To advise Members of the implications for the Council’s waste collection and recycling services of the Government’s proposals to require all waste collection authorities across England and Wales to collect the same materials for recycling, known as “Simpler Recycling”.
The Environment Act 2021 and the imminent Simpler Recycling Regulations will require the Council to collect food waste weekly, extend the range of dry mixed recyclables collected and collect glass from the kerbside by 31 March 2026.
Additional staff and vehicles will be required for food waste collections and a decision is required as to whether kerbside glass will be collected in with dry mixed recyclables or separately.
The increased capital and revenue costs of collecting food waste will be covered by additional New Burdens funding from the Government. There is also the opportunity to increase the Council’s trade waste services.
Further reports will be forthcoming on the detailed proposals in due course.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/02/2024
Decision due: 4 Mar 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Streetscene
Lead director: Director of Neighbourhoods
Contact: Sarah Ward, Director of Neighbourhoods Email:
Background Papers: None