Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Tel: 01329 236100
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: An apology of absence was received from Councillor M J Ford, JP. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 13 March 2024.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 13 March 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: There were no Chairman’s announcements made at this meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged. Minutes: The Committee received a deputation from the following in respect of the applications indicated and were thanked accordingly.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee noted the content of the written deputations that had been published on the Council’s website prior to the meeting. |
Planning applications and Miscellaneous Matters including an update on Planning Appeals To consider a report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration on development control matters, including information regarding new planning appeals and decisions. Minutes: The Committee noted a report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration on the development control matters, including information on new appeals and decisions. |
P/17/0266/DP/O - WELBORNE LAND NORTH OF FAREHAM Minutes: The Chairman addressed the Committee to inform them, that following advice from Officer’s item 6(4) was being brought to the start of the agenda, as determination of this application could affect the outcome of further applications on the agenda.
The Committee received the deputations referred to in Minute 5 above.
Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to approve the Dashwood and Chesterfield Neighbourhood Design Codes pursuant to condition 11 of outline planning permission P/17/0266/OA, was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)
RESOLVED that the Dashwood and Chesterfield Neighbourhood Design Codes pursuant to condition 11 of outline planning permission P/17/0266/OA be APPROVED.
P/23/1161/RM - WELBORNE LAND NORTH OF FAREHAM Minutes: The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Update Report which contained the following information: -
The conditions referred to at paragraph 10.1 of the Officer Committee Report are as follows:
1. The development hereby approved shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following drawings/documents:
1) A-200 - Point of Presence Room - Plan and Elevations 2) Drainage Detail Attenuation Basin - 164.5-55501-C01 3) Drainage Detail Attenuation Basin Infiltration Trench - 164.5-55502-C02 4) Drainage Full Site Catchments - WEL-PBF-00-XX-DR-CH-00160.S4-P00 5) L-100 - Point of Presence Room - Location Plan 6) Landscape Proposals DD557L13_INF4B_Rev F 7) Lighting Layout - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13002 Rev P02 8) Lighting Layout - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13003 Rev P02 9) Lighting Layout Plan - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13001 Rev P02 10) Private Lighting Layout - 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13006-S3-P02 11) Private Lighting Layout 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13007-S3-P02 12) Private Lighting Summary Report 2947-DFL-HLG-XX-RP-EO-13002-S3-P02 13) Redline Boundary - WEL-PBF-00-XX-DR-CH-01120 RM-P04 14) Typical Behind Kerb Details Sheet 1 - -12111437_WEL-PBF-CH-XX-DR-CH-01750.S2-P01- 15) Typical Behind Kerb Details Sheet 2 - WEL-PBF-CH-XX-DR-CH-01751.S2-P01 16) Typical Behind Kerb Details Sheet 3 - WEL-PBF-CH-XX-DR-CH-01752.S2-P01 17) WEL-PBF-00-XX-CH-CH-01103.S4-P03 Engineering Layout Sheet 4 18) WEL-PBF-00-XX-CH-CH-01104.S4-P03 Engineering Layout Sheet 5 19) WEL-PBF-00-XX-CH-CH-01105.S4-P03 Engineering Layout Sheet 6 20) WEL-PBF-00-XX-CH-CH-01133.S4-P01 General Arrangement Sheet 4 21) WEL-PBF-00-XX-CH-CH-01134.S4-P01 General Arrangement Sheet 5 22) WEL-PBF-00-XX-CH-CH-01135.S4-P01 General Arrangement Sheet 6 23) WEL-PBF-00-XX-CH-CH-01143.S4-P02 Surface Treatments Sheet 4 24) WEL-PBF-00-XX-CH-CH-01144.S4-P02 Surface Treatments Sheet 5 25) WEL-PBF-00-XX-CH-CH-01145.S4-P02 Surface Treatments Sheet 6 26) WEL-PBF-00-XX-DW-CH-01100.S4-P03 Engineering Layout Sheet 1 27) WEL-PBF-00-XX-DW-CH-01101.S4-P03 Engineering Layout Sheet 2 28) WEL-PBF-00-XX-DW-CH-01102.S4-P03 Engineering Layout Sheet 3 29) WEL-PBF-00-XX-DW-CH-01130.S4-P02 General Arrangement Sheet 1 30) WEL-PBF-00-XX-DW-CH-01131.S4-P02 General Arrangement Sheet 2 31) WEL-PBF-00-XX-DW-CH-01132.S4-P02 General Arrangement Sheet 3 32) WEL-PBF-00-XX-DW-CH-01140.S4-P02 Surface Treatments Sheet 1 33) WEL-PBF-00-XX-DW-CH-01141.S4-P03 Surface Treatments Sheet 2 34) WEL-PBF-00-XX-DW-CH-01142.S4-P02 Surface Treatments Sheet 3 35) WEL-PBF-DW-XX-DR-CH-01136.S4-P01 GA General Arrangement Overview
REASON: To avoid any doubt over what has been permitted.
2. Before the occupation of the first residential unit approved pursuant to planning permission reference P/17/0266/OA, a timetable setting out the implementation of the landscaping details hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved landscaping details shall be implemented and completed according to the approved timetable and maintained in accordance with the agreed schedule. Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from first planting, are removed, die or, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced, within the next available planting season, with others of the same species, size and number as originally approves.
REASON: To ensure the provision, establishment and maintenance of a standard of landscaping.
3. None of the development hereby approved shall be brought into use until details of all proposed street furniture, including lighting columns, bollards, seating, bus shelters etc. (including providing access to samples where requested by the Local Planning Authority) have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To secure the high quality appearance of the development.
4. None of the development hereby approved shall be brought into use until details of all hard surfacing materials (including providing access to samples where requested by the Local Planning Authority) have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: to secure the high quality appearance of the development.
Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to: -
(i) APPROVE reserved matters, subject to the conditions in the Update Report; and
(ii) DELEGATE authority to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. Was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)
RESOLVED that: -
(i) RESERVED MATTERS, subject to the conditions in the Update Report, be APPROVED; and THEN
(ii) AUTHORITY BE DELEGATED to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. |
P/23/1175/RM - WELBORNE LAND NORTH OF FAREHAM Minutes: The Committee received the deputation referred to in Minute 5 above.
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Update Report which contained the following information: -
The conditions referred to at paragraph 9.1 of the Officer Committee Report are as follows:
The development shall be carried out in
accordance with the following approved documents: 1) Arboricultural Method Statement - As Amended (JFA0173INF7 V4) 2) Construction Environmental Management Plan - As Amended (February 2024) 3) Engineering Layout - As Amended (WEL-PBF-KR-XX-DR-CH-07002 Rev P08) 4) Landscape Proposals (DD557L14_INF7 Rev I) 5) Lighting Layout – As Amended (3051-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13001 Rev P04) 6) Lighting Layout (3051-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13002 Rev P04) 7) Location Plan (WEL-PBF-KR-XX-DR-CH-07001 Rev P02) 8) Required Illuminance Levels (3051-DFL-HLG-XX-CA-EO-13001-S3-P01) 9) Standard Details - As Amended (WEL-PBF-KR-XX-DR-CH-07050 Rev P05) 10)Tree Survey Report (JFA0173INF7_2023-06-20) 11)Ecological Impact Assessment
REASON: To avoid any doubt over what has been permitted.
2. No work on site relating to the construction of any of the development hereby permitted (Including works of demolition or preparation prior to operations) shall take place before the hours of 0800 or after 1800 Monday to Friday, before the hours of 0800 or after 1300 Saturdays or at all on Sundays or recognised bank and public holidays, unless otherwise first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To protect the occupiers of nearby residential properties against noise and disturbance during the construction period.
3. Should contamination be encountered during works that has not been investigated or previously identified all work in the affected area must stop immediately. A site investigation, risk assessment and a detailed remedial method statement shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the affected area. The remediation shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved method statement prior to work re-commending in he affected area.
REASON: To protect the onsite workers, future occupants of the site and nearby residential properties.
4. No development, construction access or site clearance shall commence within 50m of a tree to be retained until the measures of tree and hedgerow protection submitted and approved as part of the planning permission have been implemented and these shall be retained throughout the development period until such time as all equipment. Machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site.
REASON: To ensure that the trees, shrubs and others natural features to be retained are adequately protected from damage to health and stability during the construction period. The details secured by this condition are considered essential to be agreed prior to the commencement of development on the site so that appropriate measures are in place to avoid the potential impacts described above.
5. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in full accordance with the enhancement and mitigation measures set out in the approved Ecological Impact Assessment dated August 2023 by LC Ecological Services Ltd submitted as part of the application.
REASON: To ensure that protected species are not harmed and that habitat is enhanced as a result of the proposed development.
Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to: -
(i) APRROVE reserved matters, subject to the conditions in the Update Report; and
(ii) DELEGATE authority to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. Was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)
RESOLVED that: -
(i) RESERVED MATTERS, subject to the conditions in the Update Report, be APPROVED; and THEN
(ii) AUTHORITY BE DELEGATED to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. |
P/23/1178/RM - WELBORNE LAND NORTH OF FAREHAM Minutes: The Committee considered the deputations referred to in Minute 5 above.
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Update Report which contained the following information: -
The conditions referred to at paragraph 10.1 of the Officer Committee Report are as follows:
The development shall be carried out in
accordance with the following approved documents: 1) Engineering Layout - Amended (WEL-PBF-KR-XX-DR-CH-01003 Rev P06) 2) Landscape Proposals - Amended (DD557L19_INF6A Rev F) 3) Application Boundary (WEL-PBF-KR-XX-DR-CH-01000 Rev P03)
REASON: To avoid any doubt over what has been permitted.
2. Should contamination be encountered during works that has not been investigated or previously identified all work in the affected area must stop immediately. A site investigation, risk assessment and a detailed remedial method statement shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the affected area. The remediation shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved method statement prior to work re-commencing in the affected area.
REASON: To protect the on site workers, future occupants of the site and nearby residential properties.
Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to: -
(i) APPROVE reserved matters, subject to the conditions in the Update Reports; and THEN
(ii) DELEGATE authority to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. Was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)
RESOLVED that: -
(i) RESERVED MATTERS, subject to the conditions in the Update Report, be APPROVED; and
(ii) AUTHORITY BE DELEGATED to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. |
P/23/1074/RM - WELBORNE, DASHWOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD, LAND NORTH OF FAREHAM Minutes: The Committee received the deputations referred to in Minute 5 above.
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Update Report which contained the following information: -
The recommendation set out at paragraph 10.1 of the Officer Committee Report is amended as follows (additional wording underlined):
“Subject to consideration by the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Planning Committee Chairman, of any comments received from Natural England in response to the consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment and consideration of any additional conditions or modifications to the proposed conditions that they may recommend.”
The conditions referred to at paragraph 10.2 of the Officer Committee Report are as follows:
1. The development hereby approved shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following drawings/documents:
1) Site Layout - 6383_PL-001 Rev J 2) Materials Palette - 6383_PL-002 Rev F 3) Architectural Character - 6383_PL-003 Rev F 4) Storey Heights - 6383_PL-004 Rev F 5) Cycle and Bin Storage - 6383_PL-006 Rev F 6) Affordable Housing - 6383_PL-007 Rev F 7) Electric Car Charging Point - 6383_PL-009 Rev F 8) Parking strategy - 6383_PL-010 Rev G 9) N2-A1 Plans - 6383/PL-201 Rev B 10) N 2 - A 4 Plans – Affordable - 6383 / PL-202 Rev A 11) N2-A1 Elevations – Informal - 6383/PL-203 Rev B 12) N 2 - A 4 Elevations - Informal Affordable - 6383 / PL-203 a Rev A 13) N 2 - A 2 Plans & Elevations (Detached Plot 2 4 - 2 1) – Informal - 6383 / PL-204 Rev A 14) N 2 - B 1 Plans & Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-205 Rev A 15) N 2 - B 1 Plans & Elevations - Informal Plots 3 4 - 0 8, 0 9 - 6383 / PL-205 a Rev A 16) N 2 - B 1 / N 2 - B 2 Plans - Informal Affordable - 6383 / PL-206 Rev A 17) N 2 - B 1 / N 2 - B 2 Elevations - Informal – Affordable - 6383 / PL-207 Rev A 18) N 3 - A 2 Plans & Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-208 19) N 3 - A 3 Plans & Elevations - Plain Tile Formal - 6383 / PL-209 20) N 3 - B 1 Plans & Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-210 21) N 3 - E Plans – Affordable - 6383 / PL-211 22) N 3 - E 1 Elevations - Informal – Affordable - 6383 / PL-212 23) N 3 -J Elevations - 6383 / PL-213 Rev A 24) N 3 -J Plans - 6383 / PL-214 RevA 25) N 4 - A 2 Plans & Section - 6383 / PL-215 26) N 4 - A 3 Plans & Section - 6383 / PL-216 27) N 4 - A 2 Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-217 28) N 4 - A 3 Elevations - Plain Tile Formal - 6383 / PL-218 29) N4 - C1 Plans - 6383 / PL-219 30) N 4 - C 1 Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-220 31) N 4 - B 1 / N 3 - C 1 Plans and section - 6383 / PL-221 Rev A 32) N 4 - B 1 / N 3 - C 1 Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-222 Rev A 33) N 4 - B 3 / N 4 - A 5 Plans & section - 6383 / PL-223 34) N 4 - B 3 / N 4 - A 5 Elevations - Plain Tile Formal - 6383 / PL-224 35) N 4 - B 4 / N 4 - A 6 Plans & section - 6383 / PL-225 36) N 4 - B 4 / N 4 - A 6 Elevations - Pantile Informal - 6383 / PL-226 37) N 4 -D 1 / N 3 - C 1 Plans - 6383 / PL-227 RevA 38) N 4 -D 1 / N 3 - C 1 Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-228 Rev A 39) N 4 -D 1 / N 3 -D 1 Plans - 6383 / PL-229 Rev A 40) N 4 -D 1 / N 3 -D 1 Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-230 Rev A 41) N 4 -D 3 / N 3 -D 3 Plans - 6383 / PL-231 Rev A 42) N 4 -D 3 / N 3 -D 3 Elevations - Plain Tile Formal - 6383 / PL-232 Rev A 43) N 4 -D 1 / N 3 -G 1 Plans - 6383 / PL-233 Rev A 44) N 4 -D 1 / N 3 -G 1 Elevations - Informal 6383 / PL-234 Rev A 45) N 4 -D 2 / N 3 -G 2 Plans - 6383 / PL-235 Rev A 46) N 4 -D 2 / N 3 -G 2 Elevations – Formal - 6383 / PL-236 47) N 4 -D 3 / N 3 -H 2 Plans - 6383 / PL-237 Rev A 48) N 4 -D 3 / N 3 -H 2 Elevations - Plain Tile Formal - 6383 / PL-238 Rev A 49) N3-F1 / N3-D2 Plans – Affordable - 6383/PL-239 Rev A 50) N3-F1 / N3-D2 Elevations - Informal – Affordable - 6383/PL-240 Rev A 51) N 4 - E 1 / N 4 -G 1 Ground Floor Plans - 6383 / PL-241 52) N 4 - E 1 / N 4 -G 1 Upper Floor Plans - 6383 / PL-242 53) N 4 - E 1 / N 4 -G 1 Elevations - ( 1 of 2 ) - 6383 / PL-243 54) N4-E1 / N4-G1 (Elevations) – (2 of 2) - 6383 / PL-244 55) W 3 - A 2 & W 3 - A 4 Plans - Informal with Bay - 6383 / PL-245 56) W 3 - A 2 Elevations - Informal with Bay - 6383 / PL-246 Rev A 57) W 3 - A 1 & A 3 Plans - Formal with & without Bay - 6383 / PL-247 58) W 3 - A 2 Elevations Detached - Informal with Bay - 6383 / PL-248A 59) W 3 - A 4 Elevations Detached - Informal with Double Bays - 6383 / PL-249 Rev A 60) W 3 - A 1 Elevations - Formal with Bay - 6383 / PL-250 61) W 3 - A 3 Elevations - Formal without Bay - 6383 / PL-251 62) W 4 - A 1 Plans & Elevations - Informal – Affordable - 6383 / PL-252 Rev A 63) W4-B2 & B4 Plans - 6383/PL-253 Rev A 64) W 4 - B 2 Elevations - Formal with Flint Facade - 6383 / PL-254 Rev B 65) W4-B4 Elevations - Formal - 6383/PL-255 Rev A 66) W 4 - B 3 Plans - 6383 / PL-256 67) W 4 - B 3 Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-257 Rev A 68) W 4 - C 1 & C 2 Plans - 6383 / PL-258 Rev A 69) W 4 - C 1 Elevations – Informal - 6383 / PL-259 Rev A 70) W 4 - C 2 Elevations – Formal - 6383 / PL-260 Rev A 71) W 5 - B Plans & Sections - 6383 / PL-261 Rev A 72) W 5 – B 2 Elevations – Plain Tile Formal - 6383 / PL-262 Rev A 73) Cranked Apartments South - Plans - Affordable - 6383 / PL-263 74) Cranked Apartments South - Elevations – Affordable - 6383 / PL-264 Rev A 75) Cranked Apartments North - Plans – Market - 6383 / PL-265 76) Cranked Apartments North - Elevations – Market - 6383 / PL-266 77) FOG 1 Plans & Elevations - 6383 / PL-267 Rev A 78) FOG 1 A Plans & Elevations - 6383 / PL–267a 79) FOG 1 Plans & Elevations Affordable 2 7 - 0 3 - 6383 / PL-268 Rev A 80) FOG 1 Plans & Elevations Affordable 2 7 - 1 0 - 6383 / PL-268a 81) FOG 2 Plans - 6383 / PL-269 Rev A 82) FOG 2 Elevations - 6383 / PL-270 Rev A 83) Market Apartments Ground & First Floor Plans - 6383 / PL-271 84) Market Apartments Second Floor Plan - 6383 / PL-272 85) Market Apartments Elevations ( 1 of 2 ) - 6383 / PL-273 86) Market Apartments Elevations ( 2 of 2 ) - 6383 / PL-274 87) Garages G 1 & G 1 + - 6383 / PL-275 88) Garage G 1 & Car Barn and Double Garage G 2 and Car Barn - 6383 / PL-276 89) Garage G 2 - 6383 / PL-277 90) Garage G 2 + - 6383 / PL-278 91) Garages G 2 Hybrid - 6383 / PL-279 92) Garage G 3 - 6383 / PL-280 93) Car Barns - 6383 / PL-281 94) Bins and Bikes ( 1 of 2 ) - 6383 / PL-282 95) Bins and Bikes ( 2 of 2 ) - 6383 / PL-283 Rev A 96) Folly - 6383 / PL-284 97) Car Barn with Storage - 6383 / PL-285 98) Room Over Barn - 6383/PL-286 99) Street Elevation A-1 (1 of 2) – COLOURED - 6383/PL-101 Rev A 100) Street Elevation A-1 (2 of 2) - 6383/PL-102 Rev A 101) Street Elevation A-2 - 6383/PL-103 Rev A 102) Street Elevation B – Coloured - 6383/PL-104 Rev C 103) Street Elevation C-1 – Coloured - 6383/PL-105 Rev C 104) Street Elevation C-2 - 6383/PL-106 Rev C 105) Street Elevation D-1 - 6383/PL-107 Rev A 106) Street Elevation D-2 (1 of 2) - 6383/PL-108 Rev B 107) Street Elevation D-2 (2 of 2) - 6383/PL-109 Rev B 108) Street Elevation E-1 – Coloured - 6383/PL-110 Rev B 109) Street Elevation E-2 - 6383/PL-111 Rev B 110) Street Elevation F – COLOURED - 6383/PL-112 Rev C 111) Street Elevation G - 6383/PL-113 Rev A 112) Street Elevation H-1 - 6383/PL-114 Rev C 113) Street Elevation H-2 – Coloured - 6383/PL-115 Rev B 114) Street Elevation J-1 (1 of 2) - 6383/PL-116 Rev B 115) Street Elevation J-2 (2 of 2) - 6383/PL-117 Rev D 116) Street Elevation K – Coloured - 6383/PL-118 Rev B 117) Street Elevation L – Coloured - 6383/PL-119 Rev A 118) Street Elevation M-1 (1 of 3) - 6383/PL-120 Rev C 119) Street Elevation M-2 (2 of 3) - 6383/PL-121 Rev B 120) Street Elevation M-3 (3 of 3) - 6383/PL-122 Rev B 121) Street Elevation N - 6383/PL-123 Rev B 122) Landscape Masterplan - DD613L01 Rev M 123) Landscape Principles - DD613Y01 Rev A 124) Planting Strategy Page 1 of 7 - DD613L02 Rev H 125) Planting Strategy Page 2 of 7 - DD613L03 Rev H 126) Planting Strategy Page 3 of 7 - DD613L04 Rev I 127) Planting Strategy Page 4 of 7 - DD613L05 Rev H 128) Planting Strategy Page 5 of 7 - DD613L06 RevG 129) Planting Strategy Page 6 of 7 - DD613L07 Rev G 130) Planting Strategy Landscape Details & Planting Specification Page 7 of 7 - DD613L08 Rev C 131) Landscape Management Plan - DD613R02 Rev G 132) Mix and Tenure Schedule – 6383 Rev M
REASON: To avoid any doubt over what has been permitted.
2. No development hereby permitted shall proceed beyond damp proof course level until details of all proposed external facing materials (including providing access to samples where requested by the Local Planning Authority) have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To secure the high quality appearance of the development.
None of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until
details of all proposed street furniture, including bollards,
seating etc. (including providing access to samples where requested
by the Local Planning Authority) have been submitted to and
approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The
development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved
details. REASON: To secure the high quality appearance of the development.
4. None of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until a plan of the position, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected to all boundaries has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Furthermore, no individual dwelling shall be occupied until the approved boundary treatment for that dwelling has been fully implemented. The approved boundary treatments shall thereafter be retained at all times unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To protect the privacy of the occupiers of the neighbouring property, to prevent overlooking, and to ensure the high quality appearance of the development.
No dwelling, hereby approved, shall be first occupied until the
approved parking spaces (including car ports but not including
garages) and turning areas (where appropriate) for that property
have been constructed in accordance with the approved details and
made available for use. These areas
shall thereafter be kept available for the parking and turning of
vehicles at all times unless otherwise agreed in writing by the
Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning
application for that purpose.
REASON: To ensure appropriate parking
provision is made and retained at all times following the
occupation of those dwellings; to reduce the demand for on-street
parking as a result of inadequate allocated parking spaces and in
the interests of highway safety. 6. The car ports hereby approved shall not be enclosed or have doors added, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning application for that purpose.
REASON: To ensure appropriate parking provision is retained at all times following the occupation of those dwellings; to reduce the demand for on-street parking as a result of inadequate allocated parking spaces and in the interests of highway safety.
7. At no time shall a roof void within any of the dwellings hereby approved be used to increase the floorspace of the gross internal area of that dwelling (when compared with the floorplans hereby approved) unless first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning application.
REASON: To ensure
appropriate parking provision is made and retained at all times
following the occupation of those dwellings; to reduce the demand
for on-street parking as a result of inadequate allocated parking
spaces and in the interests of highway safety.
The windows and roof lights proposed to be inserted at first
floor level and above into the: i. North western elevation of Plots 22-03 and 23-19 ii. North eastern elevation of Plots 26-12 and 27-15 iii. Northern elevation of Plot 29-09 iv. South eastern elevation of Plots 24-09 and Plot 27-15 v. South western elevation of Plots 25-02 and 26-09 vi. Western elevation of Plot 34-05
Shall be:
a) Obscure-glazed; and b) Of a non-opening design and construction to a height of 1.7 metres above internal finished floor level;
shall thereafter be retained in that condition at all
times. REASON: To prevent overlooking and to protect the privacy of the occupiers of the adjacent property.
Notwithstanding the provisions of
Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A of the Town and Country Planning
(General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) (or any
subsequent Order revoking and re-enacting that Order) at no time
shall any further windows, other than those expressly allowed
through this planning permission, be inserted at first floor level
or above into the: i. North western elevation of Plot 23-19 ii. North Eastern elevation of Plots 26-12, Plot 27-15 and Plot 34-02 iii. South western elevation of Plot 26-09
of the development hereby permitted unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning application.
10. Following the commencement of development, at no time during the lifetime of the development permitted pursuant to this reserved matters approval shall the land edged in magenta and labelled as “Offset for Pye Homes” on the plan at paragraph 6.10 of the approved Shadow Appropriate Assessment (updated March 2024) be used for agriculture or for any other use that would produce a nitrogen saving of less than 67.97 kg/TN (as set out in the final column of Table 1 at paragraph 4.10 of the approved document “Updated Welborne Nitrogen Budgets Supporting Information Jan24”).
REASON: To demonstrate that suitable mitigation has been secured in relation to the effect that nitrates from the development has on the Protected Sites around The Solent.
11. None of the development hereby permitted shall be occupied until a timetable, setting out the phasing of the implementation of the landscaping details hereby approved, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved landscaping details shall be implemented and completed according to the approved timetable and maintained in accordance with the agreed schedule. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from first planting, are removed, die or, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced, within the next available planting season, with others of the same species, size and number as originally approved.
REASON: To ensure the provision, establishment and maintenance of a standard of landscaping
Note for information:
The applicant is advised that any permission under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, should not be construed as approval to the highway engineering details necessary for inclusion in an Agreement under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980.
Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation: -
(i) Subject to consideration by the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Planning Committee Chairman, of any comments received from Natural England in respect to the consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment and consideration of any additional conditions or modifications to the proposed conditions that they may recommend;
(ii) APRROVE reserved matters, subject to the conditions in the report and Update Report; and THEN
(iii) DELEGATE authority to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. Was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)
RESOLVED that: -
(i) Subject to consideration by the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Planning Committee Chairman, of any comments received from Natural England in response to the consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment and consideration of any additional conditions or modifications to the proposed conditions that they may recommend;
(ii) RESERVED MATTERS, subject to the conditions in the report and Update Report, be APPROVED; and THEN
(iii) AUTHORITY BE DELEGATED to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. |
P/23/1075/RM - WELBORNE, CHESTERFIELD NEIGHBOURHOOD, LAND NORTH OF FAREHAM Minutes: The Committee received the deputations referred to in Minute 5 above.
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Update Report which contained the following information: -
The recommendation set out at paragraph 10.1 of the Officer Committee Report is amended as follows (additional wording underlined):
“Subject to consideration by the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Planning Committee Chairman, of any comments received from Natural England in response to the consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment and consideration of any additional conditions or modifications to the proposed conditions that they may recommend.”
The conditions referred to at paragraph 10.2 of the Officer Committee Report are as follows:
1. The development hereby approved shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following drawings/documents:
1) Car Barn Type 1 Plans & Elevations - H139-THA-PP-ZZ03-D-A-0001 (P02) 2) Car Barn Type 2 Plans & Elevations - H139-THA-PP-ZZ04-D-A-0001 (P02) 3) External Levels GA Plan - H139-IDL-WD-ZZ-D-C-2100 Rev P5 4) Type D Floor Plans (Plots T145-146) - H139-THA-PP-B068-D-A-0001 (P02) 5) Type C Floor Plans (Plots T147-148) - H139-THA-PP-B069-D-A-0001(P02) 6) Type D Floor Plans (Plots T149-150- H139-THA-PP-B070-D-A-0001(P02) 7) Type G Floor Plans (Plot T151) - H139-THA-PP-B071-D-A-0001 (P02) 8) Garage Type 1 Plans & Elevations - H139-THA-PP-B075-D-A-0001 (P02) 9) Garage Type 4 Plans & Elevations - H139-THA-PP-ZZ02-D-A-0001 (P02) 10) Garage Type 6 Plans & Elevations - H139-THA-PP-ZZ01-D-A-0001 (P02) 11) Garage Type 7 Plans & Elevations - H139-THA-PP-B082-D-A-0001 (P02) 12) Type G & K Ground Floor Plans (Plots T102-103) - H139-THA-PP-B047-D-A-0001 (P02) 13) Point of Delight Plans & Elevations - H139-THA-PP-B074-D-A-0001 (P02) 14) Type G & K Roof Plan (Plots T102-103) - H139-THA-PP-B047-D-A-0003 (P02) 15) Type A & K Roof Plan (Plots T143-144) - H139-THA-PP-B067-D-A-0003 (P02) 16) Type D Roof Plan (Plots T145-146)- H139-THA-PP-B068-D-A-0002 (P02) 17) Type D Roof Plan (Plots T149-150) - H139-THA-PP-B070-D-A-0002 (P02) 18) Type A Elevations (Plot T101) - H139-THA-PP-B045-D-A-0003 (P02) 19) Type A Elevations (Plot T130) - H139-THA-PP-B061-D-A-0003 (P02) 20) Type A Elevations (Plot T142) - H139-THA-PP-B066-D-A-0003 (P02) 21) Type A & K Elevations (Plot T143) - H139-THA-PP-B067-D-A-0004-T143 144 Elevations (Sheet 1) (P02) 22) Type A & K Elevations (Plot T143) - H139-THA-PP-B067-D-A-0005-T143 144 Elevations (Sheet 2) (P02) 23) Type A Elevations (Plot T27) - H139-THA-PP-B014-D-A-0003 (P02) 24) Type A Elevations (Plot T28) H139-THA-PP-B015-D-A-0003 (P02) 25) Type A Elevations (Plot T45) - H139-THA-PP-B022-D-A-0003 (P02) 26) Type A Elevations (Plot T46) - H139-THA-PP-B023-D-A-0003 (P02) 27) Type A Floor Plans (Plot T101) - H139-THA-PP-B045-D-A-0001 (P02) 28) Type A Floor Plans (Plot T130) - H139-THA-PP-B061-D-A-0001 (P02) 29) Type A Floor Plans (Plot T142) - H139-THA-PP-B066-D-A-0001 (P02) 30) Type A & K Ground Floor Plans (Plot T143-144) - H139-THA-PP-B067-D-A-0001 (P02) 31) Type A Floor Plans (Plot T27) H139-THA-PP-B014-D-A-0001 (P02) 32) Type A Floor Plans (Plot T45) H139-THA-PP-B022-D-A-0001 (P02) 33) Type A Floor Plans (Plot T46) - H139-THA-PP-B023-D-A-0001 (P02) 34) Type A Floor Plans (Plot T28) - H139-THA-PP-B015-D-A-0001 (P02) 35) Type A & K First Floor Plans (Plot T143-144) - H139-THA-PP-B067-D-A-0002 (P02) 36) Type S & T Affordable Elevations (Plots T19-22) - H139-THA-PP-B012-D-A-0004 (P02) 37) Type C & D Elevations (Plots T104-107) - H139-THA-PP-B048-D-A-0004 (P02) 38) Type C & D Ground Floor Plans (Plots T104-107) - H139-THA-PP-B048-D-A-0001(P02) 39) Type C Elevations (Plots T112-114) - H139-THA-PP-B051-D-A-0003 (P02) 40) Type D Elevations (Plots T149-150) - H139-THA-PP-B070-D-A-0003 (P02) 41) Type G Elevations (Plots T151) H139-THA-PP-B071-D-A-0002 (P02) 42) Type C Elevations (Plots T17-18) - H139-THA-PP-B011-D-A-0003 (P02) 43) Type C Elevations (Plots T98-99) - H139-THA-PP-B043-D-A-0003 (P02) 44) Type C Floor Plans (Plots T112-114) - H139-THA-PP-B051-D-A-0001 (P02) 45) Type C Floor Plans (Plots T17-18) - H139-THA-PP-B011-D-A-0001 (P02) 46) Type C Floor Plans (Plots T98-99) - H139-THA-PP-B043-D-A-0001 (P02) 47) Type D & E Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T152-153) - H139-THA-PP-B072-D-A-0004 (P02) 48) Type D & E Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T152-153) - H139-THA-PP-B072-D-A-0005 (P02) 49) Type D & E First Floor Plans (Plots T152-153) - H139-THA-PP-B072-D-A-0002 (P02) 50) Type D & E Ground Floor Plans (Plots T152-153) - H139-THA-PP-B072-D-A-0001 (P02) 51) Type D & E Roof Plan (Plots T152-153) - H139-THA-PP-B072-D-A-0003 (P02) 52) Type D & G Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T120-123) - H139-THA-PP-B057-D-A-0004 (P02) 53) Type D & G Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T120-123) - H139-THA-PP-B057-D-A-0005 (P02) 54) Type D & G First Floor Plans (Plots T120-123) - H139-THA-PP-B057-D-A-0002 (P02) 55) Type D & G Ground Floor Plans (Plots T120-123) - H139-THA-PP-B057-D-A-0001 (P02) 56) Type D & G Roof Plan (Plots T120-123) - H139-THA-PP-B057-D-A-0003 (P02) 57) Type D & M Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T76-79) - H139-THA-PP-B036-D-A-0005 (P02) 58) Type D & M Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T76-79) - H139-THA-PP-B036-D-A-0006 (P02) 59) Type D & M Ground Floor Plans (Plots T83-87) - H139-THA-PP-B038-D-A-0001 (P02) 60) Type D Elevations (Plot T13) - H139-THA-PP-B008-D-A-0002 (P02) 61) Type D Elevations (Plots T15-16) - H139-THA-PP-B010-D-A-0003 (P02) 62) Type D Elevations (Plots T29-30) H139-THA-PP-B016-D-A-0003 (P02) 63) Type D Elevations (Plots T43-44) - H139-THA-PP-B021-D-A-0003 (P02) 64) Type D Elevations (Plots T71-72)- H139-THA-PP-B034-D-A-0003 (P03) 65) Type D & M Elevations Sheet 3 (Plots T83-87) - H139-THA-PP-B038-D-A-0007 (P02) 66) Type D Floor Plan (Plots T29-30) - H139-THA-PP-B016-D-A-0001 (P02) 67) Type D Floor Plans (Plots T15-16) - H139-THA-PP-B010-D-A-0001 (P02) 68) Type D Floor Plans (Plots T71-72) - H139-THA-PP-B034-D-A-0001 (P03) 69) Type D Floor Plans (Plots T43-44) - H139-THA-PP-B021-D-A-0001 (P02) 70) Type D & M Ground Floor Plans (Plots T76-79) - H139-THA-PP-B036-D-A-0001 (P02) 71) Type D Plans (Plot T13) - H139-THA-PP-B008-D-A-0001 (P02) 72) Type D Roof Plan (Plots T15-16) - H139-THA-PP-B010-D-A-0002 (P02) 73) Type F Bay Elevations (Plots T4-5) - H139-THA-PP-B003-D-A-0003 (P02) 74) Type F Bay Elevations (Plots T6-7) - H139-THA-PP-B004-D-A-0003 (P02) 75) Type F Bay Elevations (Plots T8-9) - H139-THA-PP-B005-D-A-0003 (P02) 76) Type F Bay Floor Plans (Plots T4-5) - H139-THA-PP-B003-D-A-0001 (P02) 77) Type F Bay Floor Plans (Plots T6-7) - H139-THA-PP-B004-D-A-0001 (P02) 78) Type F Bay Floor Plans (Plots T8-9) - H139-THA-PP-B005-D-A-0001 (P02) 79) Type F Elevations (Plots T10-11) - H139-THA-PP-B006-D-A-0003 (P02) 80) Type F Elevations (Plots T2-3) - H139-THA-PP-B002-D-A-0003 (P02) 81) Type F Elevations (Plots T55-56) - H139-THA-PP-B026-D-A-0003 (P02) 82) Type F Elevations (Plots T73-75) - H139-THA-PP-B035-D-A-0003 (P03) 83) Type F Floor Plans (Plot T2-3) - H139-THA-PP-B002-D-A-0001(P02) 84) Type F Floor Plans (Plots T10-11) - H139-THA-PP-B006-D-A-0001 (P02) 85) Type F Floor Plans (Plots T55-56) - H139-THA-PP-B026-D-A-0001 (P02) 86) Type F Floor Plans (Plots T73-75) - H139-THA-PP-B035-D-A-0001 (P02) 87) Type F Floor Plans (Plots T80-82) - H139-THA-PP-B037-D-A-0001 (P02) 88) Type F Roof Plan (Plots T55-56) - H139-THA-PP-B026-D-A-0002 (P02) 89) Type G Elevations (Plot T115) - H139-THA-PP-B052-D-A-0002 (P02) 90) Type G Plans (Plot T115) - H139-THA-PP-B052-D-A-0001(P02) 91) Type J Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T69-70)- H139-THA-PP-B033-D-A-0003 (P02) 92) Type J Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T134-136) - H139-THA-PP-B063-D-A-0003 (P02) 93) Type J Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T88-90) - H139-THA-PP-B039-D-A-0003 (P02) 94) Type J Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T91-92) - H139-THA-PP-B040-D-A-0003 (P02) 95) Type J Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T93-94) - H139-THA-PP-B041-D-A-0003 (P02) 96) Type J Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T134-136) - H139-THA-PP-B063-D-A-0004 (P02) 97) Type J Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T69-70) - H139-THA-PP-B033-D-A-0004 (P02) 98) Type J Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T88-90) - H139-THA-PP-B039-D-A-0004 (P02) 99) Type J Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T91-92) - H139-THA-PP-B040-D-A-0004 (P02) 100) Type J Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T134-136) –H139-THA-PP-B063-D-A-0002 (P02) 101) Type J Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T69-70) - H139-THA-PP-B033-D-A-0001 (P02) 102) Type J Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T88-90) - H139-THA-PP-B039-D-A-0001 (P02) 103) Type J Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T93-94) - H139-THA-PP-B041-D-A-0001 (P02) 104) Type J Ground First Floor Plans (Plots T91-92) - H139-THA-PP-B040-D-A-0001 (P02) 105) Type J Ground Floor Plans (Plots T134-136) - H139-THA-PP-B063-D-A-0001 (P02) 106) Type J Second Floor & Roof Plans - (Plots T69-70) - H139-THA-PP-B033-D-A-0002 (P02) 107) Type D Elevations (Plot T145-146) - H139-THA-PP-B068-D-A-0003 (P02) 108) Type C Elevations (Plot T147-148) - H139-THA-PP-B069-D-A-0002 (P02) 109) Type L Elevations (Plot T116) - H139-THA-PP-B053-D-A-0003 (P02) 110) Type L Elevations (Plot T117) - H139-THA-PP-B054-D-A-0003 (P02) 111) Type L Elevations (Plot T118) - H139-THA-PP-B055-D-A-0003 (P02) 112) Type L Elevations (Plot T119) - H139-THA-PP-B056-D-A-0003 (P02) 113) Type L Floor Plans (Plot T116) - H139-THA-PP-B053-D-A-0001 (P02) 114) Type L Floor Plans (Plot T117) - H139-THA-PP-B054-D-A-0001 (P02) 115) Type L Floor Plans (Plot T118) - H139-THA-PP-B055-D-A-0001(P02) 116) Type L Floor Plans (Plot T119) - H139-THA-PP-B056-D-A-0001 (P02) 117) Type L Roof Plan (Plot T116) - H139-THA-PP-B053-D-A-0002 (P02) 118) Type L Roof Plan (Plot T117) - H139-THA-PP-B054-D-A-0002 (P02) 119) Type L Roof Plan (Plot T118) - H139-THA-PP-B055-D-A-0002 (P02) 120) Type L Roof Plan (Plot T119) - H139-THA-PP-B056-D-A-0002 (P02) 121) Type N & P Elevations (Sheet 2 - (Plots T63-64) - H139-THA-PP-B030-D-A-0004(P02) 122) Type N & P Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T128-129) - H139-THA-PP-B060-D-A-0003 (P02) 123) Type N & P Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T63-64) - H139-THA-PP-B030-D-A-0003 (P02) 124) Type N & P Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T95-97) - H139-THA-PP-B042-D-A-0003 (P02) 125) Type N & P Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T131-133) - H139-THA-PP-B062-D-A-0004 (P02) 126) Type N & P Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T128-129) - H139-THA-PP-B060-D-A-0001(P02) 127) Type N & P Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T131-133) - H139-THA-PP-B062-D-A-0001 (P02) 128) Type N & P Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T63-64) - H139-THA-PP-B030-D-A-0001 (P02) 129) Type N & P Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T95-97) - H139-THA-PP-B042-D-A-0001 (P02) 130) Type N & P Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T63-64) - H139-THA-PP-B030-D-A-0002 (P02) 131) Type N Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T61-62) - H139-THA-PP-B029-D-A-0003 (P02) 132) Type N Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T61-62) - H139-THA-PP-B029-D-A-0004 (P02) 133) Type N Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T61-62) - H139-THA-PP-B029-D-A-0001(P02) 134) Type N Second Floor and Roof Plans (Plots T61-62) - H139-THA-PP-B029-D-A-0002 (P02) 135) Type Q & R Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T140-141) - H139-THA-PP-B065-D-A-0003 (P02) 136) Type Q & R Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T57-58) - H139-THA-PP-B027-D-A-0005 (P02) 137) Type Q & R Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T65-66) - H139-THA-PP-B031-D-A-0004 (P02) 138) Type Q & R Ground and First Floor Plans (Plots T65-66) - H139-THA-PP-B031-D-A-0001 (P02) 139) Type Q & R Ground First and Floor Plans (Plots T140-141) - H139-THA-PP-B065-D-A-0001 (P02) 140) Type Q & R Ground Floor Plans (Plots T57-58) - H139-THA-PP-B027-D-A-0001 (P02) 141) Type Q Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T137-139) - H139-THA-PP-B064-D-A-0003 (P02) 142) Type Q Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T59-60) - H139-THA-PP-B028-D-A-0003 (P02) 143) Type Q Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T59-60) - H139-THA-PP-B028-D-A-0004 (P02) 144) Type Q Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T67-68) - H139-THA-PP-B032-D-A-0003 (P02) 145) Type Q Elevations Sheet 2 (Plot T137-139) H139-THA-PP-B064-D-A-0004 (P02) 146) Type Q Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T67-68) - H139-THA-PP-B032-D-A-0004 (P02) 147) Type Q Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T137-139) - H139-THA-PP-B064-D-A-0001 (P02) 148) Type Q Ground & First Floor Plans (PlotsT59-60) - H139-THA-PP-B028-D-A-0001 (P02) 149) Type Q Ground and First Floor Plans (Plots T67-68) - H139-THA-PP-B032-D-A-0001 (P02) 150) Type S & T Affordable Ground Floor Plans (Plots T51-54) - H139-THA-PP-B025-D-A-0001 (P02) 151) Type S & T Elevations (Plots T51-54) - H139-THA-PP-B025-D-A-0004 (P02) 152) Type S & T Ground Floor Plans (Plots T19-22) - H139-THA-PP-B012-D-A-0001 (P02) 153) Type G & K Elevations Sheet 1 (Plot T102-103) - H139-THA-PP-B047-D-A-0004 (P02) 154) Type G & K Elevations Sheet 2 (Plot T102-103) - H139-THA-PP-B047-D-A-0005 (P02) 155) Bin and Cycle Store Plans and Elevations - H139-THA-PP-ZZ07-D-A-0001 (P01) 156) Block A Affordable Elevations (Plots T23-26) - H139-THA-PP-B013-D-A-0003 (P01) 157) Block A Affordable Floor Plans (Plots T23-26) - H139-THA-PP-B013-D-A-0001 (P01) 158) Block A Affordable Roof Plan (Plots T23-26) - H139-THA-PP-B013-D-A-0002 (P02) 159) Block B Affordable Elevations (T47-50) - H139-THA-PP-B024-D-A-0003 (P01) 160) Block B Affordable Roof Plan (Plots T47-50) - H139-THA-PP-B024-D-A-0002 (P02) 161) Block B Affordable Floor Plans (Plots T47-50) - H139-THA-PP-B024-D-A-0001 (P01) 162) Car Barn Type 5 - Plans & Elevations - H139-THA-PP-B080-D-A-0001 (P01) 163) Car Barn Type 6 - Elevations - H139-THA-PP-B081-D-A-0002 (P01) 164) Car Barn Type 6 - Plans - H139-THA-PP-B081-D-A-0001 (P01) 165) DD609L01I Landscape Masterplan 166) DD609L02F Planting Strategy Plan 1 of 5 167) DD609L03F Planting Strategy Plan 2 of 5 168) DD609L04F Planting Strategy Plan 3 of 5 169) DD609L05F Planting Strategy Sheet 4 of 5 170) DD609L06C Planting Strategy Landscape Details and Landscape Specification 5 of 5 171) Proposed Site Layout - H139 THA PP ZZ D A 0011 (P06) 172) Car Barn Type 3 Plans & Elevations- H139-THA-PP-ZZ05-D-A-0001 (P03) 173) Car Barn Type 4 Plans & Elevations- H139-THA-PP-ZZ06-D-A-0001 (P03) 174) Car Parking & Cycle Storage - H139-THA-PP-ZZ-D-A-0037 (P06) 175) Refuse Strategy & Tracking - H139-THA-PP-ZZ-D-A-0038 (P06) 176) EV Charging Plan - H139-THA-PP-ZZ-D-A-0045 (P06) 177) Site Location Plan - H139-THA-PP-ZZ-D-A-0001 (P01) 178) Type A Roof Plan (Plot T101) - H139-THA-PP-B045-D-A-0002 (P01) 179) Type A Roof Plan (Plot T142) - H139-THA-PP-B066-D-A-0002 (P01) 180) Type A Roof Plan (Plot T27) H139-HA-PP-B014-D-A-0002 (P01) 181) Type A Roof Plan (Plot T28) - H139-THA-PP-B015-D-A-0002 (P01) 182) Type A Roof Plan (Plot T45) - H139-THA-PP-B022-D-A-0002 (P01) 183) Type A Roof Plan (Plot T46) - H139-HA-PP-B023-D-A-0002 (P01) 184) Type A Roof Plans (Plot T130) - H139-THA-PP-B061-D-A-0002 (P01) 185) Type S & T Affordable Roof Plan (Plots T19-22) - H139-THA-PP-B012-D-A-0003 (P01) 186) Type S & T Affordable Roof Plan (Plots T51-54) - H139-THA-PP-B025-D-A-0003 (P01) 187) Type C & D First Floor Plans (Plots T104-107) - H139-THA-PP-B048-D-A-0002 (P01) 188) Type C & D Roof Plan (Plots T104-107) - H139-THA-PP-B048-D-A-0003(P01) 189) Type C Elevations (Plots T124-125) - H139-THA-PP-B058-D-A-0003 (P01) 190) Type C Elevations (Plots T31-34) - H139-THA-PP-B017-D-A-0004 (P01) 191) Type C Elevations (Plots T39-42) - H139-THA-PP-B020-D-A-0004 (P01) 192) Type C First Floor Plans (Plots T31-34)- H139-THA-PP-B017-D-A-0002 (P01) 193) Type C Floor Plans (Plots T124-125) - H139-THA-PP-B058-D-A-0001 (P01) 194) Type C Ground Floor Plans (Plots T31-34) - H139-THA-PP-B017-D-A-0001 (P01) 195) Type C Ground Floor Plans (Plots T39-42) - H139-THA-PP-B020-D-A-0001(P01) 196) Type C Roof Plan (Plots T112-114) - H139-THA-PP-B051-D-A-0002 (P01) 197) Type C Roof Plan (Plots T124-125) - H139-THA-PP-B058-D-A-0002 (P01) 198) Type C Roof Plan (Plots T17-18) - H139-THA-PP-B011-D-A-0002 (P01) 199) Type C Roof Plan (Plots T31-34) - H139-THA-PP-B017-D-A-0003 (P01) 200) Type C Roof Plan (Plots T98-99) - H139-THA-PP-B043-D-A-0002 (P01) 201) Type C Roof Plan (Plots T39-42) - H139-THA-PP-B020-D-A-0003 (P01) 202) Type D & M Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T83-87) - H139-THA-PP-B038-D-A-0005 (P01) 203) Type D & M Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T83-87) - H139-THA-PP-B038-D-A-0006 (P01) 204) Type D & M First Floor Plans (Plots T76-79) - H139-THA-PP-B036-D-A-0002 (P01) 205) Type D & M First Floor Plans (Plots T83-87) - H139-THA-PP-B038-D-A-0002 (P01) 206) Type D & M Roof Plan (Plots T76-79) - H139-THA-PP-B036-D-A-0004 (P01) 207) Type D & M Roof Plan (Plots T83-87) - H139-THA-PP-B038-D-A-0004 (P01) 208) Type D & M Second Floor Plans (Plots T76-79) - H139-THA-PP-B036-D-A-0003 (P01) 209) Type D & M Second Floor Plans (Plots T83-87) - H139-THA-PP-B038-D-A-0003 (P01) 210) Type D Roof Plan (Plans T29-30) - H139-THA-PP-B016-D-A-0002 (P01) 211) Type D Roof Plan (Plots T43-44) - H139-THA-PP-B021-D-A-0002(P01) 212) Type D Roof Plan (Plots T71-72) - H139-THA-PP-B034-D-A-0002(P01) 213) Type E Elevations (Plot T100) - H139-THA-PP-B044-D-A-0002 (P01) 214) Type E Plans (Plot T100) - H139-THA-PP-B044-D-A-0001 (P01) 215) Type F Bay Roof Plan (Plots T10-11) - H139-THA-PP-B006-D-A-0002 (P01) 216) Type F Bay Roof Plan (Plots T4-5) - H139-THA-PP-B003-D-A-0002 (P01) 217) Type F Bay Roof Plan (Plots T6-7) - H139-THA-PP-B004-D-A-0002(P01) 218) Type F Bay Roof Plan (Plots T8-9) - H139-THA-PP-B005-D-A-0002(P01) 219) Type F Elevations (Plots T80-82)- H139-THA-PP-B037-D-A-0003 (P03) 220) Type F Roof Plan (Plots T2-3) - H139-THA-PP-B002-D-A-0002 (P01) 221) Type F Roof Plan (Plots T73-75) - H139-THA-PP-B035-D-A-0002 (P01) 222) Type G Elevations (Plot T1) - H139-THA-PP-B001-D-A-0002 (P01) 223) Type G Elevations (Plot T12) - H139-THA-PP-B007-D-A-0002 (P01) 224) Type G Floor Plans (Plot T1) - H139 THA-PP-B001-D-A-0001 (P01) 225) Type G Plans (Plot T12) - H139-THA-PP-B007-D-A-0001 (P01) 226) Type H Elevations (Plots T108-109) - H139-THA-PP-B049-D-A-0004 (P01) 227) Type H Elevations (Plots T110-111) - H139-THA-PP-B050-D-A-0004 (P01) 228) Type H First Floor Plans (Plots T108-109) - H139-THA-PP-B049-D-A-0002 (P01) 229) Type H First Floor Plans (Plots T110-111) - H139-THA-PP-B050-D-A-0002 (P01) 230) Type H Ground Floor Plans (Plots T108-109) - H139-THA-PP-B049-D-A-0001(P01) 231) Type H Ground Floor Plans (Plots T110-111) - H139-THA-PP-B050-D-A-0001(P01) 232) Type H Roof Plan (Plots T108-109) - H139-THA-PP-B049-D-A-0003 (P01) 233) Type H Roof Plan (Plots T110-111) - H139-THA-PP-B050-D-A-0003 (P01) 234) Type J Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T93-94) - H139-THA-PP-B041-D-A-0004 (P01) 235) Type J Second Floor & Roof Plan (Plots T88-90) - H139-THA-PP-B039-D-A-0002 (P01) 236) Type J Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T91-92) - H139-THA-PP-B040-D-A-0002 (P01) 237) Type J Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T93-94) - H139-THA-PP-B041-D-A-0002 (P01) 238) Type N & P Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T126-127) - H139-THA-PP-B059-D-A-0003 (P01) 239) Type N & P Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T126-127) - H139-THA-PP-B059-D-A-0004(P01) 240) Type N & P Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T128-129) - H139-THA-PP-B060-D-A-0004(P01) 241) Type N & P Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T95-97) - H139-THA-PP-B042-D-A-0004(P01) 242) Type N & P Ground & First Floor Plans (Plots T126-127) - H139-THA-PP-B059-D-A-0001 (P01) 243) Type N & P Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T95-97) - H139-THA-PP-B042-D-A-0002(P01) 244) Type N & P Second Floor & Roof Plans (T131-133) - H139-THA-PP-B062-D-A-0002 (P01) 245) Type N & P Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T126-127) - H139-THA-PP-B059-D-A-0002(P01) 246) Type N & P Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T128-129) - H139-THA-PP-B060-D-A-0002(P01) 247) Type Q & R Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T65-66) - H139-THA-PP-B031-D-A-0003 (P01) 248) Type Q & R Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T140-141) - H139-THA-PP-B065-D-A-0004 (P01) 249) Type Q & R Elevations Sheet 2 (Plots T57-58) - H139-THA-PP-B027-D-A-0006 (P01) 250) Type Q & R First Floor Plans (Plots T57-58) - H139-THA-PP-B027-D-A-0002 (P01) 251) Type Q & R Roof Plan (Plots T57-58) - H139-THA-PP-B027-D-A-0004 (P01) 252) Type Q & R Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T140-141) – 253) H139-THA-PP-B065-D-A-0002 (P01) 254) Type Q & R Second Floor Plans (Plots T57-58) H139-THA-PP-B027-D-A-0003 (P01) 255) Type Q & R Second Floor Roof Plans (Plots T65-66) - H139-THA-PP-B031-D-A-0002 (P01) 256) Type Q Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T137-139) - H139-THA-PP-B064-D-A-0002 (P01) 257) Type Q Second Floor & Roof Plans (Plots T67-68) - H139-THA-PP-B032-D-A-0002 (P01) 258) Type Q Second Floor and Roof Plans (Plots T59-60) - H139-THA-PP-B028-D-A-0002 (P01) 259) Type S & T Affordable First Floor Plans (Plots T51-54) - H139-THA-PP-B025-D-A-0002 (P01) 260) Type S & T First Floor Plans (Plots T19-22) - H139-THA-PP-B012-D-A-0002 (P01) 261) Type X Elevations (Plot T14) - H139-THA-PP-B009-D-A-0002 (P01) 262) Type X Plans (Plot T14) - H139-THA-PP-B009-D-A-0001 (P01) 263) Type Y Elevations (Plots T35-36) H139-THA-PP-B018-D-A-0004 (P01) 264) Type Y Elevations (Plots T37-38) - H139-THA-PP-B019-D-A-0004 (P01) 265) Type Y First Floor Plans (Plots T35-36) - H139-THA-PP-B018-D-A-0002 (P01) 266) Type Y First Floor Plans (T37-38) - H139-THA-PP-B019-D-A-0002 (P01) 267) Type Y Ground Floor Plans (Plots T35-36) H139-THA-PP-B018-D-A-0001(P01) 268) Type Y Ground Floor Plans (Plots T37-38) - H139-THA-PP-B019-D-A-0001 (P01) 269) Type Y Roof Plan (Plans T35-36) H139-THA-PP-B018-D-A-0003 (P01) 270) Type Y Roof Plan (Plots T37-38) - H139-THA-PP-B019-D-A-0003 (P01) 271) Type F Roof Plan (Plots T80-82) – H139-THA-PP-B037-D-A-0002 (P01) 272) Type G & K First Floor Plans (Plots T102-203) – H139-THA-PP-B047-D-A-0002 (P02) 273) Type N & P Elevations Sheet 1 (Plots T131-133) – H139-THA-PP-B062-D-A-0003 (P01) 274) Type C Floor Plans (T39-T42) – H139-THA-PP-B020-D-A-0002 (Rev P01)
REASON: To avoid any doubt over what has been permitted.
2. No development hereby permitted shall proceed beyond damp proof course level until details of all proposed external facing materials (including providing access to samples where requested by the Local Planning Authority) have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To secure the high-quality appearance of the development.
3. None of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until details of all proposed street furniture, including bollards, seating etc. (including providing access to samples where requested by the Local Planning Authority) have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To secure the high-quality appearance of the development.
4. None of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until a plan of the position, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected to all boundaries has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved boundary treatment has been fully implemented. Furthermore, no dwelling shall be occupied until the approved boundary treatments for that dwelling have been fully implemented. The approved boundary treatments shall thereafter be retained at all times unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To protect the privacy of the occupiers of the neighbouring property, to prevent overlooking, and to ensure the high-quality appearance of the development.
5. No dwelling, hereby approved, shall be first occupied until the approved parking spaces (including car ports but not including garages) and turning areas (where appropriate) for that property have been constructed in accordance with the approved details and made available for use. These areas shall thereafter be kept available for the parking and turning of vehicles at all times unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning application for that purpose.
REASON: To ensure appropriate parking provision is made and retained at all times following the occupation of those dwellings; to reduce the demand for on-street parking as a result of inadequate allocated parking spaces and in the interests of highway safety.
6. The car ports hereby approved shall not be enclosed or have doors added, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning application for that purpose.
REASON: To ensure appropriate parking provision is retained at all times following the occupation of those dwellings; to reduce the demand for on-street parking as a result of inadequate allocated parking spaces and in the interests of highway safety.
7. At no time shall a roof void within any of the dwellings hereby approved be used to increase the floorspace of the gross internal area of that dwelling (when compared with the floorplans hereby approved) unless first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority following the submission of a planning application.
REASON: To ensure appropriate parking provision is made and retained at all times following the occupation of those dwellings; to reduce the demand for on-street parking as a result of inadequate allocated parking spaces and in the interests of highway safety.
8. The first floor windows proposed to be inserted into the :
I. South elevation of Plots 13 and 56; II. West elevation of Plots 54; 114 and 150; III. North elevation of Plot 71; IV. East elevation of Plot 104.
Shall be:
a) Obscure-glazed; and
b) Of a non-opening design and construction to a height of 1.7 metres above internal finished floor level;
and shall thereafter be retained in that condition at all times.
REASON: To prevent overlooking and to protect the privacy of the occupiers of the adjacent property.
9. Following the commencement of development, at no time during the lifetime of the development permitted pursuant to this reserved matters approval shall the land edged in light blue and labelled as “Offset for Thakeham” on the plan at paragraph 6.10 of the approved Shadow Appropriate Assessment (updated February 2024) be used for agriculture or for any other use that would produce a nitrogen saving of less than 45.79 kg/TN (as set out in the final column of Table 1 at paragraph 4.10 of the approved document “Updated Welborne Nitrogen Budgets Supporting Information Jan24”).
REASON: To demonstrate that suitable mitigation has been secured in relation to the effect that nitrates from the development has on the Protected Sites around The Solent.
10. None of the development hereby permitted shall be occupied until a timetable, setting out the phasing of the implementation of the landscaping details hereby approved, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved landscaping details shall be implemented and completed according to the approved timetable and maintained in accordance with the agreed schedule. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from first planting, are removed, die or, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced, within the next available planting season, with others of the same species, size and number as originally approved.
REASON: To ensure the provision, establishment and maintenance of a standard of landscaping
Note for information:
The applicant is advised that any permission under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, should not be construed as approval to the highway engineering details necessary for inclusion in an Agreement under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980.
Upon being proposed or seconded the officer recommendation: -
(i) Subject to consideration by the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Planning Committee Chairman, of any comments received from Natural England in response to the consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment and consideration of any additional conditions or modifications to the proposed conditions that they may recommend;
(ii) APPROVE reserved matters, subject to the conditions in the report and Update report: and THEN
(iii) DELEGATE authority to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. Was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against)
RESOLVED that: -
(i) Subject to consideration by the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Planning Committee Chairman, of any comments received from Natural England in response to the consultation on the Council’s Appropriate Assessment and consideration of any additional conditions or modifications to the proposed conditions that they may recommend;
(ii) RESERVED MATTERS, subject to the conditions in the report and Update Report, be APPROVED; and THEN
(iii) AUTHORITY BE DELEGATED to the Head of Planning to make any necessary modification, deletion or addition to the proposed conditions. |
Minutes: The Update Report was circulated prior to the meeting and considered alongside the relevant agenda items. |