Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Prayers The meeting will commence with a short service of prayers. Minutes: The meeting commenced with a service of prayers led by the Mayor’s Chaplin, Reverend Sam Cullen. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies given for this meeting. |
Honorary Aldermen Member are advised that Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 provides that the office of Honorary Alderman may be conferred on a past Member in recognition of their eminent services to the Council. Such a proposal must be supported by not less than two thirds of the Members voting on the proposals at the meeting.
(1) Katrina Trott
That former Councillor Katrina Trott, be admitted to the roll of Honorary Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgment of her eminent services to the Council from 2002 to 2024. . (2) Susan Walker
That former Councillor Susan Walker, be admitted to the roll of Honorary Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgement of her eminent services to the Council between 1987 to 2024.
(3) Nicholas Walker
That former Councillor Nicholas Walker, be admitted to the roll of Honorary Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgement of his eminent services to the Council between 1982 and 2024.
(4) Seán Woodward
That former Councillor Seán Woodward, be admitted to the roll of Honorary Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgement of his eminent services to the Council from 1986 to 2024. Minutes: Councillor F W Birkett joined the meeting during this item.
Council was reminded that this was a special meeting of the Council convened in accordance with Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 to consider the investiture of office of Honorary Alderman to Katrina Trott, Susan Walker, Nicholas Walker and Seán Woodward.
(1) Katrina Trott
The following motion was proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable:
“That former Councillor Katrina Trott, be admitted to the Roll of Honorary Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgement of her eminent services to the Council from 2002 to 2024.”
In reaching this decision the Council took account of Katrina’s service as a member of Fareham Borough Council for 22 years where between May 2007 and May 2008, she was Mayor of Fareham.
During her time on the Council, Katrina served on many different Panels and Committees over the years including the Housing Tenancy Board, Planning and Transportation, Strategic Planning & Environment, Leisure & Community, the Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Committee and the Housing and Climate Change Scrutiny Panels.
Katrina was also recognised for her contributions as the Council’s representative on a number of Outside Bodies including the Homelessness Working Group, Fareham Community Association committee, the Wallington Village Community Association committee, the Town Centre Management Steering Group, Tenants’ & Leaseholders Borough Panel and the Fareham/Vannes and Fareham/Pulheim Twinning committees.
At the invitation of the Mayor, Councillors P W Whittle, Mrs C L A Hockley, Mrs P M Bryant, MJ Ford, Mrs K Mandry, D J Hamilton and Mrs S M Bayford addressed the meeting on this item.
On being put to the meeting the motion was declared carried unanimously.
RESOLVED that Katrina Trott be admitted to the Honorary Roll of Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgment of her eminent services to the Council from 2022 to 2024.
Upon the motion being carried, the Mayor presented Alderman Trott with a formal document commemorating the grant of office, together with her badge of office. Alderman Trott was invited to sign the Roll of Honour, duly witnessed by the Mayor and the Chief Executive.
Alderman Trott addressed the Council in reply.
(2) Susan Walker
The following motion was proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable:
“That former Councillor Susan Walker be admitted to the Roll of Honorary Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgement of her eminent services between 1987 and 2024.”
In reaching its decision the Council took account of Susan’s service as a member of Fareham Borough Council for 22 years.
During her time on the Council Susan was Chairman of the Leisure & Community PDR Panel between 2011 to 2015, and Executive Member for Leisure & Community from 2015 to 2024.
Susan served on many different Panels and Committees including Housing, Staff & Establishment, Environmental Services, HMS Daedalus Joint Working Group, Scrutiny & Housing Tenancy Boards, Portchester Community Centre Task & Finish Panel and the Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Committee.
The Council also recognised the contributions made by Susan as a Ward Councillor for Sarisbury and the Portchester West since she was first elected in 1987 and as a representative of the Borough Council at many local organisations concerned with the benefit of Fareham and the welfare of its citizens.
At the invitation of the Mayor, Councillors Mrs C L Hockley, Mrs P M Bryant, M J Ford and F W Birkett addressed the meeting on this item.
On being put to the meeting the motion was declared carried unanimously.
RESOLVED that Susan Walker be admitted to the Honorary Roll of Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgement of her eminent services to the Council between 1987 to 2024.
Upon the motion being carried, the Mayor presented Alderman Susan Walker with a formal document commemorating the grant of office, together with her badge of office. Alderman Susan Walker was invited to sign the Roll of Honour, duly witnessed by the Mayor and the Chief Executive.
Alderman Susan Walker addressed the Council in reply and requested that her thanks be put on record to Emma Bowler and her team for their help and support over the years.
(3) Nicholas Walker
The following motion was proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable:
“That former Councillor Nicholas Walker be admitted to the Roll of Honorary Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgment of his eminent services to the Council between 1982 and 2024.”
In reaching its decision the Council took account of Nick’s service as a member of Fareham Borough Council over 36 years. During his time as a Councillor, Nick was Vice-Chairman of the Town Planning Committee before serving as Chairman of the Planning Committee for many years.
The Council also recognised the contribution made by Nick as a Ward Councillor for Portchester since he was first elected in 1982 and as a representative of the Borough Council at many local organisations concerned with the benefit of Fareham and the welfare of its citizens.
At the invitation of the Mayor, Councillors Mrs C L A Hockley, D Foot, Mrs P M Bryant, F W Birkett, M J Ford, Mrs K Mandry and Mrs T L Ellis addressed the meeting.
On being put to the meeting the motion was declared carried.
RESOLVED that Nicholas Walker be admitted to the Honorary Roll of Aldermen of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgment of his eminent services to the between 1982 and 2024.
Upon the motion being carried, the Mayor presented Alderman Walker with a formal document commemorating the grant of office, together with his badge of office. Alderman Walker was invited to sign the Roll of Honour, duly witnessed by the Mayor and the Chief Executive.
Alderman Nicholas Walker addressed the Council in reply and asked that his thanks be put on record to Lee Smith and Melanie Bettley for the support they have provided to him as Chairman of the Planning Committee.
(4) Seán Woodward
The following motion was proposed by Councillor S D Martin and seconded by Councillor I J Bastable:
“That former Councillor Seán Woodward, be admitted to the Roll of Honorary Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledge of his eminent services to the Council from 1986 to 2024.”
In reaching its decision the Council took account of Seán’s service as a member of Fareham Borough Council for 38 years.
During his time on the Council, Seán was Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party between 1995 and 1996 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1996 to 2024. Executive Member for Policy and Resources and Chairman of the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire between 2004 and 2024. In addition to this Sean also served as a member of Hampshire County Council for Sarisbury between 2005 and 2024.
The Council also recognised the contribution made by Seán as a Ward Councillor for Sarisbury since he was first elected in 1986 and as a representative of the Borough Council at many local organisations concerned with the benefit of Fareham and the welfare of its citizens.
At the invitation of the Mayor, Councillors Mrs P M Bryant, M J Ford, Miss J Burton, F W Birkett, F Burgess, Mrs S M Bayford and Mrs C L A Hockley addressed the meeting on this item.
On being put to the meeting the motion was declared carried.
RESOLVED that Seán Woodward, be admitted to the Honorary Roll of Alderman of the Borough of Fareham in recognition and acknowledgment of his eminent services to the Council from 1986 to 2024.
Upon the motion being carried, the Mayor presented Alderman Woodward with a formal document commemorating the grant of office, together with his badge of office. Alderman Woodward was invited to sign the Roll of Honour, duly witnessed by the Mayor and the Chief Executive.
Alderman Woodward addressed the Council in reply.
The Mayor gave her personal thanks and congratulations to all Aldermen and then concluded the meeting.