Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To advise the Executive of sites in the Council’s ownership which are actively being considered for the provision of new affordable housing.
The Council has a corporate objective to enable the delivery of 500 new affordable homes by 2017.
A number of sites in the Council’s ownership have been identified as suitable for the development of new affordable homes. Officers are currently investigating the potential of these sites and preparing detailed development proposals for consideration.
The purpose of this report is to inform the Executive of those sites and to seek approval to serve notice on any tenants within the potential development sites to maintain the entirety of the site(s) whilst detailed development proposals are prepared for consultation. By serving notice, the Council will be restricting the tenant’s opportunity to exercise their Right to Buy any properties within the proposed development area whilst detailed development proposals are prepared and brought forward for consideration.
That the Executive agrees to:
a) note the list of Council owned sites currently being considered for the delivery of new affordable housing, subject to the inclusion of Privett Road;
b) authorise the Director of Community to serve notice preventing the sale via the Right to Buy of all existing dwellings situated within the potential development sites listed in this report for a period of up to 5 years; and
c) grant permission for detailed feasibility work to be undertaken and for planning applications to be submitted as / when proposals have been finalised.
Report author: Ed Till
Publication date: 09/04/2014
Date of decision: 07/04/2014
Decided at meeting: 07/04/2014 - Executive
Effective from: 19/04/2014
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