An e-Petition is a petition which collects signatures online. This allows petitions and supporting information to be made available to a potentially much wider audience than a traditional paper based petition.
Anyone who lives, works or studies in the area can submit or sign an e-Petition.
e-Petitions are part of the Council’s ongoing commitment to listening to and acting on the views of the public.
For further information on the Councils Petition Scheme please follow this link Petitions information - signing or starting a petition (
Select an earlier date range below to find completed e-Petitions and responses from the Council.
Please note: You must register separately on this page in order to sign an ePetition.
(Login will not work with your Fareham My Account details)
If you experience any technical issues please contact the Democratic Services team at who will respond to you to collect your information via email.
You will be asked to provide your full name, full postal address and confirm if you live, work or study in the Borough.
Close dates for any live Petitions will show on the ePetition page and you are asked to please check the Petition is still live.
No ePetitions are recorded for the selected period