To present the findings of the recent review of the provision and support of IT for Councillors and to then make proposals for a new approach that will meet the needs of members in a consistent, secure and cost-effective way.
There is a mix of both hardware devices used by Councillors e.g. laptop, pc or tablet some of which are personally owned whilst others are provided by a Council.
In order to ensure a consistent, secure and value for money approach to IT provision and support for Members a review began in early 2021.
The review was influenced by the developments such as the rapid move to more virtual ways of working brought by COVID-19 and the approval of the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan in June 2021, which committed to find ways to reduce our paper use.
The findings of the review are presented in this report alongside proposals that will help ensure that the ongoing provision of IT devices and support to Members is done in a consistent and secure way which offers good value for money.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Decision due: 10 Jan 2022 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Policy & Resources
Lead director: Director of Leisure and Community
Contact: Roy Brown Email: