RESOLVED that the Executive recommends the proposals to Council for decision, which have been considered and endorsed by the Scrutiny Board, that:
(i) the Policy Development and Review Panels be dissolved;
(ii) a Scrutiny Panel be created for each of the 6 Executive portfolios;
(iii) subject to (i) and (ii) above, the current Scrutiny Board be dissolved;
(iv) each Scrutiny Panel be scheduled to meet 4 times per municipal year, with additional meetings created if necessary;
(v) subject to (iv) above, the revised schedule of meetings for the remainder of the municipal year 2018-19 be approved, as set out in Appendix A;
(vi) the Deputation scheme be amended to allow members of the public to apply to give a deputation on any subject to the relevant Scrutiny Panel, in addition to Council or any Committee;
(vii) subject to (i), (ii) and (iii) above, a revised allocation of seats be approved, as set out in Appendix C (with the nomination of councillors to seats being presented to Council in October);
(viii) subject to the agreement of the changes, an amendment to the current Members’ Allowances Scheme be presented to Council for approval, as set out in paragraph 58 of the Executive briefing paper; and
(ix) subject to the agreement of the changes, delegated authority be given to the Council’s Monitoring Officer to review and amend the Constitution to;
1) create the new functions of the Scrutiny Panels;
2) amend the Call-In procedures to reflect the changes to Portfolio Scrutiny Panels;
3) to review and amend the Constitution with regard to the Deputation Scheme; and
4) to make any other minor or ancillary changes arising required to give effect to this report.