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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology of absence was received from Councillor Mrs L M Birkett.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 192 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Public Protection Scrutiny Panel held on 27 June 2024.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Health and Public Protection Scrutiny Panel held on 27 June 2024, be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman addressed the Panel to inform them that unfortunately Peter Ridley the Portsmouth Hospital University Chief Officer, who was due to give a presentation to the Panel at item 6 of the agenda, had informed Officers that he was no longer able to attend this meeting.


He is hoping to be able to attend the Panel meeting in January to give his presentation to members.


Declarations of Interest and Disclosures or Advice or Directions

To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct and disclosures of advice or directions received from Group Leaders or Political Groups, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting.



To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged.


There were no deputations made at this meeting.


Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust - Presentation pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To receive a presentation from Peter Ridley, PHU Chief Executive Officer, on local acute health matters.


This item was withdrawn from the agenda due to apologies given from Peter Ridley, Portsmouth Hospital University Chief Officer.


Food Safety Service Plan 2024 pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Environmental Health on the Food Safety Service Plan 2024.


The Panel considered a report by the Head of Environmental Health on the Food Safety Service Plan.


Councillor Mrs Bryant enquired as to how strict Fareham was in enforcing premises to display their Food Hygiene Rating (0-5). The Head of Environmental Health advised that there is no requirement in England for food premises to display this; it is only required by law in Wales. He confirmed that the Food Standards Agency website will contain all up to date food ratings for all inspected food premises in the Borough.


Councillor Dr West addressed the Panel on this item and referred to the pages 20-21 of the agenda pack which referred to the Risk rating Scores A-E. She requested that more information be provided in this section of the report as she found it confusing. The Head of Environmental Health confirmed that he would re-word this section of the report before it went before the Executive for approval.


The Chairman enquired as to whether Fareham was meeting its required inspections. The Head of Environmental Health confirmed that this was the case and that our inspection rate was usually around 100%.


RESOLVED that, subject to the rewording of the section of the report on pages 20 and 21 of the agenda pack, along with a few minor spelling corrections, the Panel recommend that the Executive endorses the Food Safety Service Plan at its meeting on 4 November 2024.


Coastal Parking Charges Update pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To receive a presentation from the Policy, Research and Engagement Manager on the Coastal Parking Charges Update.

Additional documents:


The Panel received a presentation from the Policy, Research and Engagement Manager, which provided an Update of Coastal Car Parking Charging. (a copy of this presentation is appended to these minutes).


The Head of Environmental Health also addressed the Panel on this item to provide an update on the recent Audit that had been undertaken in the Parking Service department, which covered areas such as back office systems and the issuing of PCNs. The Auditors were happy with the outcome of the audit, with only one recommendation around the Coastal Season Tickets, as the Council were unable to identify if the season ticket holders lived within the Borough or not. The Head of Environmental Health confirmed that he weas satisfied that this was a low risk as this season ticket holder must provide their name and address when applying for the permit online and that the tickets must be posted out to their home address.


Councillor Furnivall queried whether the introduction of the charges had disadvantaged people on low income or who were suffering from health issues. The Policy, Research and Engagement Manager confirmed that this was taken into consideration when the charges were introduced and explained that this was why free parking hours were introduced into these car parks. (Free before 10am and after 6pm).


Councillor Miss Harper enquired as to whether there had been much fraud with the pay machines, and what measures were in place to protect our residents from this. The Head of Environmental Health confirmed that, whilst there have been some fraudulent attempts on the Council’s pay machines, it has been a very small number of cases. He confirmed that it is difficult to stop fraud from taking place but confirmed that the enforcement officers were vigilant in checking the machines regularly and acting quickly where any cases of fraud had been reported.


The Panel thanked the Policy, Research and Engagement Manager for his informative presentation.


Presentation - Building Control Partnership Service Review pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To receive a presentation from the Head of Building Control Partnership on a review of the Building Control Partnership Service.

Additional documents:


The Panel received a presentation from the Head of Building Control Partnership on the Building Control Partnership Service Review. (A copy of this presentation has been appended to these minutes).


Councillor Dr West enquired as whether there are any buildings in the Borough with cladding like Grenfell Tower. The Head of Building Control Partnership confirmed that there was only one building in the Borough that qualifies as being in the higher risk category.


Councillor Furnivall enquired as whether there was any scope to regulate the sign off on building works and insist that builders use the Local Authority service instead of a private company. The Head of Building Control Partnership informed the Panel that Local Authorities are in competition with the private sector and that it is choice of the developers whom they use to sign off on building works. However, it has been recognised nationally that there is a need for consistency across all regulators and national operational standards have been introduced.


RESOLVED that the Head of Building Control Partnership was thanked for his informative presentation.



Executive Business pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider any items of business dealt with by the Executive since the last meeting of the Panel, that falls under the remit of the Health and Public Protection Portfolio.  This will include any decisions taken by individual Members during the same time period.


The Panel considered the Executive items of business which fall under the remit of the Health and Public Protection Portfolio, including Executive Member decisions and Officer delegated decisions, that have taken place since the last meeting of the Panel on 27 June 2024.


Anti-Social Behaviour Policy - Adoption pdf icon PDF 66 KB


There were no comments received.


Anti-Social Behaviour Policy pdf icon PDF 88 KB


Councillor Furnivall expressed disappointment that not all the points Panel recommended to the Executive, in respect of women’s safety had been included in the ASB Policy when the Executive made its decision for this item. However, she did note that she was pleased that domestic abuse had been included in the policy.


Scrutiny Priorities pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To provide an opportunity for Members to consider the scrutiny priorities for the Health and Public Protection Panel.


The Director of Neighbourhoods addressed the Panel on this item to confirm the proposed items of business for the January meeting of the Panel, which will include the rescheduled presentation from Peter Ridley, Portsmouth Hospitals University. She then provided the Panel with the opportunity to include any further items of business to be added to the priorities plan.


Councillor Furnivall requested that the Panel invite Public Health and Primary Care Networks to the Panel. Members discussed this at length as to whether this was the appropriate Panel to invite these bodies to. It was agreed that further research would be undertaken to establish the suitability of this and that this could be discussed at a future meeting of the Panel.






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