Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Councillors Mrs J Needham and Mrs F Burgess. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel meeting held on the 27 July 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel meeting held on the 27 July 2022 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcement: –
Regrettably, I am to inform Members that Gayle Wootton, Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development is leaving Fareham Borough Council to embark on a new role elsewhere. Therefore, this will be Gayle’s last meeting of the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel. I would like to thank Gayle on behalf of the Panel for all of her help and support over the years, and wish her the best of luck in your new role. |
Declarations of Interest and Disclosures of Advice or Directions To receive any declarations of interest from Members in accordance with the Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct and disclosures of advice or directions received from Group Leaders or Political Groups, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged. Minutes: No deputations were received at the meeting. |
Community Infrastructure Levy Review - Consultation PDF 85 KB To receive a report from the Director of Planning and Regeneration on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Review. The report is to be considered by the Executive on the 06 March 2023 to approve the consultation on proposed new CIL charges. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel received a report by the Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Review, which is to be considered by the Executive on the 06 March 2023 to approve the consultation on proposed new CIL charges.
The Principal Planner (Strategy) Pete Drake presented the report to the Panel and began by providing an overview of CIL, outlining the purpose of the charges, and what the funds are used for across the Borough. Pete also explained what the charges are currently and the reason for the review. Members asked a number of questions for clarity to provide greater understanding of the charge which is levied to new development.
Members queried the cumulative impact of the raised levy, alongside a number of other charges and fees levied on new development, on the potential for an increase in house prices in the Borough. Officers reassured Members that the consultants have carried out in depth viability studies to ensure the fees are affordable and that the charges are in line with neighbouring authorities. It was recognised that there are many factors affecting the eventual cost of the house, not least the price paid for the land, which is a commercial consideration and not a matter for the planning authority.
The next step, once approved by the Executive on the 06 March 2023, is for the Council to run a consultation in the Spring. The results of which will determine if any amendments are required before the schedule is sent to an independent examination.
RESOLVED that the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel: -
a) note the contents of the Executive report at appendix 1; and
b) ask the Executive to consider their comments above relating to appendix 1 at the 06 March 2023 Executive meeting.
Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) Review PDF 86 KB To receive a report from the Director of Planning and Regeneration on a Review of the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Consultation on the revised document is required before the Council adopts it, and Executive approval will be sought for that consultation.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel received a report by the Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development on a Review of the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Consultation on the revised document is required before the Council adopts it, with Executive approval to be sought at their meeting on the 06 March 2023.
The Principal Planner (Strategy) Pete Drake presented the report to the Panel providing the background as to why the review of the Planning Obligations (SPD) had been carried out, explaining that this is linked to the Local Plan process. The Local Plan outlines how the borough’s housing and employment targets will be met and sets out the scale and type of infrastructure required to support the planned growth.
Members discussed at length the potential challenges faced by the proposal to increase the maintenance contributions for a period of 50 years. Concerns were raised that an increasing number of developers may opt for management companies instead of transferring land to the Council, meaning that the Council would have no control over this these assets (such as open space, play areas and playing pitches) which could potentially bring about problems for residents who use those areas. Officers explained the difficulties in striking a balance to ensure public open spaces are maintained to a standard to which residents of the Borough are accustomed, and adopting land from developers which comes at a cost. It is hoped that the increase in the charges applied to land being transferred to the Council would alleviate the potential financial liability being at a detriment to the Council in the long term, but will also remain a viable option for developers.
Members of the panel also queried the figures on in table 1 of the Executive report at Appendix 1. Officers advised the amounts increased as multiples as the years increased. For example, the 40 year fees were double the 20 year fees. It was pointed out that the figures in the table were not correct and Officers agreed to check and amend these before publication of the Executive report.
RESOLVED that the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel: -
a) note the contents of the Executive report at appendix 1; and
b) ask the Executive to consider their comments above relating to appendix 1 at the 06 March 2023 Executive meeting.
Planning Strategy Update PDF 79 KB To consider an update from the Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development on prevailing planning strategy matters.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received a presentation from the Head of Planning Strategy and Economic Development on prevailing planning strategy matters. A copy of the presentation is appended to these minutes. The presentation included: - · an update on the Local Plan examination, which it is hoped will be completed very soon with the inspector’s final report expected shortly; · an overview on the Governments Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill -consultation which opened on 22 December 2023. The presentation provided an overview of the key proposals for planning reform and outlined the Council’s response to the consultation; · information on recent consultations by both Southern and Portsmouth Water outlining their Draft Water Resource Management Plans; and · details on the Council successfully securing funds from a recent bidding round from Bird Aware, to implement two mitigation measures in the Borough. One at Seafield Park, Hill Head and the second at Warsash Common.
Members asked if the changes outlined in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, if implemented by Government, will impact the Council’s emerging Local Plan. Officers confirmed that any changes won’t take effect until the Spring, by which time it is hoped that the Council’s Local Plan will have been adopted. It was also explained that not all the proposals will be implemented immediately, as proposals linked to a wider review of national planning policy is scheduled for later in this year, and proposals which will come through the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill in 2024.
RESOLVED that Members note the contents of the presentation.
To consider any items of business dealt with by the Executive since the last meeting of the Panel, that falls under the remit of Planning and Development Portfolio. This will include any decisions taken by individual Members during the same time period.
Minutes: No comments were received. |
Salterns recreation ground, Fareham - interim sea defence works PDF 65 KB Minutes: No comments were received.
Fareham Local Plan 2037 Main Modifications PDF 62 KB Minutes: No comments were received.
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill - Planning Policy Consultation PDF 66 KB Minutes: No comments were received.
Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel Priorities To provide an opportunity for Members to consider the scrutiny priorities for the Planning and Development Panel. Minutes: The Chairman asked Members of the Panel to consider the Scrutiny Priorities for the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel.
The Director of Planning and Regeneration advised Members that as this was the last meeting of this municipal year officers did not have any outstanding items for the Panel to consider, but he went on to explain that a great deal of what has been discussed at today’s meeting would likely be considered in more detail by the Panel in 2023/24 as the items are considered through the Council’s decision making process.
RESOLVED that the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel considered its Scrutiny Priorities. |