Venue: Waypoint Church and then Council Chamber - Civic Offices
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prayers The meeting will commence with a short service of prayers. Minutes: Following the meeting being opened with prayers led by the Mayor’s Chaplain, Reverend Richard England, the Mayor extended a warm welcome to all guests at this annual meeting of the Council in what is the Council’s Golden Anniversary year.
The Mayor welcomed in particular Alan Chamberlain who had been appointed as Chartered Deputy Mayor at the inaugural meeting of the Borough Council in 1974.
The Mayor also welcomed guests from Pulheim in what is the 40th anniversary of the Pulheim and Fareham Borough Council twinning. |
Presentation of Awards There will be a presentation of awards for the Citizens of Honour and the Young Citizen of Honour. Minutes: The Mayor presented Citizen of Honour badges to Trevor Conduit and Peter Humphreys and the Young Citizen of Honour badge to Lewis Ferriroli. |
Apologies for Absence - Morning session Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M J Ford, JP and Councillor Mrs K Mandry. |
Election of Mayor To elect the Mayor of Fareham for the Municipal Year 2024/25. The Order of Proceedings to be observed is set out in the programme, which will be available at the meeting. Minutes: On the Council being invited to submit nominations for the election of Mayor, it was proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable “that Councillor Mrs Pal Hayre be elected Mayor of Fareham for the municipal year 2024/25”. On the nomination being put to the meeting it was declared CARRIED unanimously.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs Pal Hayre be elected Mayor of Fareham for the municipal year 2024/25.
After Councillor Mrs Hayre had received the personal congratulations of the Mayor, she retired from the meeting to be robed and, upon her return, signed the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The Mayor thanked the Council for her election and informed members that Reverend Richard England would be her Chaplain for the year. She further announced that the Mayor’s charity appeal would this year be in support of The Stubbington Ark.
The Mayor named her husband, Narinder Hayre, as her Mayor’s Consort for the year and invested him with his chain of office. |
Election of Deputy Mayor To elect the Deputy Mayor for the municipal Year 2024/25 in accordance with Standing Order 1.2.2. Minutes: On the Council being invited to submit nominations for the election of Deputy Mayor of Fareham for the municipal year 2024/25, it was proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor Mrs P M Bryant “that Councillor Mrs Louise Clubley be elected Deputy Mayor of Fareham for the municipal year 2024/25”. On the nomination being put to the meeting, it was declared CARRIED unanimously.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs L E Clubley be elected Deputy Mayor of Fareham for the municipal year 2024/25.
The Deputy Mayor signed the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office and named her husband, Jonathan Clubley, as her Deputy Mayor Consort for the year.
(1) Vote of Thanks
It was proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable “that the best thanks of the Council be accorded to Councillor F W Birkett and Councillor Mrs L M Birkett for their services as Mayor and Mayoress during the past municipal year. On being put to the meeting the motion was declared CARRIED unanimously.
RESOLVED that the best thanks of the Council be accorded to Councillor F W Birkett and Councillor Mrs L M Birkett for their services as Mayor and Mayoress during the past municipal year.
Councillor Birkett replied to the vote of thanks and expressed his appreciation of the support he had been given throughout his term of office. The Mayor then presented Councillor Birkett with his Past Mayor’s badge and Councillor Mrs Lisa Birkett with her Past Mayoress badge. |
Mayor's Cadet To present the Mayor’s Cadet for 2024/25 with the badge of service. Minutes: The Mayor presented her Mayor’s Cadet for 2024/25, Able Cadet Connor Martin from Warsash Sea Cadets, with his badge of service. |
Adjournment until 3pm The meeting will re-convene in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Fareham. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable “that this meeting now adjourn and resume at 3pm in the Council Chamber in the Civic Offices, Fareham.”
On being put to the meeting, the proposition was declared CARRIED unanimously. |
Apologies for absence - afternoon session Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M J Ford, JP and Councillor Mrs K Mandry. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 09 April 2024. Minutes: The Mayor advised that in respect of item 6 of the minutes, she had asked officers to schedule a special meeting of the Council to consider the investiture of retired Councillor Mrs K K Trott.
RESOLVED that the Mayor be authorised to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 09 April 2024. |
Mayor's Announcements Minutes: The Mayor welcomed all Members to the meeting and extended a very warm welcome to the 8 newly elected councillors. The Mayor also congratulated all Members on their election success. The Mayor confirmed that Reverend Richard England would be her Chaplain and reminded everyone that she had chosen to support The Stubbington Ark as her charity for her Mayoral year.
The Mayor announced that her tea parties, in support of her charity, would take place on the first Thursday of each month (apart from August and January).
Finally, the Mayor asked Members to note that the date of the Council meeting in June has been changed and will now be held on Wednesday 26 June at the slightly later time of 6.30pm, due to the preceding Planning Inquiry. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Appointment of the Executive |
Executive Leader To elect a member of the Council to be the Executive Leader in accordance with Standing Order 6.10. Members are reminded that the Council’s constitution provides that the term of office of the Executive Leader shall be 4 years. Minutes: On the Council being invited to submit nominations for the election of the Executive Leader of the Council it was proposed by Councillor Mrs S M Bayford and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable “that Councillor Simon Martin be elected Executive Leader of the Council for a 4 year term office”. On the nomination being put to the meeting, it was declared CARRIED unanimously.
RESOLVED that Councillor S D Martin be elected as Executive Leader of the Council for a 4 year term of office.
Number of other Executive Members Members are reminded that following the resolution of the Council on 16 December 2010, the Executive Leader is invited to advise the Council of the appointment of two or more (but no more than nine) Members to form the Executive. Minutes: Members were reminded that following the resolution of the Council on 16 December 2010, the Executive Leader would be invited to advise the Council on his appointment of two or more (but no more than nine) members to form the Executive.
The Council was duly advised by the Executive Leader that he would be appointing five other members to form the Executive to work alongside him. He also advised that Councillor I J Bastable would be appointed as the Deputy Executive Leader.
RESOLVED that the decision above be noted. |
Appointment of Other Executive Members Members are reminded that the Executive Leader is responsible for determining the areas of Executive responsibility and for allocating the portfolios to the Executive Members appointed. The Executive Leader is invited to advise the Council of the appointments. Minutes: Members were reminded that following the resolution of the Council on 16 December 2010, the Executive Leader would be invited to advise the Council of his appointment of other Executive Members, consequent to his decision at item 12(2) above.
The Council was duly advised that the Executive Leader would be appointing Councillors I J Bastable, F W Birkett, Miss J Burton, M Daniells and Mrs C L A Hockley as Executive Members for 2024/25.
RESOLVED that the above decision be noted.
Areas of Executive Responsibility In accordance with Standing Order 1.5 the Executive Leader is invited to determine the separate areas of responsibility to be allocated to the Executive members for the following year, members are advised that following the Executive Leader’s decision, the following are the areas of responsibility:
· Housing · Leisure and Community · Streetscene · Health and Public Protection · Planning and Development · Policy and Resources
The Executive Leader is invited to confirm the areas of responsibility for 2024/25. Members are reminded that the allocation of these portfolios to the Executive Members is a matter for the Executive Leader.
Minutes: The Council was reminded that the Executive Leader is responsible for determining the areas of Executive responsibility and for allocating the portfolios to the Executive Members appointed.
The Council was duly advised that the Executive Leader would be allocating responsibilities to the Executive portfolios for the municipal year 2024/25 as follows:
Health and Public Protection - Councillor Miss J Burton Planning and Development – Councillor M Daniells Streetscene – Councillor I J Bastable Leisure and Community – Councillor Mrs C L A Hockley Housing – Councillor F W Birkett Policy and Resources – Councillor S D Martin
RESOLVED that the above decision be noted.
Appointment of Committees and Allocation of Seats In accordance with its Standing Orders, the Council is invited to consider a report on the appointment of committees and the allocation of seats following the nominations of political groups. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received a report by the Assistant Director (Democracy), providing calculations for the political balance relating to the allocation of seats on committees and panels for the municipal year 2024/25.
The report asked the Council to confirm the functions and appointment of committee seats as well as the role of Chairman and Vice-Chairman for each committee. The minority group was invited to appoint opposition spokesmen to each of the Executive portfolios.
Appendix B Committee Nomination Schedule 2024/25 was tabled at the meeting for consideration in respect of recommendations (c) and (d) of the report.
An amended Appendix B Committee Nomination Schedule 2024/25 was also tabled at the meeting by Councillor P W Whittle in respect of recommendations (c) and (d) of the report.
Having been duly proposed by Councillor P W Whittle, seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and on having been put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST, with 10 voting in favour and 20 voting against.
On returning to the substantive tabled item and having been put to the vote the recommendations (c ) and (d) were declared CARRIED with 20 voting in favour and 10 voting against.
RESOLVED that the Council approves:
(a) the committee functions and number of seats on each committee for the municipal year 2024/25, as listed at paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 of the report;
(b) the allocation of seats to political groups for the municipal year 2024/25, as set out in Appendix A to the report;
(c) the nominations of the political groups to seats on committees, deputies and spokesmen, for the municipal year 2024/25, as set out in the substantive Tabled Appendix B to the report; and
(d) the appointment of a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for each committee for the municipal year 2024/25, as set out in the substantive Tabled Appendix B to the report. |
Appointments to Outside Bodies Standing Order 1.9 requires the Council to make appointments to outside bodies other than appointments which are required by law to be made by the Executive. Appended to this agenda is a report scheduling the appointments to be made. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council was reminded that it was required by Standing Order 1.9 to make appointments to outside bodies other than those appointments which were required by law to be made by the Executive. Council therefore considered the report by the Assistant Director (Democracy) on the appointments to be made and also received guidance on the duties and responsibilities of members when acting as appointee to an outside body.
Appendix B to the report – Schedule of Appointments to Outside Bodies 2024/25 was tabled at the meeting outlining the proposed appointments to be made. The following amendments to the Schedule were noted:
For the appointment to the Fareham/Pulheim Twinning Committee (No 9. on the Schedule) the Executive Leader stated that the proposed representative should be Councillor Lisa Whittle.
For the appointment to the Police and Crime Panel (No 30. on the Schedule) the Executive Leader stated that the proposed representative should be Councillor Miss J Burton and the deputy should be Councillor S D Martin.
The Executive Leader advised that appointments and amendments to be made were as highlighted in yellow in the Tabled Appendix B Schedule of Appointments 2024/25.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for Citizens Advice (No. 3 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Cllr Kirsten Wiltshire be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for Communities First (No. 4 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor David Wiltshire be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for the Fareham/Vannes Twinning Committee (No. 10 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor Kirsten Wiltshire be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for the Fareham Welfare Trust (No. 13 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor Kirsten Wiltshire be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for Genesis Advisory Committee (No. 14 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor David Wiltshire be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Local Government Association (No. 17 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor David Hamilton be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for Hampshire 2050 Partnership (No. 19 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor Paul Whittle be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for Historic Environment Champion (English Heritage) (No. 20 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor Chrissie Bainbridge be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for Joint Gypsy and Traveller Panel for Hampshire (No. 21 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor David Wiltshire be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for the Partnership for South Hampshire Overview and Scrutiny Committee (No. 29 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor David Hamilton be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for the Police and Crime Panel (No. 30 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor David Wiltshire be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for the Police and Crime Panel (No. 30 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor G Furnivall proposed that she be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 10 voting in favour and 20 voting against.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for Public Transport Representative (No. 35 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor Chrissie Bainbridge be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for Solent Sea Rescue (No. 41 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor Paul Nother be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for the Standing Conference on Problems Associated with Coastline (No. 44 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor David Wiltshire be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for Strategic Aviation Special Interest Group to the Local Government Association (No. 45 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Councillor David Wiltshire be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
In respect of the Outside Body nomination for the William Price Charitable Trust (No. 53 at Tabled Appendix B) Councillor P W Whittle proposed that Cllr Lisa Whittle be appointed as the representative. Having been seconded by Councillor C Bainbridge and put to the vote, the proposal was declared LOST with 9 voting in favour, 19 voting against and 1 abstention.
It was proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I Bastable that (subject to any agreed changes outlined above) the appointments and amendments to Outside Bodies as outlined at Tabled Appendix B to the report be agreed. On being put to the vote, the proposal was declared CARRIED with 20 voting in favour and 10 voting against.
RESOLVED that the Council:
(a) notes those Outside Bodies that have not met within the 2023/24 municipal year and agrees that these be deleted from the Schedule;
(b) agrees the addition to the Schedule of any new Outside Bodies to which an appointment needs to be made for the 2024/25 municipal year;
(c) subject to the amendments at No(s) 9. and 30. as detailed above, appoints the representatives for the 2024/25 municipal year to the organisations as set out in the Tabled Appendix B to the report;
(d) agrees to appoint Sarah Coles and Reverend Richard England to the Hammond Memorial Hall Board of Trustees (no 15 on the Schedule provided at Appendix B to the report) for a further 4-year term of office; and
(e ) notes the guidance to Members on their duties and responsibilities as appointees to Outside Bodies. |
Standards Arrangements - Appointment of a Designated Independent Person The Council is reminded that the Localism Act 2011 implemented significant changes to the Standards Regime which required the Council to put arrangements in place to deal with matters of ethics, probity and members conduct.
The term of office of Mr Andrew Day as the Designated Independent Person for Fareham Borough Council has now expired and Council is therefore requested to re-appoint Mr Day for a further term of 3 years with immediate effect. Minutes: RESOLVED that Mr Andrew Day be appointed for a further 3-year term of office as the Designated Independent Person in respect of the Council’s Standards arrangements. |
Executive Leader's Announcements Minutes: The Executive Leader announced that as well as the requests at the last Council meeting that the now retired Councillors S D T Woodward and Mrs K K Trott are made Honorary Aldermen, the Executive Leader asked the Mayor for that meeting to also include making the now retired Councillors Nick and Sue Walker Honorary Aldermen. |
Executive Members' Announcements Minutes: Health and Public Protection
The Executive Member for Health and Public Protection was pleased to confirm that the Council has secured £15,000 Anti-Social Behaviour funding to run early intervention programmes in Fareham. Working with local identified schools, youth charities and the habitual knife carriers where the risks are at a preventative stage, the early intervention programme will be implemented to address behaviours around arson/intentional fire setting, drugs awareness and knife crime within the Fareham area targeting young people of school age, years 9-11. The programme will be delivered by Hampshire and IOW Fire and Rescue service supported by firefighters who will aid in the delivery of the operational elements and will cover personal resilience, stronger communities, aspirations & keeping safe, becoming more risk aware, understanding how to make safer choices around knife crime, intentional fire setting and drugs awareness.
The Executive Member stated that the programmes are set to run across September, November, and December and that she would like to congratulate the officers for their work in the successful bid funding and thank Donna Jones for her recognition in anti-social behaviour issues and for providing funding for these programmes particularly to support our young people. |
Presentation of Petitions To receive any petitions presented by a member of the Council.
Note: any petition so presented will be dealt with in accordance with the Council’s petition scheme. Minutes: There were no petitions presented at this meeting. |
Reports of the Executive |
Schedule of Individual Executive Member and Officer Delegated Decisions Minutes: RESOLVED that the Schedule of Individual Member and Officer Delegated Decisions be noted. |
Reports of Other Committees To receive the minutes of the following Committees and to consider and answer questions on any reports and recommendations made. |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 28 March 2024 of Planning Committee Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting Thursday, 23 March 2024 of the Planning Committee be received. |
Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 10 April 2024 of Planning Committee Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting Wednesday, 10 April 2024 of the Planning Committee be received. |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 25 April 2024 of Planning Committee Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting Thursday, 25 April 2024 of the Planning Committee be received.
Reports of the Scrutiny Panels To receive, consider and answer questions on reports and recommendations of the meetings of the Scrutiny Panels. |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 21 March 2024 of Streetscene Scrutiny Panel Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting Thursday, 21 March 2024 of the Streetscene Scrutiny Panel be received. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes Wednesday, 27 March 2024 of the Health and Public Protection Scrutiny Panel be received. |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 11 April 2024 of Housing Scrutiny Panel Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting Thursday, 11 April 2024 of the Housing Scrutiny Panel be received. |
Questions under Standing Order 2.12 To answer questions pursuant to Standing Order 2.12 for this meeting. Minutes: There were no questions submitted at this meeting. |
Motions under Standing Order 2.6 Members will be informed, prior to the meeting, of any motion duly notified in accordance with Standing Order 2.6 but received after print and dispatch of the agenda. Minutes: There were no Motions submitted at this meeting. |
Policy Framework Standing Order 1.8 requires the Council to establish or confirm the plans and strategies which are to comprise the Council’s overall policy framework within which the Executive will operate during the coming year. The Council’s Constitution sets out the major plans and strategies reserved to the Council for approval.
The Council is therefore invited to confirm the Policy Framework for 2024/25 as comprising those plans and strategies identified in the table below:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Policy Framework for 2024/25 be confirmed as comprising those plans and strategies identified in the table below: