Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
At the start of the meeting, a minute’s silence was observed in memory of former councillor Eve Burley who sadly passed away earlier in the month. |
Prayers The meeting will commence with a short service of prayers. Minutes: The meeting commenced with a short service of prayers led by the Mayor’s chaplain. | |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs S M Bayford, Mrs L E Clubley, S Dugan, J M Englefield and P M Nother. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16 May 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Mayor be authorised to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 16 May 2024. |
Mayor's Announcements Minutes: The Mayor announced that she was very pleased to be able to attend the D-Day 80 National Celebration event in Portsmouth which was also attended by King Charles, Queen Camilla and Prince William. A few days later she was proud to open the Daedalus D-Day 80 event at Solent Airport.
The Mayor also announced that she recently had the pleasure of meeting the Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire at a reception held at Searle’s House in Winchester.
The Mayor announced that her first tea party was held on 6th of June where there had been a very interesting talk on solitary bees. The next tea party will be held on the 11 July at 2.30pm in the Council Chamber.
Finally, the Mayor requested that Members note that the meeting of the Council scheduled to take place on the 24 October will be moved to the 17 October. |
Executive Leader's Announcements Minutes: The Executive Leader announced that he would be requesting that a special meeting of the Council be convened immediately before the start of the July meeting in order to consider the investiture of Honorary Alderman, as per the announcement made at the Annual Council meeting. |
Executive Members' Announcements Minutes: Executive Member for Health and Public Protection
The Executive Member announced that she had recently met with the Manager at Fareham Community Hospital and had welcomed the opportunity to find out more about the provisions and services that are currently provided at the hospital.
The Executive Member stated that whilst the hospital provides a vast number of services, catering for many residents of Fareham and beyond, there is potential to increase and expand on services. She advised that, as Executive Member for Health and Public Protection and a Hampshire County Councillor, she is keen for Fareham to drive this initiative forward. She reported that the manager of the hospital is supportive of the idea and is currently discussing this with the Integrated Care Board to ensure that commitment and involvement is gained from primary and secondary care providers.
Executive Member for Leisure and Community
The Executive Member for Leisure and Community made the following announcements:
D-Day 80 The Executive Member stated that she would like to record her thanks to Montserrat Events and all the volunteers who worked hard to make the D-Day 80 event a truly memorable occasion with over 16,000 tickets sold over the two days.
999 day The Executive Member thanked everyone involved in organising the successful 999 day event and in particular, welcomed back the Y-Services yellow bus. The stand for youth services had over 500 visitors on the day which was tremendous.
Fareham Live The Executive Member announced that Fareham Live is progressing well. The main auditorium seats and stage are currently being installed and nearly 12,000 tickets have been sold to date, with some shows already sold out. Free Backstage Tours are now available to book online via the Fareham Live website.
The Executive Member stated that those in attendance at the Leisure and Community Scrutiny Panel meeting on 25th June will have seen the photographs of the progress being made both inside and outside the facility – which is looking stunning.
Borough’s Birthday Bash The Executive Member announced that to celebrate 50 years of Fareham being a Borough, a Birthday Bash event is taking place in Fareham Shopping Centre and West Street over the weekend of 13 and 14 July. Families can enjoy a free pop-up beach in the shopping centre and there will also be children’s activities, fun fair rides, food concessions and a pop-up artisan market. The pop up beach which will continue to be free to use all summer long, until 16 September. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Presentation of Petitions To receive any petitions presented by a member of the Council.
Note: any petition so presented will be dealt with in accordance with the Council’s petition scheme. Minutes: There were no petitions presented at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations of which notice has been given. Minutes: There were no deputations given at this meeting. |
Reports of the Executive To receive, consider and answer questions on reports and recommendations of the Executive. Minutes of the meetings of the Executive and a schedule of individual Executive member decisions are appended. |
Minutes of meeting Monday, 3 June 2024 of Executive Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on Monday, 3 June 2024 be received. |
Schedule of Individual Executive Member and Officer Delegated Decisions Minutes: RESOLVED that the Schedule of Individual Executive Member and Officer Delegated Decisions be received. |
Reports of Other Committees To receive the minutes of the following Committees and to consider and answer questions on any reports and recommendations made. |
Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 22 May 2024 of Planning Committee Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 22 May 2024 be received. |
Minutes of meeting Monday, 10 June 2024 of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Committee held on Monday 10 June 2024 be received. |
Reports of the Scrutiny Panels To receive, consider and answer questions on reports and recommendations of the meetings of the Scrutiny Panels. |
Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 5 June 2024 of Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel Minutes:
(a) the recommendation of the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel, as detailed at page 39 of the agenda pack, be noted;
(b) the Council notes that the motion in respect of Community Generated Energy schemes is deferred to a later date, outside of the pre-election period; and
(c) the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel held on Wednesday, 5 June 2024 be received. |
Questions under Standing Order 2.12 To answer questions pursuant to Standing Order 2.12 for this meeting. Minutes: There were no questions submitted for this meeting. |
Motions under Standing Order 2.6 Members will be informed, prior to the meeting, of any motion duly notified in accordance with Standing Order 2.6 but received after print and dispatch of the agenda. Minutes: There were no Motions submitted for this meeting. |
Appointment of Committees and Allocation of Seats To consider a report by the Assistant Director (Democracy). Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report by the Assistant Director (Democracy) which presented a proposed change to the appointment of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel and two changes to memberships on the Audit and Governance Committee and the Housing Scrutiny Panel.
Having been proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable, it was agreed that Councillor Mrs L M Birkett be appointed as Chairman of the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel with effect from Thursday 27 June 2024.
RESOLVED that the Council:
(a) approves the appointment of Mrs L M Birkett as the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel; and
(b) notes that Councillor Mrs P M Bryant is appointed as a member of the Housing Scrutiny Panel, replacing Councillor D G Foot, and Councillor D G Foot is appointed as a member of the Audit and Governance Committee, replacing Councillor Miss J Burton. |
Appointments to Outside Bodies To consider a report by the Assistant Director (Democracy). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received a report by the Assistant Director (Democracy) which put forward revised appointments to the Schedule of Outside Body Appointments for the 2024/25 municipal year.
Having been proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable it was agreed that the appointments as detailed at Appendix A to the report be made.
RESOLVED that the Council appoints the representatives to those Outside Bodies as highlighted in Appendix A to the report at numbers 8, 12, 27 and 49. |