Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Streetscene Scrutiny Panel held on 26 January 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Streetscene Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 26 January 2023 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: There were no chairman’s announcements. |
Declarations of Interest and Disclosures of Advice or Directions To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct and disclosures of advice or directions received from Group Leaders or Political Groups, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations of which notice has been received. Minutes: There were no deputations made at this meeting. |
To consider any item of business dealt with by the Executive since the last meeting of the Panel, that falls under the remit of the Streetscene Portfolio. This will include any decisions taken by individual members during the same time period. |
Award of Contract - Corporate Cleaning Services Minutes: At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor I J Bastable, Executive Member for Streetscene, addressed the Panel on this item.
In discussing this item, the Executive Member confirmed that the Corporate Cleaning Services contract will be monitored to ensure that the expected service standards are being achieved. |
Asset Management Plan for Streetscene 2023-2028 Minutes: There were no questions or comments for clarification in respect of this item. |
Streetscene Sustainable Pesticide Use Minutes: There were no questions or comments for clarification in respect of this item. |
Opportunities Plan 2023-2027 To receive a presentation providing an overview of the Council’s Opportunities Plan and how the Year 1 project proposals relate to the Streetscene Portfolio. Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received a presentation which provided members with an overview of the Council’s Opportunities Plan and how the Year 1 project proposals relate to the Streetscene Portfolio. A copy of the presentation slides is attached as Appendix A to these minutes.
Members commented that the Plan does not identify any savings that could be made from the Civic Offices building and were advised that the longer term use of the Civic Offices is a separate piece of work that is being undertaken that includes other Council owned buildings.
The Panel was interested to hear what changes might be made to the service provision in maintaining cemeteries. Members were advised that investigations will be made to assess what other cemeteries are doing to encourage a more natural, wild life environment and whether this would produce any savings.
It was felt that providing a paid garden maintenance service to elderly residents could be popular as it may be easier and safer than sourcing privately. It was noted however that in order to provide this service, there would need to be resources available to meet demand and that high demand would most likely coincide with times when the service is already very busy.
RESOLVED that the Streetscene Scrutiny Panel notes the content of the presentation. |
Clip and Collect Garden Waste Service Update To receive a report by the Head of Streetscene which will provide Members with an update on the Clip and Collect Garden Waste service. Minutes: The Panel considered a report by the Head of Streetscene which provided members with an overview of the operation and performance of the Garden Waste Clip and Collect Service since its introduction in February 2022.
Members were provided with an update on the current number of subscribers to the service following a campaign throughout June to increase the number of subscribers. For the period 26/6/23 to 30/6/23 a further 262 sign ups were achieved (76 140 litre bins & 186 240 litre bins), representing an additional income for the above period of £16,270.
Revised table as of 30/6/23
This brings the number of active subscribers to 20,330.
Following the success of the campaign, consideration will be given to whether further promotions are needed to boost sales during August.
RESOLVED that the Streetscene Scrutiny Panel notes the content of the presentation. |
Streetscene Scrutiny Panel Priorities To provide an opportunity for Members to consider the scrutiny priorities for the Streetscene Panel. Minutes: Members discussed the Scrutiny Priorities for the Panel.
In discussing the Scrutiny Priorities, it was noted that many items on the plan have not been covered since 2019, however no further priorities were identified for inclusion in the Plan at the present time.
RESOLVED that the Streetscene Scrutiny Panel considered the Scrutiny Priorities. |