Since 1992, the Solent Forum has provided a platform to deliver Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Solent sub-region of the South East. It operates at a strategic coastal management level, providing a network for closer working relationships, information dissemination and discussion of topical coastal issues.
The Solent Forum website ( contains information on the nature and work on the Solent Forum. From it you can find details of the Forum’s members, learn about the Forum’s current work and view news and events from around the Solent and the UK. You can also download the bi-annual newsletter.
Meets: Two times per year, plus the conference
Status: 1 Representative (non-voting) & 1 Deputy
Kate Ansell or Karen McHugh
Solent Forum
c/o Hampshire County Council
Economy, Transport & Environment Dept
The Castle, Winchester
SO23 8UD
Phone: 01962 846027