To seek Executive approval for the draft Fareham Housing Mutual Exchange Policy to go forward for consultation.
Under Part IV of the Housing Act 1985, all eligible tenants of social housing have the right to exchange their tenancies with one another. This is referred to as ‘mutual exchange’.
The draft Mutual Exchange Policy provides comprehensive information regarding the mutual exchange process, the background and relevant legislation, including the recent changes made by the Regulator of Social Housing.
This updates the information already outlined on the Council’s webpages.
A period of 6 weeks public consultation will be undertaken on the draft Policy before it returns to Executive for formal adoption.
At its meeting of 27 June 2024, the Housing Scrutiny Panel considered the Policy and no comments or suggestions were made.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/05/2024
Decision due: 15 Jul 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Housing
Lead director: Director of Housing
Contact: Fleur Allaway Email:
Fareham Borough Council social housing tenants.
Background Papers: None