the Council, the creation of a management company to maintain the open space in perpetuity including detail of how that management company would be funded to ensure the management and maintenance of the open space in perpetuity;
f) A financial contribution towards the delivery of an equipped children’s play area within the HA1 allocation to the South of Greenaway Lane (70k) and associated maintenance;
g) To secure a financial contribution for the maintenance of retained trees on the POS;
h) To secure pedestrian access and cycle connectivity to adjoining land to the north, south and east right up to the party boundary in perpetuity including the provisions for future maintenance;
i) To secure potential connection points for construction of a connecting road from the development site to land to the north (Vero) and south (Land rear of 63 Warsash Road within HA1) in accordance with a scheme of works to be approved by the Council, in the event this access is required to facilitate development of adjacent sites;
j) To secure the provision of ecological buffers and future maintenance arrangements;
k) To secure a financial contribution towards the Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership (SRMP);
l) To secure a financial contribution in accordance with the Council’s New Forest Recreational Disturbance Interim Mitigation Solution; And
v) The conditions in the report;
vi) The conditions in the Update Report
vii) DELEGATE authority to the Head of Planning to:
(a) Make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions or heads of terms for the section 106 legal agreement; and
(b) Make any necessary changes arising out of detailed negotiations with the applicant which may necessitate the variation, addition or deletion of the conditions and heads of terms as drafted to ensure consistency between the two sets of provisions. Was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)
RESOLVED that PLANNING PERMISSION for 113 dwellings and OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION for 13 custom build dwellings be granted, subject to: -
i) Consideration of further comments from the Lead Local Flood Authority (HCC); ii) Consideration of any comments received from Natural England in response to consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment; iii) Any additional conditions or modification to the proposed conditions or HoT’s that any of the consultees may recommend;
iv) The applicant/owner first entering into a planning obligation pursuant to Section 106 of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 on terms drafted by the Solicitor to the Council in respect of the following:
1. The delivery of at least 40% of the dwellings as affordable housing; the type, size, mix and tenure as agreed by Officers (to include obligations to secure nomination rights and agreement of a Community Lettings Plan for any potential affordable housing provided over and above the 40% requirement);
2. To secure a highway contribution of £482,000 (index linked) towards local highway improvements;
3. Travel Plan and related monitoring cost and bond;
4. To secure the provision of public open spaces (POS) and transfer of agreed to Fareham Borough Council with the associated financial contributions for future maintenance, including an area for outdoor sport; (junior football pitches);
5. In respect of the areas of POS not adopted by the Council, the creation of a management company to maintain the open space in perpetuity including detail of how that management company would be funded to ensure the management and maintenance of the open space in perpetuity;
6. A financial contribution towards the delivery of an equipped children’s play area within the HA1 allocation to the South of Greenaway Lane (70k) and associated maintenance;
7. To secure a financial contribution for the maintenance of retained trees on the POS;
8. To secure pedestrian access and cycle connectivity to adjoining land to the north, south and east right up to the party boundary in perpetuity including the provisions for future maintenance;
9. To secure potential connection points for construction of a connecting road from the development site to land to the north (Vero) and south (Land rear of 63 Warsash Road within HA1) in accordance with a scheme of works to be approved by the Council, in the event this access is required to facilitate development of adjacent sites;
10. To secure the provision of ecological buffers and future maintenance arrangements;
11. To secure a financial contribution towards the Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership (SRMP);
12. To secure a financial contribution in accordance with the Council’s New Forest Recreational Disturbance Interim Mitigation Solution; And
v) The conditions in the report;
vi) The conditions in the Update Report
Then vii) AUTHORITY BE DELEGATED to the Head of Development Planning to:
(a) Make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions or heads of terms for the section 106 legal agreement; and
(b) Make any necessary changes arising out of detailed negotiations with the applicant which may necessitate the variation, addition or deletion of the conditions and heads of terms as drafted to ensure consistency between the two sets of provisions.
P/24/0053/FP - 12 CLIFTON MEWS FAREHAM Minutes: The Committee received the deputation referred to in Minute 5 above.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Mrs K K Trott addressed the Committee on this item.
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Update Report which contained the following information: -
There is a need to publicise the application by way of a press notice and site notice as the application site is within the Wallington Conservation Area. The Site Notice was displayed along North Wallington on 7th March, and the press notice will be published on 15th March. They will run concurrently and expire on 8th April.
Should any further representations be received during the publicity period, Members are requested to Delegate Authority to the Head of Planning to consider these representations before the planning application is determined.
A further 4 representations have been received since the publication of the Committee Report (total now 10). No new issues have been raised beyond those listed in the Committee Report.
The Planning Officer also gave a verbal update to confirm that a further 2 comments have been received since the update report was published, however they have not raised any new matters that haven’t already been covered in previous comments.
Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to: -
(i) GRANT planning permission, subject to the conditions in the report and the update report; And
(ii) DELEGATE authority to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. Was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)
RESOLVED that: -
(i) PLANNING PERMISSION be granted, subject to the conditions in report and the update report;
(ii) AUTHORITY BE DELEGATED to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. |
Minutes: The Committee noted the information in the report. |
Minutes: The Update Report was circulated prior to the meeting and considered alongside the relevant agenda items. |