Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report seeks Executive consideration and approval of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) First Review Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule for consultation in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).
The Community Infrastructure Levy was first introduced by Fareham Borough Council in May 2013. A commitment was provided at that time to review the Borough’s CIL rates once the infrastructure planning and viability evidence to support the Welborne Plan was complete to ensure that rates applicable at Welborne would be appropriate and would not threaten the viability of that strategic development.
Consultation on a Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule is the first stage in the review of the Borough’s CIL and is required by the legislation. The production of the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule has been based on evidence gathering, including updating the economic viability assessment undertaken in support of the current CIL and drawing on updated known infrastructure requirements, costs and funding streams, including those produced to support the Welborne Plan.
The revised Community Infrastructure Levy rates proposed in the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule are as follows:
· Any development at Welborne : £0 / m2 (Please note: Whilst a zero rate/£0 is proposed at Welborne, s106 agreements/planning obligations will be used to secure satisfactory development and deliver essential infrastructure, including the delivery of affordable housing.)
· Residential (1-4 units): £185 / m2
· Residential (5+ units): £120 / m2
· ‘Extra Care’ to meet housing needs which require public subsidy: £0 / m2
· Hotels: £35 / m2
· Care homes for the elderly: £35 / m2
· Retail:
o Comparison retail[1] (out of town): £35 / m2
o Comparison retail (in-town): £0 / m2
o Convenience retail[2] (500m2 or more): £140 / m2
o Convenience retail (499m2 or less): £75 / m2
· Standard Charge (applies to all development not separately defined for example: offices, warehouses, leisure, education): £0 / m2
[1] A convenience unit is a shop or store selling mainly everyday essential items, including food, drinks, newspapers/magazines and confectionary.
[2] A comparison unit is a shop or store selling mainly goods which are not everyday essential items. Such items include clothing, footwear, household and recreational goods.
(a) the First Review Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule consultation document (as set out at Appendix A) be approved for a six week consultation period in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended);
(b) the Director of Planning and Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Environment, be authorised to make any necessary minor changes to the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule consultation document prior to publication for consultation; and
(c) the proposed timetable for the review of CIL, set out in the accompanying Executive Briefing Paper, be approved.
Report author: Richard Jolley
Publication date: 04/06/2014
Date of decision: 02/06/2014
Decided at meeting: 02/06/2014 - Executive
Effective from: 14/06/2014
Accompanying Documents: