The report seeks final confirmation of the recommendations to be made to Council, on 23 February 2024, in respect of the revenue budget, capital programme and council tax for 2024/25.
On 08 January 2024, the Executive reviewed the Council’s overall finance strategy and considered proposals relating to the revenue budgets and the council tax for 2024/25. The report updates the Council’s budgets to reflect the decisions taken and other known changes since 08 January 2024, including the provisional local government finance settlement.
The capital programme for the years 2023/24 to 2027/28 will be £58,678,500.
The net revenue budget for 2024/25 will be £13,292,600. With core funding estimated to be £5,079,839 and no payment form the collection fund, the total amount due from the Council taxpayers will be £8,212,761.
Taking these changes into consideration, the council tax for 2024/25 will be £185.86 per Band D property. This represents an increase of £5.40 per year from the Council tax set for 2023/24 and is within the 2.99% referendum threshold set by the Government.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/01/2024
Decision due: 5 Feb 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Policy & Resources
Lead director: Assistant Chief Executive Officer
Contact: Neil Wood Email:
Background Papers: None