Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence given for this meeting. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 15 July 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on Monday 15 July 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Executive Leader's Announcements Minutes: The Executive Leader made the following announcements:
Fareham Live
The Executive Leader was pleased to announce that the Council accepted practical completion from Neilcott Construction last week, putting the building under the control of Trafalgar Theatres. Trafalgar will now spend the next few weeks getting the building ready for its first guests.
A vibrant programme of shows and events continues to be developed, with creative learning opportunities and dedicated spaces for local community groups and businesses and there really is something for everyone.
The Executive Leader stated that nearly 21,000 tickets have so far been sold, with new shows being added every week. He advised members that if they had not yet looked at the website or picked up a brochure, he would highly recommend that they do so, as some shows have already sold out.
The Executive Leader also announced that the car parking adjacent to Fareham Live is now complete and is due to be opened later this week offering a high quality, convenient parking experience for visitors to Fareham town centre and Fareham Live.
Fareham Town Centre Regeneration
The Executive Leader announced that the Council’s town centre regeneration programme is developing at pace. The north/south route through Fareham Shopping Centre will be operational by Fareham Live’s opening night on the 1st October and this will provide a direct and secure connection between West Street and Fareham Live and will help ensure the economic benefits for the wider town are maximised.
The Executive Leader stated that we want visitors to Fareham Live to enjoy pre and post theatre drinks and dinner in the town and we want to make it as easy and enjoyable as we can for them to do this. The design of the route will also inject some fun and personality and offer visitors a visually engaging experience as they walk from Market Quay, across West Street and through the Shopping Centre.
The Executive Leader also stated that, importantly, the Council has received capital receipts from Daedalus land sales and it is intended that these receipts be used to support the delivery of the town centre regeneration proposals.
National Planning Policy Framework
The Executive Leader announced to Members that they would be aware that at the end of July, the Government commenced a consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) with any comments on the consultation needing to be submitted to the Government by 24 September.
The consultation proposes a number of changes to national planning policy, including increasing the number of new houses local authorities will need to plan for.
The Executive Leader stated that in light of the implications for this Borough, Officers will be providing an informal Member briefing on the proposed changes to the NPPF during the afternoon of Wednesday 18 September. Members will receive an invitation for that meeting shortly. On the same day, the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel will be invited to consider and comment on an Individual Executive Member Decision report setting out the Council’s proposed response to the proposed changes to the NPPF and to pass on any comments to the Executive Member accordingly. The individual decision will be made by the Executive Member for Planning and Development at a meeting to be scheduled on a date between 19 and 24 September which is yet to be finalised. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Petitions Minutes: There were no petitions submitted at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations, of which notice has been lodged. Minutes: There were no deputations made at this meeting. |
References from Other Committees To receive any references from the committees or panels held. Minutes: There were no References from other committees.
Housing |
Fareham Housing Repairs Policy - Consultation A report by the Director of Housing. Additional documents:
Minutes: An updated copy of the Draft Fareham Housing Repairs & Maintenance Policy was tabled at the meeting to include live website links to the policy document that were missing from the published version.
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) notes that the Housing Scrutiny Panel had no comments or suggestions to make in respect of this Policy; and
(b) approves the draft Fareham Housing Repairs and Maintenance policy going forward for 6 weeks public consultation. |
Tenant Engagement Strategy - Adoption A report by the Director of Housing. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) agrees that the Tenant Engagement Strategy, as provided in Appendix A to the report, be adopted;
(b) notes that the Continuous Improvement Action Plan element of the Strategy will be a live document that will be kept up to date by the Principal Tenant Engagement Officer; and
(c) agrees that authority be delegated to the Director of Housing, following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing, to make any minor changes to the Strategy providing they do not alter the approach and objectives of the Strategy. |
Health and Public Protection |
Anti-social Behaviour Policy - Adoption A report by the Director of Neighbourhoods. Additional documents:
Minutes: A revised page 77 of the agenda pack was tabled at the meeting to show Foot Note 1 which was missing from the published Draft Anti-Social Behaviour Policy document.
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) approves Fareham Borough Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, as attached at Appendix A to the report; and
(b) agrees that authority be delegated to the Director of Neighbourhoods, following consultation with the Executive Member for Health and Public Protection, to make any minor changes to the Policy that may be required. |
At the close of the meeting, with the agreement of the Executive Leader, Councillor Mrs C L A Hockley asked to place on record her thanks to the Chief Executive Officer and all Officers involved with the progress of Fareham Live as the venue nears completion. |