Venue: Teams Virtual Meeting
No. | Item |
Report Published To consider the following matters for decision for which reports have been published:- |
Local Authority Discretionary Grants Awards Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that subject to:-
Acknowledgement that following publication of the report, two businesses previously treated as “pending” have subsequently been paid under delegated powers. A further two businesses have received a grant under the Retail, Leisure and Hospitality scheme and therefore removed from the Discretionary scheme.
One further business has withdrawn its application and therefore removed from the list.
An amended report and appendices were tabled at the meeting following some recent adjustments to some of the business entries as outlined above.
(a) the Executive Member for Policy and Resources notes the grants of up to £5,000, paid under delegated authority to 43 businesses, totaling £145,000, as set out in Appendix A;
(b) the Executive Member for Policy and Resources agrees the schedule of grants exceeding £5,000, totaling £552,500, as set out in Appendix B;
(c) the Executive Member for Policy and Resources agrees the schedule of grants proposed which are subject to satisfactory evidence or explanations being received, totaling £70,000, as set out in Appendix C;
(d) the regular traders at the Portchester and/or Fareham markets, as listed in Appendix D, are paid a total grant of £2,500 each in instalments; and
(e) the balance of funding to be used to award grants of up to £5,000, using the existing scheme details, until the fund are fully utilised. |