To consider a report by the Licensing Officer which contains exempt information on application(s) for hackney carriage/private hire vehicle driving licence(s).
Applicant 2 – Mr S
The panel considered a report by the Licensing Officer which contained exempt information in respect of a private hire driving licence application. A copy of the report was circulated to members with the agenda.
The Chairman introduced all parties at the hearing and outlined the procedure that would be followed in considering the application.
The Licensing Officer presented the circumstances of the case, as supported by the documentary evidence.
The Applicant was invited to comment or ask questions regarding the case presented by the Licensing Officer.
Members of the Panel were invited to comment or ask questions regarding the case presented by the Licensing Officer.
The Applicant was invited to address the Panel regarding his application and answered questions put to him thereon.
Following the submission and summation of the Applicant’s representation, the members of the panel left the meeting to consider the application in private.
Following their deliberations, members returned to the hearing whereupon the Chairman read out the decision of the panel.
RESOLVED that the Licensing Panel considered the Applicant to be a fit and proper person to hold a private hire vehicle driving licence.
Applicant 1 – Mr A
The Applicant was accompanied by his wife at the hearing to provide support and assistance to the Applicant in presenting his case.
The panel considered a report by the Licensing Officer which contained exempt information in respect of a private hire driving licence application. A copy of the report was circulated to members with the agenda.
The Chairman introduced all parties at the hearing and outlined the procedure that would be followed in considering the application.
The Licensing Officer presented the circumstances of the case, as supported by the documentary evidence.
The Applicant was invited to comment or ask questions regarding the case presented by the Licensing Officer.
Members of the Panel were invited to comment or ask questions regarding the case presented by the Licensing Officer.
The Applicant was invited to address the Panel regarding his application and answered questions put to him thereon.
Following the submission and summation of the Applicant’s representation, the members of the panel left the meeting to consider the application in private.
Following their deliberations, members returned to the hearing whereupon the Chairman read out the decision of the panel.
RESOLVED that the Licensing Panel considered the Applicant to be a fit and proper person to hold a private hire vehicle driving licence.
Supporting documents: