Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs P Hayre, S Ingram and Ms S Pankhurst.
Minutes |
Minutes of the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 March 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee held on 14 March 2023 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Panel - 26 April 2023 To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Panel held on 26 April 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Panel held on 26 April 2023 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Panel - 31 May 2023 To confirm and sign as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Panel held on 31 May 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Panel held on 31 May 2023 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman announced that Licensing training has been arranged for Monday 4th September from 2pm to 5pm and that members should all have received an invitation to attend.
The Chairman reminded Members that they are required to complete this training every year so that they are aware of the Licensing Objectives and are able to apply them at a hearing. The Chairman stated that it is important that as many members as possible are trained to sit on panel hearings as it is often necessary to hold them at short notice. The Chairman also stated that Panel hearings take place during the daytime rather than in the evenings. This is because depending on the complexity of the matters involved, they could easily take more than half a day to be heard.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged. Minutes: There were no deputations made at this meeting. |
Opportunities Plan 2023-2027 To receive a presentation providing an overview of the Council’s Opportunities Plan and how the Year 1 project proposals relate to the Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a presentation which provided an overview of the way in which the Opportunities Plan has been developed and the significant year 1 project proposals that relate to the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs area. A copy of the presentation slides is attached as Appendix A to these minutes.
The Committee was supportive of the plan to lobby central government for an increase in statutory licensing fees, particularly as it was noted that there has never been an increase in the fees since they were first introduced.
RESOLVED that the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee notes the content of the presentation. |
Boundary Reviews and Election Act 2022 To receive a presentation from the Head of Democratic Services on the Local Government Boundary Commission review and on changes to election processes implemented by the Elections Act 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a presentation by the Head of Democratic Services and the Electoral Services Manager on the Local Government Boundary Commission review and on changes to elections processes implemented by the Elections Act 2022. A copy of the presentation slides is attached as Appendix B to these minutes. Members were advised that a link to the software that illustrates the old ward boundaries and compares them to the new ones would be circulated to members for information so that they can make detailed comparisons of the changes. During the presentation it was noted that it was proposed that amendments be made to the Committee’s current Work Programme to provide a further update in respect of polling districts and polling stations at the October meeting and to provide an All Member Briefing ahead of the November meeting to explain how the Grass Skirts counting system works. RESOLVED that the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee notes the contents of the presentation. |
Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee Work Programme To consider a report by the Head of Environmental Health on the Committee’s Work Programme for 2023/24. Minutes: The Committee considered a report by the Head of Environmental Health on the Committee’s Work Programme for 2023/24.
The Head of Environmental Health was pleased to advise members that a Police Licensing Officer has now been appointed for Fareham.
The Head of Environmental Health also advised that a recent Hackney Carriage/Private hire licence review that was considered by the Licensing Panel and refused has been taken to appeal with a date for the hearing likely to be in August.
It was noted and agreed that, as outlined at item 7 on the agenda, the following items would be added to the current Work Programme:
(i) An update on Polling Districts and Polling Stations to the agenda for the meeting scheduled to take place on 05 October 2023
(ii) An All Member Briefing to be held ahead of the start of the meeting scheduled to take place on 28 November 2023 which will provide details of how the grass skirt counting system works and start the process of the Polling Place Review.
RESOLVED that the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee:
(a) notes the progress on actions arising from the meeting of the Committee held on 14 March 2023, attached as Appendix A to the report; and
(b) subject to the additions outlined above, agrees the updated Work Programme for the 2023/24 municipal year as attached at Appendix B to the report. |