This report seeks final confirmation of the recommendations to be made to Council, on 26 February 2021, in respect of the revenue budget, capital programme and council tax for 2021/22.
On 04 January 2021, the Executive reviewed the Council’s overall finance strategy and considered proposals relating to the capital programme, revenue budgets and the council tax for 2021/22. The report updates the Council’s budgets to reflect the decisions taken on 04 January 2021.
The capital programme for the years 202/21 to 2024/25 will be £53,902,000.
The revenue budget for 2021/22 will be £10,271,900. With retained business rates and grants estimated to be £2,731,105 and a surplus from the collection fund of £84,393, the total amount due from the council tax payers will be £7,456,402.
Taking these changes into consideration, the council tax for 2021/22 will be £170.22 per band D property. This represents an increase from the council tax set for 2020/21 but would be within the referendum limit set by the Government.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/12/2020
Decision due: 1 Feb 2021 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Policy & Resources
Lead director: Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Contact: Neil Wood Email:
Background Papers: Budget documentation