Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor I J Bastable, Executive Member for Streetscene. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 08 January 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 08 January 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Executive Leader's Announcements Minutes: There were no Executive Leader announcements. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. |
Petitions Minutes: There were no petitions submitted at this meeting. |
Deputations To receive any deputations, of which notice has been lodged. Minutes: There were no deputations made at this meeting. |
References from Other Committees To receive any references from the committees or panels held. Minutes: Planning & Development Scrutiny Panel - 31 January 2024
Minute 6: Affordable Housing SPD for Consultation
The Panel received an Executive report on the Council’s Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which is to be considered by the Executive on the 05 February 2024. Both the Executive report and SPD have been developed collaboratively by both the Planning and Fareham Housing Departments. Officers from the Planning Strategy and Fareham Housing presented the report and supporting presentation to Members. A copy of the presentation is appended to these Minutes.
The Chairman invited Councillor Mrs K Mandry to join the discussion on this item as Chairman of the Housing Scrutiny Panel. Councillors Mrs C Hockley and R Bird also joined in discussions on this item.
Members from both the Planning and Development and Housing Scrutiny Panels took part in a lengthy discussion covering many different areas of the draft Affordable Housing SPD. The key topics were around the design and parking elements of development schemes and how the SPD can help to assist applicants from an early stage to create affordable housing where community integration is paramount. Officers explained that although each site is different the SPD hopes to provide clarity on the Council’s requirements, setting out clear and transparent expectations to assist applications through the planning process and help deliver affordable housing across the Borough.
Members from both Panels were very complementary of the draft Affordable Housing SPD and ask that the Executive approve the document for public consultation.
RESOLVED that the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel:-
(a) notes the contents of the Executive Report; and
(b) asks that the Executive approve the document for public consultation at their meeting on the 05 February 2024.
This item was considered at item 9(2) on the agenda.
Policy & Resources Scrutiny Panel - 22 January 2024
Minute 6: Housing Revenue Account Budget and Capital Plans 2024/25
The Panel considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive Officer on the Housing Revenue Account Budget (HRA) and Capital Plans for 2024-25.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor R Bird addressed the Panel on this item.
Councillor Bird asked questions in respect of void properties and commented on the recent progress made on decreasing the void turnaround times as part of the Opportunities Plan. He expressed a desire for the figure to continue to decrease in line with the national average of 25 days. This would result in more income generation into the HRA through rental income and reduced council tax costs.
Members also touched on the work of the empty homes strategy and enquired as to whether the upfront costs of an empty homes management order could be funded from the HRA. The Finance Manager addressed the Panel to confirm that any initial outlay would be from the General Fund, but there would be financial costs to the HRA if a property was purchased and transferred to the HRA.
RESOLVED that the Panel recommends that the Executive endorses the recommendations contained within the report being presented to the Executive at its meeting on 5 February 2024.
This item was considered at item 10(2) on the agenda.
Minute 9: Finance Strategy, Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2024/25
The Panel considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive Officer on the Finance Strategy, Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2024-25.
Members expressed their frustration at the governments cap of 2.99% increase in Council Tax given the funding cuts that local authorities are receiving from central government but were pleased to hear that there had been some core funding allocated to the Council in the provisional financial settlement.
RESOLVED that the Panel recommends that the Executive endorses the recommendations as set out the report for the Executive at its meeting on 5 February.
This item was considered at item 10(1) on the agenda.
Housing |
Fareham Housing Responsive Repairs Framework Contract Extension PDF 122 KB A report by the Director of Housing. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that authority be delegated to the Director of Housing, following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing to enter into an extension of the existing Responsive Repairs Contracts with the respective suppliers, for a period of up to 12 months. |
Planning and Development |
Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document PDF 155 KB A report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) adopts the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document as set out in Appendix B to the report with effect from 20 February 2024;
(b) approves the publication of the Companion Cost Schedule as set out at Appendix C to this report alongside the SPD;
(c) delegates authority to the Director of Planning and Regeneration to review and update the Companion Cost Schedule on an annual basis as necessary;
(d) delegates authority to the Director of Planning and Regeneration, following consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Development to make any minor amendments to the document following consideration by the Executive prior to the adoption; and
(e) agrees that the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (excluding Welborne) adopted in April 2016, be superseded on 20 February 2024. |
Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document for Consultation PDF 114 KB A report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration. Additional documents:
Minutes: The comments of the Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel were taken into account in considering this item.
RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) approves the Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document as set out in Appendix A to the report, for public consultation for a six-week period; and
(b) agrees to delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Regeneration, following consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Development, to make any minor amendments to the document prior to the consultation.
Policy and Resources |
Finance Strategy, Capital Programme, Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2024/25 PDF 184 KB A report by the Assistant Chief Executive Officer. Minutes: The comments of the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel were taken into account in considering this item.
RESOLVED that the Executive approves and recommends to the meeting of the Council to be held on 23 February 2024:
(a) the capital programme and financing of £58,678,500;
(b) an overall revised net revenue budget for 2023/24 of £12,376,100;
(c) a net revenue budget for 2024/25 of £13,292,600;
(d) a council tax for Fareham Borough Council for 2024/25 of £185.86 per band D property, which represents a £5.40 per year increase when compared to the current year and is within referendum limits;
(e) an unchanged Council Tax Support scheme for 2024/25; and
(f) that the Council continues to disregard the whole of any incomes prescribed in the Housing Benefit (War Pensions Disregards) Regulations 2007 and the Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Prescribed Requirements) (England) Regulations 2012. |
Housing Revenue Account 2024/25 PDF 194 KB A report by the Assistant Chief Executive Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: The comments of the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel were taken into account in considering this item.
RESOLVED that the Executive approves and recommends to the meeting of the Council to be held on 23 February 2024 that:
(a) rents be approved for Council Dwellings as set out in paragraph 27 of the report with effect from 01 April 2024;
(b) rents for Council garages be increase by 7.7% with effect from 01 April 2024;
(c) the revised budget for 2023/24 be approved;
(d) the base budget for 2024/25 be approved; and
(e) the Fees and Service Charges at Appendix E to the report be approved |
Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25 PDF 83 KB A report by the Chief Executive Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the Executive:
(a) endorses the draft Treasury Management Strategy and Investment Strategy for 2024/25, as attached at Appendix A to the report; and
(b) agrees to submit the Strategy to Council for approval. |
Exclusion of Public and Press To consider whether it is in the public interest to exclude the public and representatives of the Press from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that the matters to be dealt with involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: RESOLVED that it is in the public interest to exclude the public and representatives of the Press from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that the matters to be dealt with involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Paragraphs 1 & 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Policy and Resources |
Irrecoverable Debts
A report by the Head of Finance and Audit. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Executive agrees that the debts listed in the confidential Appendix A to the report, be written off as irrecoverable. |