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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor F Birkett.  


Minutes pdf icon PDF 186 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Housing Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 13 July 2023.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2023 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Chairman's Announcements


There were no Chairman’s announcements.


Declarations of Interest and Disclosures of Advice or Directions

To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct and disclosures of advice or directions received from Group Leaders or Political Groups, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting.



To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged.


There were no deputations made at this meeting.


Executive Business

To consider any item of business dealt with by the Executive since the last meeting of the Panel that falls under the remit of the Housing Portfolio.  This will include any decisions taken by the Executive Member during the same time period.


There were no items of Executive Business for the panel to consider at this meeting.


Pilot Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To receive a report by the Director of Housing which presents the results of the Pilot Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey and further local measures relating to the management and maintenance of Council homes.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report by the Director of Housing which presented the results of the pilot tenant satisfaction survey and further local measures relating to the management and maintenance of Council homes.


In discussing this item, members were advised that a new post will be created in the Housing team which will look at how communication with tenants can be improved and how the level of engagement with them can be increased.


It was highlighted during discussion that, whilst key performance indicators look to be positive, it is important to understand how performance compares with other providers. Members were advised that all providers will be required to submit annual survey results and that this should result in comparison data being circulated so that performance can be benchmarked. The earliest benchmarking opportunity is expected in Autumn 2024.


RESOLVED that the Housing Scrutiny Panel notes the content of the report.


Electric Vehicle Charging on Council owned land within the Housing Portfolio pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider a report by the Director of Housing which informs Members of the Council’s approach to resident requests for electric vehicle charging on Council owned land within the Housing portfolio.


The Panel considered a report by the Director of Housing which informed Members of the Council’s approach to resident requests for electric vehicle charging on council owned land within the Housing portfolio.


RESOLVED that the Housing Scrutiny Panel:


(a)   agrees with the stance put forward in the report in respect of resident requests for electric vehicle charging on council owned land within the housing department’s portfolio; and


(b)   acknowledges that this stance may evolve as circumstances change.


Affordable Housing Update pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To receive a presentation by the Housing Development Officer which updates members on progress with Fareham Housing sites and other relevant strategic Housing Matters.

Additional documents:


The Panel received a presentation by the Housing Development Officer which updated Members on progress with Fareham Housing sites and other relevant strategic Housing matters.  A copy of the presentation slides is attached to these minutes as Appendix A.


Members were particularly pleased to hear that progress is now being made with the development at Assheton Court and thanked the Housing team for all the hard work that has been put into moving the project forward.


RESOLVED that the Housing Scrutiny Panel notes the content of the presentation.


Allocations Policy Refresh pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To receive a presentation by the Interim Consultant Housing and Benefits which outlines intended changes to the existing ‘Optimising Social Housing Applications and Allocations Policy’ (2020).

Additional documents:


The Panel received a presentation by the Interim Consultant - Housing and Benefits, which outlined intended changes to the existing ‘Optimising Social Housing Applications and Allocations Policy 2020’.  A copy of the presentation slides is attached to these minutes as Appendix B.


Members expressed an interest in scrutinising the draft updated policy once it has been prepared prior to it being presented to the Executive for approval to proceed to public consultation.


RESOLVED that the Housing Scrutiny Panel notes the content of the presentation.


Agreement of Scoping report to Vivid Housing Association pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To approve a scoping report which invites Vivid Housing Association to attend a future meeting of the Panel to provide members with information in respect of services provided.


The Panel received a draft scoping report which invites Vivid Housing Association to attend a future meeting of the Panel to provide members with information in respect of services provided.


RESOLVED that the Housing Scrutiny Panel approves the draft scoping report for inclusion in an invitation to Vivid Housing Association to attend a future meeting of the Panel.


Housing Scrutiny Panel Priorities

To provide an opportunity for Members to consider the scrutiny priorities for the Housing Panel.


Members considered the scrutiny priorities for the Housing Scrutiny Panel.


The following items were requested and agreed for inclusion in the scrutiny priorities once an appointment to the vacant Head of Housing (Pathways and Neighbourhoods) post has been made.


(i)     an update on the changes to the County Council funded social inclusion services in Fareham since these were implemented in March 2019.


(ii)    an update on the impact of Homelessness funding which was used to create 2 new posts following a successful bid to the Rough Sleeping Initiative Fund in March 2021.


(iii)   an update on the structure chart of the new Housing team.


Councillor Bird requested that the Panel be given an opportunity to review the annual Housing Revenue Account report that is presented and considered by the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel as it may contain information that is of interest to members of the Housing Scrutiny Panel.  The Director of Housing agreed that this could be investigated with finance colleagues to see if it would be possible but asked that the Panel note that this would have a cost implication in terms of additional officer time.


RESOLVED that the priorities for the Housing Scrutiny Panel were reviewed.




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