No. | Item |
Report Published To consider the following matters for decision for which reports have been published:- |
A report by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that the Executive Member:
(a) approves the disposal of 117 Gosport Road and 8 Addison Road through sale on the open market;
(b) delegates authority to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, following consultation with the Executive Member for Policy and Resources, to accept the best offer for each house;
(c) approves the use of the Capital Receipt to improve existing, or fund further delivery of, affordable housing in the borough;
(d) approves the funding mechanisms, as outlined in the confidential Appendix A attached to this report, for the delivery of the Crossfell Walk and Queens Road schemes; and
(e) agrees that the award of contract and the appointment of building contractor(s) for the Crossfell Walk and Queens Road sites be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing.
Exclusion of Public and Press To consider whether it is in the public interest to exclude the public and representatives of the Press from the remainder of the meeting in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the local Government Act 1972, on the grounds that the matter to be dealt with involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of part 1 of the Schedule 12A of the Act. |
Report Not Published To consider the following matter for decision for which a report has not been published:- |
Approval for disabled adaptation works at 46 Lincoln Close
A report by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer. Decision: RESOLVED that the Executive Member agrees that approval be granted to exceed the £30,000 threshold of disabled adaptation works to Council-owned properties.