To review the Self and Custom Build Housing Action Plan and the Council’s next steps in relation to the approach to planning for self and custom build housing.
The Council adopted its Self and Custom House Building Action Plan in 2018. The Action Plan set out actions to support the Council’s objective to ‘positively influence or help secure development opportunities where we can support individuals or organisations in our local communities to deliver high quality self-build or custom-build homes to meet demand in the Borough’. In the action plan the Council committed to review the progress of the actions to ensure that progress is being made in meeting the objective.
A review of the action plan has been undertaken to assess the progress made to date in supporting the delivery of self and custom build homes and to establish whether the original actions identified are proving successful in supporting the Council’s objectives. In particular, the review considers what further steps the Council can take in supporting the delivery of self and custom build homes to facilitate delivery.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/05/2024
Decision due: 1 Jul 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Planning and Development
Lead director: Director of Planning and Regeneration
Contact: Pete Drake Email:
Background Papers: None