To approve the draft Housing Allocations Policy for a six-week period of public consultation.
The Housing Act requires that all local authorities have a scheme for determining priorities and procedures in allocating social housing, both owned by themselves and for which they have nomination rights. This covers the allocation of general needs and sheltered accommodation at both social and affordable rents.
The allocation scheme and the associated housing register, often referred to as the housing waiting list, is operated by the Council on behalf of the Registered Providers that own social/affordable rented homes in the Borough. They are used when nominating applicants to available social and affordable rented homes owned by Registered Providers, and those owned by the Council.
The current allocations policy (Optimising Social Housing: Applications and Allocations Policy) was adopted in 2020. The policy must be reviewed regularly in order to ensure it meets all legislative requirements. In addition, it is recognised that there is a need for more transparency and better information for customers, and also to better reflect the needs of the community and meet local priorities.
A review of the current adopted allocations policy has now been undertaken by Officers and a revised draft Allocations Policy is included at Appendix A to the report. Subject to consultation and agreement by the Executive, it is anticipated that this would supersede the Optimising Social Housing: Applications and Allocations Policy (2020).
If approved, the draft policy will be published for a six-week period of consultation. Following this period, and once any necessary amendments are incorporated, it is intended that the Housing Allocations Policy will be presented to the Executive for adoption (replacing the current Housing Allocations Policy).
An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) of the policy has been undertaken and is included at Appendix C to the report. No detrimental impacts have been identified as a result of the proposed changes.
The draft Allocations Policy was discussed at the Housing Scrutiny Panel on 30 November 2023. Due to the short amount of time between the two meetings, verbal updates on the Panel feedback will be provided to the Executive meeting as required.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Deleted
Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/11/2023
Contact: Andrea Howells Email:
Background Papers: None