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To seek Executive approval in principle for the sale of development land at Solent Airport with Delegated Authority for the final terms of the agreement.
DFS Composites Limited (DFS) wish to acquire a 999-year leasehold interest in a 1.17-acre site on Vulcan Way, Faraday Business Park (North), to develop a new purpose-built manufacturing facility.
DFS are an existing high-tech occupier of Faraday North specialising in turn-key tooling solutions for composite manufacturing including moulds and assembly jigs for the wind and aerospace industry. Founded in 2015, the company is growing to be a global supplier of specialist blade tooling solutions and assists in the manufacture of some of the largest wind turbine blades in the world.
Having signed a 10-year lease of Unit 15 Faraday Business park in January 2023, the company has outgrown its current premises and needs to expand. It has identified a 1.17-acre site on Faraday business Park as the preferred location for a new purpose-built manufacturing space. Heads of Terms have been agreed for the sale of the long leasehold interest in the site for £936,000 which equates to £800,000 per acre. The proposed new factory with ancillary offices will extend to 2,154 square metres (23,185 square feet), effectively twice the company’s existing floorspace. DFS does not expect to vacate its current premises and the target date for completion of the new premises is Q1 2026.
The commercial terms of the transaction have been negotiated by officers on a conditional basis. The structure of the transaction is for DFS and the Council to commit to a conditional sale contract with a deposit being paid. The main conditions are DFS obtaining planning consent and securing development finance and once all satisfied, DFS will be granted a 999-year lease and the balance of sale price paid. In the event that the development is not delivered within a short defined timeframe and to ensure the site is not left undeveloped, the Council will have an option, but not an obligation, to buy the site back from DFS at a price based on the lowest of a fixed percentage of either its Market Value or of the original purchase price.
DFS are keen to progress with the development and have at risk, appointed a professional team to commence work on the preparation and submission of a planning application with an intention of occupying the new premises in early 2026.
There are constraints, primarily DFS’s condition of obtaining a satisfactory planning consent which will include identifying a Biodiversity Net Gain solution which will require resolution before the transaction can complete. This elevates the risk associated with the transaction proceeding and the commercial terms changing, however DFS is advanced in addressing these matters.
From the Council’s viewpoint, conditions include Executive approval and compliance with S123 of the Local Government Act 1972, the requirement to achieve best value. The Council’s retained valuer has already confirmed that best value is being achieved with this transaction.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees:
(a) to proceed with the transaction to DFS in principle; and
(b) that authority be delegated to the Director of Planning and Regeneration, following consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Executive Member for Policy and Resources, to approve final terms should they depart from those outlined in the report and provided the final sale price agreed is above an independent s123 valuation.
Lead officer: Steven Farndell
To approve the draft Air Quality Strategy 2025 – 2030 for consultation prior ro final consideration and adoption.
Air pollution can have a serious effect on people’s health. The Environment Act 2021 requires all local authorities to have either an active Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) if the authority has declared an Air Quality Management Area or to produce an Air Quality Strategy.
In 2024, Fareham revoked both of its AQMAs and is therefore no longer required to have an AQAP. As such, an Air Quality Strategy is required.
A 12-week public consultation process on the draft Air Quality Strategy is proposed and the final Strategy will be brought back to the Executive for decision later in the year.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees that the draft Air Quality Strategy 2025 – 2030 is approved for consultation.
Lead officer: Ian Rickman
To present and seek approval of the Positioning Statement for the Corporate Peer Challenge to support the LGA peer team to provide feedback.
As part of the Council’s commitment to continuous improvement and to meet its Best Value Duty, Fareham Borough Council is participating in the Local Government Association’s (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge.
The aim of the challenge is to provide assurance, share good practice with the wider sector, as well as receive valuable challenge and advice to support improved service provision. The peer team will be made up of a lead Councillor and senior officers from other local authorities around the country.
Preceding an on-site visit by the peer team to make their own assessments, the Council will be providing a data pack and positioning statement with relevant information including requests for guidance on specific topics.
If approved, the positioning statement will be submitted to the LGA peer team to review before the on-site visit.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) notes the progress on the Corporate Peer Challenge; and
(b) approves the contents of the Positioning Statement to be submitted to the peer team of the LGA.
To obtain Executive approval for Fareham Housing to acquire additional homes, dispose of existing properties and change the tenure of vacant properties, to ensure the housing stock is fit for purpose and meets local housing need.
The Affordable Housing Strategy (2019) aims to provide the right affordable homes in the right places for those who need them. As a responsible housing provider, Fareham Housing aims to provide accommodation to meet the needs of residents.
The report recommends delegated authority is given to the Director of Housing to acquire, dispose or change the tenure of empty homes as required, to ensure decisions concerning the best use of the housing stock can be made quickly and efficiently.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees to:
(a) delegate authority to the Director of Housing, following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing, and the Section 151 Officer, to approve the acquisition, disposal or change of tenure of void properties by Fareham Housing, typically on an individual, ad hoc property basis; and
(b) delegate authority to the Director of Housing, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, to use the capital receipts arising from the sale of Council homes, either through disposal or Right to Buy, to be spent on the acquisition of additional affordable housing, regeneration of existing stock or paying Housing Revenue Account debt.
Lead officer: Helen Farnham
To seek approval for a new corporate performance measures approach to support a formal continuous improvement framework and transparency across the Council.
The Council has a strong background in delivering improvements and efficiencies across our services.
In recent years there has been growing scrutiny across the Local Authority sector from central government. This has required increased levels of performance data collection and reporting. In addition to this, the potential benefits of a more data driven approach to service planning, delivery, governance and transparency are recognised.
A proposal for a new corporate performance measures approach is presented for approval, developed following engagement with service leads and managers. The Corporate Strategy 2023-29 guides all the work we do. Therefore, the proposed measures are focused on each of our six corporate priorities. The list of measures would evolve over time to reflect changes in service delivery and priorities.
Alongside the measures, customer facing services will conduct regular 10/10 surveys. These will help give a fuller picture of service performance and help identify potential areas for improvement.
If approved, the measures and 10/10 survey results would be reported to the Audit and Governance committee every six months. A new corporate performance section of the Council website would be created, with data presented in simple charts that show trends over time. Updates on the progress of projects in our Corporate Strategy would also be presented following the annual reviews of the Strategy.
This approach would ensure a good level of transparency regarding Council performance.
The baseline measures and 10/10 survey feedback will then be used to develop a series of service specific improvement aims over the next 12-months and form part of a formal continuous improvement framework.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive approves the proposed corporate performance approach as set out in the report and the Appendices.
Lead officer: Roy Brown
The report seeks agreement from the Executive to recommend to Council the approval of the revised budget for the Housing Revenue account for 2024/25, plus the base budgets, fees and charges and rent increases for 2025/26.
The Executive recommended, and the Council approved, in February 2024 the base budget and rent increase for 2024/25 for Housing Revenue Account (HRA) services.
The report sets out some revisions to the Housing Revenue Account revised budget for 2024/25 and base budget for 2025/26. The housing capital programme and financing for the years 2024/25 to 2028/29 is also included for information as this impacts on the revenue budget. The report also proposes the increases in rents and fees and charges for 2025/26.
The report highlights the issues affecting the Housing Revenue Account. In particular it highlights the increased expenditure needed to maintain the Council’s housing stock in the next 2 years. This will mean that we will not be able to continue with our debt repayment put aside in these years. However, any surpluses that do arise will be considered for this purpose. Due to these pressures, increased budget monitoring has been introduced for this period and a specific HRA Opportunities Plan has been drawn up which contains actions that have been identified to help reduce net expenditure.
Council budgets are susceptible to change in the level of expenditure and income caused by factors inside and outside the Council’s control. Scenario analysis has been carried out to indicate the effect on housing balances of changes in the level of expenditure and income. This has been included to support the need to maintain a prudent level of reserves and a working balance.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees and recommends to the meeting of the Council to be held on 14 February 2025 that:
(a) rents be approved for Council Dwellings as set out in paragraph 28 with effect from 1 April 2024;
(b) rents for Council garages be increased by 2.7% with effect from 1 April 2025;
(c) the revised budget for 2024/25 be approved;
(d) the base budget for 2025/26 be approved; and
(e) the Fees and Service Charges at confidential Appendix E be approved.
Lead officer: Kate Busby
To seek Executive approval for the draft Fareham Housing Tenant Alterations Policy to go forward for consultation.
Under section 97 of the Housing Act 1985 all eligible tenants have the right to make alterations or improvements to their homes. While tenants must have permission to carry out any alterations or improvements, the law stipulates that this permission cannot be ‘unreasonably withheld’.
The draft Fareham Housing Alterations policy provides comprehensive information on the alterations process, background and relevant legislation. The document updates the information on our website and brings it together into a single policy.
A period of 6 weeks public consultation will be undertaken on the draft Policy before it returns to the Executive for formal adoption.
At its meeting on 9 January 2025, the Housing Scrutiny Panel considered the Policy and a number of comments or suggestions were made.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) notes the feedback from the Housing Scrutiny Panel;
(b) approves the draft Fareham Housing Alterations Policy for consultation; and
(c) agrees that any minor changes to the policy prior to public consultation are delegated to the Director of Housing following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing.
Lead officer: Fleur Allaway
To seek Executive approval for the draft Fareham Housing Decant Policy to go for six weeks public consultation.
The Policy details the legislation and process for when occupants are required to move accommodation in an emergency or to enable repairs, major works and development. The policy applies to Council tenants, leaseholders, and in rare instances, private residents.
Approval is sought for a six-week public consultation to be undertaken, prior to the policy returning to the Executive for formal adoption.
An ‘easy read’ document accompanies the policy and will form part of the consultation. This is to ensure the key points of the policy can be communicated effectively.
At its meeting of 9 January 2025, the Housing Scrutiny Panel considered the policy and requested clarification on the rent amount and the number of non-permanent decants in the past year. This is detailed in paragraph 16.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) notes the clarifications requested from the Housing Scrutiny Panel meeting:
(b) approves the draft Fareham Housing Decant Policy going forward for 6 weeks public consultation; and
(c) agrees that any minor changes needed to the Policy prior to public consultation are delegated to the Director of Housing following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing.
Lead officer: Fleur Allaway
The report considers the draft treasury Management Strategy and Investment Strategy for 2025/26, prior to its submission to the Council for approval.
Regulations require the Council to prepare and formally approve both an annual Treasury Management Strategy and Investment Strategy. The latest document updated for 2025/26 is attached as Appendix A to the report for consideration by the Executive before being submitted to Council for approval.
In the past 12 months, the Council’s investment balance has tanged between £18 million and £32 million, lower levels are expected in the forthcoming year due to capital programme expenditure. The Council expects to be a long-term borrower and new treasury investments will therefore be made primarily to manage day-to-day cash flows using short-term low risk instruments. The existing portfolio of strategic pooled funds will be maintained to diversify risk into different sectors and boost investment income.
BORROWING levels are expected to be £71.3 million at the end of 2025/26, compared to £72.3 million in the last strategy. The Council has previously raised all of its long-term borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) but will consider long-term loans from other sources.
The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has issued a consultation on the extension of the statutory override on accounting for gains and losses on pooled investment funds. The outcome is expected to be published in February 2025. Whether the override will be extended beyond 31 March 2025 is unknown.
The Council has set up a reserve of £500,000 to mitigate the impact of the pooled funds statutory override not being extended as unrealised losses on pooled investment funds are required to be recognised in the General Fund. The actual impact will be based on the valuations of the Council’s long term funds on 31 March 2026.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) endorses the draft Treasury Management Strategy and Investment Strategy for 2025/26, attached as Appendix A to the report; and
(b) agrees to submit the Strategy to Council for approval.
Lead officer: Caroline Hancock
To address public health and safety concerns as a result of ongoing coastal erosion of the historical landfill site at Alton Grove to Cador Drive.
Since October 2022, our coastal Partners team has been identifying long-term options for addressing coastal flood and erosion risk along the stretch of the Portchester shoreline from Alton Grove to Cador Drive, in collaboration with engineering consultants AECOM, through the Fareham Quay and Alton Grove to Cador Drive Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Studies. Completion of these studies is expected in Summer 2025, by which point significant funding would need to be secured for detailed design and construction of any future scheme. This work is being monitored regularly by the Executive Member for Planning and Development and the Climate Change Scrutiny Panel.
The ongoing coastal erosion is leading to historic landfill materials being exposed. Until a permanent solution is in place, any public risks presented by the site need to be managed and, where necessary, mitigated. The risks at this site have been comprehensively assessed and mitigation, in terms of enhanced periodic multi-disciplinary inspections, litter picking, dynamic remedial action and a clear escalation process, is proposed.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees that:
(a) the proposals for an enhanced inspection and management regime at this site be supported;
(b) risk assessments be undertaken for the historic landfill sites at Salterns and Harbour View; and
(c) the potential to also contain the landfill waste and reduce any risks to the public and the wider environment be considered carefully when the outline designs and preliminary cost estimates for a future coastal management scheme are reported to the Executive later in the year.
Lead officer: Ian Rickman
To advise the Executive of the procurement process to provide a 5-year term contract with options to extend, for the service, maintenance and installation of new heating and hot water systems in the Council’s housing stock and public buildings.
To seek delegated authority to appoint a single contractor for the contract term, following a thorough procurement/tendered process.
This contract maintains heating, hot water systems including gas and heat pumps. It also delivers our legal responsibilities to ensure gas installation in our properties remain safe.
The report provides Members with details of the new contract that will replace existing contract arrangements which expire in the summer of 2025.
Further details surrounding the funding arrangements, including the total estimated cost to deliver the contract, are provided in Confidential Appendix A to the report.
This report seeks Executive agreement for delegated authority that will allow an efficient hand-over from the existing contractor to a new provider.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees:
(a) the funding mechanisms, as outlined in confidential Appendix A to the report to enable the continued service, maintenance and installation of new heating and hot water systems in the Council’s housing stock and public buildings;
(b) that the award of contract for the service, maintenance and installation of new heating and how water systems in the Council’s housing stock and public buildings be delegated to the Director of Housing, following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing; and
(c) that an extension of up to 6 months of the existing contract for Gas Servicing, Maintenance and Installation be delegated to the Director of Housing, following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing, to ensure a seamless handover from the existing to the new provider.
Lead officer: Ian Cousins
This report considers the tenders received for the provision of Insurance Services for Fareham Borough Council. The report recommends an award of contract for the services.
Ten Borough and District councils in Hampshire have worked collaboratively to procure insurance services from 1 April 2025 using an Open Procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
The current cost of insurance across the 10 borough and district councils in Hampshire is £4.7 million a year and for Fareham Borough Council £531,000.
This report provides the Executive with information regarding the tenders received and seeks an award of contract for a 3-year long term agreement with the option to extend for a further 2 years for the provision of insurance services.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees:
(a) to award the contract to the winning insurer of each Lot, as set out in confidential Appendix A to the report, being the most economically advantageous tender received; and
(b) that authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Finance & ICT) to accept the finalised premiums and associated costs or make alternative arrangements in the event that the tender cannot be accepted by other participating local authorities.
Lead officer: Caroline Hancock
The report proposes the approval of the write-off of certain debts over £5,000 which are considered to be irrecoverable.
Appendix A to the report lists the debts that are considered irrecoverable. Every effort has been made to recover the debts and, in most cases, there is no further legal action that can be taken.
Decision Maker: Executive
Made at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Executive
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive agrees that the debts listed in the confidential Appendix A to the report be written off as irrecoverable.
Lead officer: Melanie Combes
This report presents an application for funding under the Council’s Community Funding Programme.?
An application to the Community Fund has been received from Victory Hall for £10,000 towards a new accessible toilet and additional storage space at the front of the hall.
Victory Hall has an existing toilet block, but when the hall is busy access is via going outside into the car park and accessing the toilet via the back door which is not suitable. More storage is also required to store tables and chairs which are currently taking up valuable cloakroom space. The Hall currently has over 1,000 users attending each week, with many being elderly or having mobility issues. Provision of a new accessible toilet would be a real benefit to these users and make the hall a more attractive venue. Better storage would also allow the hall to host more different types of events. Planning permission has been acquired for these works.
The estimated cost of the project is £80,000. Victory Hall are looking for £10,000 from the community fund. They have raised £17,500 from fundraising and donations and will use £12,500 from reserves. Victory Hall have also secured a loan of £40,000 from ACRE to be paid back over 5 years.
As of 13 January, Victory Hall held £81,685 in their accounts. In the accounting year 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024, there was an income of £84,711 and expenditure of £69,033.
Both Councillor Ford and Councillor Burgess supports Victory Hall’s application.
Decision Maker: Executive Portfolio for Leisure and Community
Made at meeting: 04/02/2025 - Executive Portfolio for Leisure and Community
Decision published: 04/02/2025
Effective from: 14/02/2025
RESOLVED that the Executive Member for Leisure and Community approve the application to award £10,000 from the Community Fund.