Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies given for this meeting. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 3 December 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Executive Leader's Announcements Minutes: The Executive Leader made the following announcements:
Devolution As Members will be aware, the Government has announced proposals for devolution in England and with this come proposals for Local Government Review. Although this is all at a very early stage, I want to take this opportunity to assure everyone that our focus at the moment is on running Fareham Borough Council and the continued delivery of our excellent services.
Council Tax Winter Fuel Payments Further to his previous announcement made at the December meeting of the Executive, Fareham Borough Council’s Council Tax Winter Fuel Scheme went live in early December. We have encouraged applications by emailing 220 customer where we hold an email address and are calling a further 170 customer where email contacts are not held. As of today we have received 82 applications.
We have so far processed 27 applications (a combined award of £4,762.02) which has led to either a Council Tax credit or a full or part refund of Council Tax already paid, we are notifying applicants of their awards this week and will continue to process applications as they are received. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Petitions Minutes: There were no petitions submitted at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations, of which notice has been lodged. Minutes: A deputation was received from local resident, Mr Gareth Owenson, in respect of item 10(4) on the agenda – Capital Investment at Solent Airport – PV aeroplane storage units. |
References from Other Committees To receive any references from the committees or panels held. Minutes:
Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Committee – 26 November 2024
Minute 8 – Review of Gambling Statement of Principles
The Committee received a report by the Head of Environmental Health which presented the Gambling Statement of Principles for review.
RESOLVED that the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee:
(a) having considered the draft document, and noted the result of the statutory consultation exercise, makes no amendments to the draft policy statement; and
(b) recommends to the Executive that the final draft Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles 2025-2028, as attached at Appendix A to the report be recommended for adoption by the Council.
This was considered at item 10(5) of the agenda.
Minute 9 – Review of Hackney Carriage Tariff
The Committee received a report by the Head of Environmental Health which presented a review of the Hackney Carriage Tariff for consideration.
Members discussed the level of increase requested, noting that during the Covid-19 Pandemic the Taxi Trade had not requested an increase to the Tariff due to concerns that it would discourage people from using their service.
It was also noted that the Taxi Trade does not ask for an increase every year and only does so when it is felt appropriate. Members felt that the level of increase requested was reasonable, with some members suggesting that, given the recent cost or living crisis, a higher increase would be justified. The Committee concluded that, under the circumstances, the Taxi Trade is best placed to judge what the Taxi Tariff should be.
RESOLVED that the Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Committee:
(a) considered the proposal as detailed in the report;
(b) agrees that a change to the tariff is appropriate; and
(c) recommends to the Executive that the proposed Hackney Carriage Tariff, as detailed at Appendix F to the report, be agreed.
This was considered at item 9(1) on the agenda.
Streetscene Scrutiny Panel – 6 January 2025
Minute 10 – Trade Waste Service Review
The Panel received a report by the Director of Neighbourhoods which presented proposed changes to the Council’s Trade Waste Services for 2025-2028. Members were invited to consider the proposed changes and to put forward observations or comments to the Executive to take into account when the item is considered at its meeting on 13 January 2025.
In presenting the report, the Director of Neighbourhoods advised the Panel that recommendation (f) as shown in the Executive report presented for comment by Members was not applicable for comment as matters relating to staffing levels are the remit of the Chief Executive Officer and not a matter for consideration by the Executive.
Councillor Bainbridge commented that the report was very comprehensive and well-presented and provided all the detail that was needed for the decision to be considered.
There were no other comments or questions put forward by the Panel.
RESOLVED that the Streetscene Scrutiny Panel considered the Trade Waste Services 2025-2028 report and put forward the observation, as detailed above, to the Executive to take into account at the meeting on 13 January 2025.
This was considered at item 8(1) on the agenda.
Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel – 10 January 2025
Minute 8 – General Fund Revenue Budgets & Finance Strategy 2025/26
The Panel considered a report by the Assistant Director (Finance and ICT) on the general fund revenue budgets & finance strategy 2025-296. The report was presented to the Panel by the Financial Planning and Audit Manager.
RESOLVED that the Panel: -
(a) notes the content of the report;
(b) recommends that the Executive endorses the General Fund Revenue Budget & Finance Strategy 2025-26 at its meeting on 13 January 2025.
This was considered at item 10(1) on the agenda.
Minute 7 – General Fund Fees & Charges 2025/26
The Panel considered a report by the Assistant Director ( Finance and ICT) which was presented by the Financial Planning and Audit Manager.
RESOLVED that the Panel: -
(a) notes the content of the report;
(b) recommends that the Executive endorses the proposed fees & charges for 2025-26 at its meeting on 13 January 2025.
This was considered at item 10(2) on the agenda.
Minute 6 – Capital Programme & Capital Strategy 2025/26
The Panel considered a report by the Assistant Director (Finance and ICT) which as delivered by the Technical Finance and Development Manager, who also tabled a confidential Appendix B at the meeting.
The Chairman thanked Officers for the inclusion of the CIL information in the report which had been requested previously by herself and Councillor P Whittle.
During a debate on the item, Councillor Burgess expressed her concern that members were being asked to confirm the Capital Strategy and Capital Programme for the next 2 years without capital funding for the Town Centre Regeneration being included within this, and the funding not yet secured. The Assistant Director (Finance & ICT) explained that the project was so vast in scale that it warrants its own report to deal with a wide range of issues including the funding and spend on the project. The Assistant Director (Democracy) also explained that the Strategy for the Town Centre Regeneration has not yet been approved and therefore it is unable to form part of the capital programme at present. Councillor Burgess thanked Officers for their detailed explanations but remained concerned that this project was not being considered at this time and requested that her concerns be noted.
RESOLVED that the Panel: -
(a) notes the content of the report;
(b) recommends that the Executive endorses the Capital Programme and Capital Strategy at its meeting on 13 January 2025.
This was considered at item 10(3) on the agenda.
Streetscene |
Trade Waste Service Review A report by the Director of Neighbourhoods. Additional documents:
Minutes: The comments of the Streetscene Scrutiny Panel were taken into account in considering this item.
In considering this item the Executive noted that recommendation (f) as shown in the report was not for consideration as matters relating to staffing levels are the remit of the Chief Executive Officer and not a matter for the Executive.
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees:
(a) that the Council continues to offer a trade waste service and adjusts the services offered to reflect new statutory Simpler Recycling requirements from 31 March 2025;
(b) to approves the Waste Savers Objectives for 2025-2028, as set out in Confidential Appendix A to the report;
(c) to support the proposed Trade Waste charging strategy, as set out in Confidential Appendix A to the report;
(d) to approve the revised Trade Waste Charges for 2025/26 as set out in Confidential Appendix B to the report;
(e) that the Director of Neighbourhoods be granted delegated authority, following consultation with the Executive Member for Streetscene, to adjust the Trade Waste Charges within the financial year, if and when necessary;
(f) that revenue budget provision also be made in 2025/26 for marketing and the use of HVO fuel, as set out in Confidential Appendix A to the report; and
(g) that capital budget provision of £34,000 be made for the purchase of new trade food waste bins in future years. |
Health and Public Protection |
Review of Hackney Carriage Tariff A report by the Director of Neighbourhoods Additional documents:
Minutes: The comments of the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee were taken into account in considering this item.
RESOLVED that the Executive approves the proposed changes to the Hackney Carriage Tariff as recommended by the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee as follows:
(i) that the Tariff be amended to an initial £3.20 charge and then 20p for the first 162 metres, followed by 20p every 153 metres; and
(ii) an increase in the soilage charge included within the Tariff from &70 to £85. |
Policy and Resources |
General Fund Revenue Budgets & Finance Strategy 2025/26 A report by the Assistant Director (Finance & ICT). Minutes: The comments of the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel were taken into account in considering this item.
An amendment was tabled to refine wording contained in the following paragraphs of the report: 6, 10, 13, 20 and 24. The recommendations of the report were not changed by the updated wording.
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) approves the revised 2024/25 general fund revenue budget, amounting to £14,410,210 as set out in Appendices A to C to the report;
(b) approves the base 2025/26 general fund revenue budget amounting to £14,839,000, as set out in Appendices A to C to the report;
(c) notes the five-year projections from the Medium-Term Finance Strategy in Appendix D and the work planned to address the future funding gap; and
(d) agrees to submit the updated Pay Policy, in Appendix E to Full Council for approval.
General Fund Fees & Charges 2025/26 A report by the Assistant Director (Finance and ICT). Additional documents:
Minutes: The comments of the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel were taken into account in considering this item.
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) approves the General Fund fees and charges for 2025/26 as set out at Appendix A to the report;
(b) notes the fees and charges that will be reviewed by the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and Planning Committees;
(c) approves the proposed Operational Fees and Charges for Solent Airport at Appendix B to the report;
(d) agrees that delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning and Regeneration, following consultation with the Executive Member for Policy and Resources, to adjust the Operational Fees and Charges in place at Solent Airfield within the financial year, if and when necessary; and
(e) agrees that the rate of short-term licences at Solent Airport be determined on an individual basis by the Head of Asset Management, supported by benchmarking of the fees charge with similar sites, where possible, and the results shared with the Executive Member for Policy and Resources. |
Capital Programme & Capital Strategy 2025/26 A report by the Assistant Director (Finance and ICT). Additional documents:
Minutes: The comments of the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel were taken into account in considering this item.
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) endorses the draft Capital Strategy for 2025/26, attached as Appendix A to the report;
(b) agrees the Capital Programme for the period 2024/25 to 2028/29, amounting to £85.9 million as set out in Annex 1 of the Capital Strategy; including the 2 new scheme listed at paragraph 30;
(c) approves the use of £800,000 retained business rates in the Enterprise Zone for the Swordfish Business Park masterplan, and a further £820,000 for access road improvements;
(d) submits the Capital Strategy for 2025/26 to Council for approval;
(e) notes the future policy change to expand capitalisation of permitted officer salary costs;
(f) notes the increased projected costs and contract variations that have arisen for the AGL scheme at Daedalus, and the proposed funding source; and
(g) approves the recommendation arising from the negotiations detailed in confidential Appendix B. |
Capital Investment at Solent Airport - PVC aeroplane storage units A report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration. Minutes: A deputation was received in respect of this item from local resident, Gareth Owenson.
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees to:
(a) the capital budget to fund the construction of the PVC Aeroplane Storage Units at Solent Airport Daedalus; and
(b) delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Regeneration following consultation with the Executive Member for Policy and Resources to award each of the contracts for the three phases of construction as demand dictates. |
Review of Statement of Gambling Principles A report by the Director of Neighbourhoods. Additional documents: Minutes: The comments of the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee were taken into account in considering this item.
RESOLVED that, having considered the revised Gambling Policy, as detailed in Appendix A to the report, the Executive recommends it to Council for adoption. |