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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of Executive held on 3 December 2012.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 3 December 2012 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Executive Leader's Announcements


There were no announcements given by the Executive Leader.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct.


The Executive Leader confirmed that the Monitoring Officer had granted a dispensation to all Members to enable discussion and a decision to be taken at item 10(3) - Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2013/14.




There were no petitions presented for this meeting.



To receive any deputations, of which notice has been lodged.


The Executive received a deputation from Mr Nigel Worwood in relation to Item 10(4) - Disposal of Land Adjoining 268 Brook Lane and was thanked accordingly (see minute 10(4) below).


The Chairman agreed to bring that item for consideration forward on the agenda.


Minutes / References from Other Committees

To receive any reference from the committees or panels held.


The Executive received a motion referred to it from the Council meeting held on 13 December 2012 (Minute 14 (1)):


"The Council considered the following motion by Councillor Gregory:

I would like to request support from all Councillors to implement a review of this Local authorities current Safeguarding Policy.


After speaking to this Borough’s CPO (the Lead Officer for Child Protection), I feel that our current Policy does not go far enough in safeguarding all the vulnerable sectors of our communities. I fully understand that the current Policy meets all current Government guidelines; however it is mostly based around Children and young adults.


I request that this Local Authority’s Safeguard Policy covers all the vulnerable population of this Borough, i.e. our children, young Adults, elderly, disabled and those who suffer with Mental or Health problems.


This will give assurances to all residents, especially those from the most vulnerable sectors of our commitment for safeguarding them.


This review, I feel, will not just safeguard the most vulnerable sectors of our Borough but also the members of this Authority in carrying out their duties."


The Executive AGREED to refer the motion to the Scrutiny Board inviting their comments on the proposed new safeguarding policy before the policy is considered by the Executive.



Leisure and Community

To consider and reach a decision on the following.

Key Decision Notice


Localism Act 2011 - Assets of Community Value

A report by the Director of Community.


RESOLVED that the draft procedure at Appendix A to the report is approved and published on the Council's website.

Non-Key Decision


Fareham Park Project - A Corporate Priority pdf icon PDF 2 MB

A report by the Director of Community.




(a)  The Executive agrees to establish a Member and Officer Steering Group (as detailed in Appendix C) to oversee the delivery of the Fareham Park Project.

(b)  SkillForce be added to the list of other agencies to be invited, as at Appendix C to the report.

(c)  The Executive approves the Terms of Reference for the Member and Officer Steering Group (as set out in Appendix D).

(d)  The Executive Member for Leisure and Community be delegated authority to approve expenditure totalling up to £20,000 on projects which help to improve skills and/or reduce deprivation in the Fareham Park Area.

(e)  The Executive agrees to fund a 3 year Project Officer post to support the Members and Officers Steering Group in the delivery of this project.

(f)   The Executive will receive regular project progress reports.


Strategic Planning and Environment

To consider and reach a decision on the following matters:

Non-Key Decisions


Draft Development Sites and Policies Plan: Further Consultation on Policy for Solent Breezes

A report by the Director of Planning and Environment.


RESOLVED that the draft policy for Solent Breezes, as set out at Appendix A to this report, be published for a 4-week period of targeted public consultation.


Titchfield Conservation Area Character Appraisal & Management Strategy

A report by the Director of Planning and Environment.




(a)       The Titchfield Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Strategy, as set out in Appendix A to the report (xpt-130107-r07-mfr refers), be adopted as evidence in support of the Fareham Borough Local Plan Review (June 2000), the policies contained within the Fareham Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and the emerging policies of the Fareham Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites & Policies;

(b)       The Executive supports the preparation of an article 4 direction, as recommended in the character appraisal document. Delegated authority was granted by the Executive to the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Environment in July 2010 to make article 4 directions in accordance with the provisions of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (England) Order 2010 and this proposal will be the subject of a further detailed report; and

(c)       Delegated authority is granted to the Director of Planning and Environment in consultation with the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Environment to make minor factual and formatting alterations prior to publication of the adopted document.


New Community North of Fareham: Design Code Programme

A report by the Director of Planning and Environment.




(a)  the Executive agree the preparation of a Design Code for the New Community North of Fareham;

(b)  the Design Member Working Group be tasked with overseeing the process of preparing the NCNF Design Code which will include agreeing the programme and consultation process;

(c)  the terms of reference for the Design Member Working Group as set out at paragraph 13 of the report be approved.


Collective Energy Switching

A report by the Director of Planning and Environment.


RESOLVED that the Executive supports Fareham Borough Council's involvement in a County wide Collective Energy Switching project.


Consultation on Planning Performance and the Planning Guarantee pdf icon PDF 198 KB

A report by the Director of Planning and Environment.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Executive agrees the Council's response to the government consultation on 'Planning Performance and the Planning Guarantee' as set out in Appendix B to the report.


Policy Strategy and Finance

To consider and reach a decision on the following matters:

Key Decisions


Finance Strategy, Capital Programme, Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 325 KB

A report by the Director of Finance and Resources




(a)  the capital programme for the period 2011/12 - 2015/16, amounting to £19,903,000 be approved;

(b)  the revised 2012/13 general fund budget, amounting to £10,458,500 be approved;

(c)  the base 2013/14 general fund revenue budget amounting to £9,675,200 be approved;

(d)  the Executive recommends to Council that authority to calculate the Non-domestic rate baseline for 2013/14 and subsequent years be delegated to the Director of Finance and Resources.


Commercial Property Investment Acquisition Strategy

A report by the Director of Finance and Resources




(a)  agreed to the principle of a programme of investment in commercial property and adopt the draft Commercial Property Investment Acquisition Strategy attached as Appendix A to the report;

(b)  agreed £3 million as an appropriate amount for initial investment to fund a commercial property investment acquisition programme;

(c)  delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Resources, following consultation with the Executive Leader, to submit offers for Commercial Property Investments in accordance with the criteria set out in the Commercial Property Investment Acquisition Strategy with details of successful acquisitions being included in the periodic financial monitoring reports proposed to be reported to the Executive in paragraph e) below;

(d)  agreed to the engagement of Hellier Langston, Chartered Surveyors under the terms of the framework agreement recently put in place, to work with officers to identify suitable commercial property investments in accordance with the criteria set out in the draft Commercial Property Investment Acquisition Strategy and as required act on the Council's behalf to negotiate acquisitions; and

(e)  requested officers to design a performance measurement framework to actively manage the portfolio, to be included in the periodic financial monitoring reports to Executive.


Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 335 KB

A report by the Director of Finance and Resources

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Executive agreed:


(a)  to approve the final Council Tax Support scheme, as set out in the report;

(b)  to introduce transitional protection arrangements for 2013/14 as set out in paragraphs 19-22 of the report, which offer additional financial support to claimants, meet the minimum Government criteria and enable the Council to apply for Transition Grant;

(c)  to fund the net shortfall of the transitional arrangements (estimated to be £18,000 for Fareham Borough Council), from the budget allocated to the Hardship Fund in 2013/14;

(d)  to approve the local discounts, exemptions and premiums for second homes and empty properties within the Borough;

(e)  to recommend the final scheme to Full Council for adoption; and

(f)   that delegated authority be given to The Director of Finance and Resources to make any necessary minor amendments, and to publish the final scheme prior to 1st April 2013.

Non-Key Decision


Disposal of Land Adjoining 268 Brook Lane

A report by the Director of Finance and Resources


The comments of the Deputee were taken into account during consideration of this item (see minute 6 above).


At the invitation of the Executive Leader, Councillor Mrs M E Ellerton addressed the Executive on this item.


Following a debate on the matter, an amended recommendation was proposed and duly seconded to leave the current licence arrangements in place and therefore not dispose of the land. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED (5 Executive Members voting for, 1 against).

RESOLVED that the land is not disposed of, thus allowing the existing licence arrangements to continue.




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