To provide the Executive with an overview of the potential opportunity for the Council to be involved as the Registered Provider of affordable housing at Welborne Garden Village, how that involvement might work, and broad financial and operational considerations associated with the potential opportunity.
Welborne Garden Village will deliver 6,000 new homes. In accordance with the S106 for the outline planning approval, a minimum of 600 homes will be affordable (a mix of Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership), with the potential for a total of 1,800 affordable homes (subject to viability).
On 09 October 2023 the Executive agreed the principle of further investigation and due diligence around the potential for Fareham Borough Council to be involved in the ownership and management of the affordable homes at Welborne, and for funding to be made available to seek appropriate advice on the matter.
Consultancy advice has now been obtained which highlights the positives and risks of potential models. This advice highlights that the initially proposed Joint Venture approach is unlikely to be attractive for the Council, and although other models for Council involvement could be more favourable, they would need to be considered in the wider context of risk, appetite and benefit.
The report explains why it is not considered appropriate for the Council to enter into the proposed Joint Venture approach for the ownership and management of the affordable homes at Welborne, but that alternative models might (subject to further legal and financial considerations) still offer some potential.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Decision due: 18 Mar 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Housing
Lead director: Director of Housing
Contact: Robyn Lyons, Director of Housing Email:
Background Papers: None